water retention despite drinking water

last week i was 11st 10lb, this week ive gone up a pound. i had one pig out day but the rest of the week ive been active and eating healthy. i went on two 9k runs this week plus ive been walking everywhere and drinking water but yet im a pound heavier. i eat everything in moderation and i dont exceed 2000 calories. i still dont get how ive put on a pound as i feel like my stomach has shrunk and i feel i cant eat as much as i used to. plus i drank six big glasses of the water yesterday evening so i should have gotten rid of the water.


  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    last week i was 11st 10lb, this week ive gone up a pound. i had one pig out day but the rest of the week ive been active and eating healthy. i went on two 9k runs this week plus ive been walking everywhere and drinking water but yet im a pound heavier. i eat everything in moderation and i dont exceed 2000 calories. i still dont get how ive put on a pound as i feel like my stomach has shrunk and i feel i cant eat as much as i used to. plus i drank six big glasses of the water yesterday evening so i should have gotten rid of the water.

    Rule # 1. Weight loss is not linear.
    Rule # 2. Please see Rule # 1.

    You will retain water, you will pee/sweat it out.
    Stop worrying, you're fine just let nature take it's course in its own time.
  • fitsporation96

    How many carbs are you eating? this could be from eating little carbs to jumping up to a larger amount, I was eating around 175g carbs and not losing weight and now I am eating 130-150g and I have lost 2 pounds this week.
  • cherrikim
    cherrikim Posts: 57 Member
    Watch your sodium & fiber levels & eat more foods that release water i.e. watermelon, lemon, celery, Asparagus. No carbonated drinks & get plenty of exercise. If you drank a lot of water last night then that's what's probably showing up on the scale. Don't weigh yourself more than weekly or bi-weekly it can get discouraging.
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    Watch your sodium & fiber levels & eat more foods that release water i.e. watermelon, lemon, celery, Asparagus. No carbonated drinks & get plenty of exercise. If you drank a lot of water last night then that's what's probably showing up on the scale. Don't weigh yourself more than weekly or bi-weekly it can get discouraging.

    I completely disagree with the thought of weighing yourself only weekly or bi-weekly, I weigh everyday and it has given me a great insight as to how my body decides it's going to get rid of weight no matter what I do. If I had only weighed weekly or less I wouldn't understand that my body holds onto weight/water then with no rhyme or reason dumps about 2lbs in 2 days. The understanding I have due to weighing every day has helped me immensely!

    Also a note to the OP, don't rely only on the scale, start taking body measurements every week preferable on the same day etc, while you may not see the scale move you will probably see your measurements change for the better. Good Luck!
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    Where are you in your cycle?
  • violasmith85
    violasmith85 Posts: 274 Member
    I went up 3 pounds this past week. Today I weighed in and was back down to what I was before. It's up and down, look at the trend not what you weigh today. Is it trending downward? If so you're fine.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Body fluctuations are normal and should be expected. It could be water weight due to an increase amount of sodium, bowels, or a host of other reasons. If you plan has been working prior to the one pound gain then keep at it and your body will catch up.
  • Maryam2014mfp
    I just had a good discussion about this with my doctor on Tuesday. She said I have to drink at least 8 cups of water a day PLUS it doesn't impact things in just a few days, it has to be long term. TODAY, I am starting to drink at least 8 cups of water (at least 4 water bottles that hold 500 ml) a day. I'm going to try this for two weeks and see what happens. It is something we are supposed to do indefinitely; but I am hoping I will see some result in a few weeks. So I'm preparing myself to see the scales go up over these next days. I'm not sure if two weeks is enough time to see results when I have had chronic water retention; but I'm hoping it will. Maybe you will try the same. Take care.