How long did it take you?



  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    So, you really are only looking to lose 31 by end of november? That sounds more reasonable, but I still don't think you should put an end date on it,

    I need to lose 35 to be at my goal and have lost 65 lbs. So 35 by end of novemeber would be great but Im thinking more realistically and thinking 30 sounds better. Really Im just happy for any lose just kinda wishing it wouldnt be so slow lol but I know Its not easy and I didnt gain the weight over night. Actually I gained it over 9 months lol then kept it on for 5 years.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    thanx everyone for the replies.

    I know everyone's different. I was just curious as to what time frame I could possibly expect. On another website I was using for weightloss it said that by end of november I should reach my goal. That at first seemed sensable but then I started to think wow that isnt much time at all. Im not as hardcore at this as others are so I think my slow down of 1 lb average a week is nice. I have to remember that good things are worth waiting for right? lol

    without knowing your specifics, I'd say 70 in just over 4 months sounds a bit too fast to me. I'd say maybe by February, or late janurary. Remember, as you approach your goal, the loss will probably slow considerably.

    Oh I have lost 31 so I need to lose another 35 to be at the first goal and thats what the other site said I would be at by november. It seems off to me as well. At a lb a week I would have only lost 30 more lbs which I would be happy with.

    I don't know what calendar you're using because on mine there are only 14 more weeks until November. :wink: So, at 1 pound per week, you'll lose 14 pounds by November 3 which is still pretty rad!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    thanx everyone for the replies.

    I know everyone's different. I was just curious as to what time frame I could possibly expect. On another website I was using for weightloss it said that by end of november I should reach my goal. That at first seemed sensable but then I started to think wow that isnt much time at all. Im not as hardcore at this as others are so I think my slow down of 1 lb average a week is nice. I have to remember that good things are worth waiting for right? lol

    without knowing your specifics, I'd say 70 in just over 4 months sounds a bit too fast to me. I'd say maybe by February, or late janurary. Remember, as you approach your goal, the loss will probably slow considerably.

    Oh I have lost 31 so I need to lose another 35 to be at the first goal and thats what the other site said I would be at by november. It seems off to me as well. At a lb a week I would have only lost 30 more lbs which I would be happy with.

    I don't know what calendar you're using because on mine there are only 14 more weeks until November. :wink: So, at 1 pound per week, you'll lose 14 pounds by November 3 which is still pretty rad!

    end of november but yea IM sure im off lol I was just going off the top of my head and now that i think about it I was thinking 10 lbs a month WOOO hahaha yea I was off by alot. In my defence I had children yelling behind me and asking me to make dinner. hehe
  • lisanxd
    lisanxd Posts: 93
    I have lost 40lbs. and it's taken me since the end of September. I feel like it's taken a while, but it's more of a lifestyle change and the length has allowed me to better make modifications.
  • mrsw510
    mrsw510 Posts: 169
    It has taken me 6 months to lose the 56 lbs I have lost. I don't know because there is a lot I can't account for at the moment but I am guessing it will take me at least 2 more months to reach 70 lbs lost. I am hoping to have lost 102lbs (my total goal) by Feb. ( thats when I started)
  • So far I have lost 34 lbs since June 6...It all depends on your current size and your daily routine..I'm going for 100lbs by Jan 1..So 30 lbs by november which is 3 months sounds totally due-able just remember that if you dont make it its not the end of the world and you did great
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  • kj2876
    kj2876 Posts: 1
    I just started my fitness pal today actually! I am excited about it and I know it will be a big comittment! Is it possible to lose 20-30 lbs. in 7 months? My sister is getting married in September and I want to be down at least 20lbs as I am her matron of honer! Any food advice, tips or suggestions would be so great:) Thanks...Kristin
  • mandiex0
    mandiex0 Posts: 174
    hi hunny, just wanted to let you know that i know EXACTLY how you feel. it took me 4 months to loose 30 pounds, but when i look in the mirror, i still see the same fat girl i did 4 months ago. although i do see changes in pictures, i wonder why i dont see them in the mirror. give it time, thats what everyone tells me. if you see the numbers going down on the scale, then you know your doing a good job. i know how you feel, its very upsetting and frustrating. i hope i wake up one morning soon and go WOW i finally see a change. if you wanna talk, email me. -

  • It took me 11 months to lose 83 pounds.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I lost 73 pounds in 15 weeks. Friend me!
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