Need some motivation right now

My son had a terrible asthma attack Friday morning that sent us to the the emergency room. He is 8, and it was the worst one he has ever had. I really was afraid I was losing him.

Then our neighborhood is being hit with a group of people who are breaking into homes. Even with people there.

I haven't worked out for 2 days, have no desire to but have stayed under my calorie goal. Im just stressed and want to stress eat so bad. Although yesterday I are a bunch of hummus, pita chips and made a Malibu rum smoothie I never accounted for on here.

Just needed to get that off my chest. I need to pull myself together.


  • DanaLash
    DanaLash Posts: 59 Member
    UGH! That is awful! Your poor son! And poor mama! My son has respiratory issues too and NOTHING is scarier than them saying, "Mom, I can't breathe." That is absolutely terrifying. And being helpless as a mother is the worst. I wish I could give you a big fat hug. I hope he is ok now. Respiratory issues are scary and so tricky. You never know when they are gonna show up and how severe they will be.

    My husband is a cop, so I'm familiar with the frustration of b&e crimes. How annoying that your neighborhood is being violated by these idiots. Have you requested a stronger police presence in your area until these jerks are caught? Are people leaving lights on? Do you have pets?

    Don't judge yourself too harshly. A bad day or two isn't going to cancel out all the great progress you've made. You'll get right back on track. Your son is the most important thing. Even before fitness. Just think of how many calories you burned running around at the ER freaking out! You've got this. I know you do. Keep your head up, Mama. :)
  • mrsbunbunbun
    mrsbunbunbun Posts: 49 Member
    Stress can be killer, but it's also a normal part of life. Skipping a couple workouts is not the end of the world (in my book), I would just go back into yesterday's food and log the stuff I didn't want to admit to at the time! You might feel better about getting it entered in, and then you see where you honestly are for the week. I have been amazed at times when I thought I was going crazy overboard to see that the damage really wasn't that bad. :p

    That said, try to push yourself to do something you feel like, even if it's not your regular workout. Maybe just going for a walk in the fresh air or taking your son to the park or riding bikes... something that sounds like fun that won't feel like work. You will be feeling more like yourself and ready to tackle your workouts again in no time! ;)
  • TaykeNOPrisonrs
    Keep strong! My uncle recently suffered a severe asthma attack, and his future hangs in the balance as well. He and I are only a few years apart in age, so he was more like a big brother to me. Not nearly the same connection as a mother and son, but I have an idea of what you and your family are going through. Times like this, using exercise helps me get my mind off things, and the feelings of accomplishment I get from doing my workouts give a temporary high. I'll keep your son and your whole family in my prayers.
  • gail1961
    gail1961 Posts: 111 Member
    You have been doing great and lost 14 pounds! Yay you! You had a really crappy day and deserve a break. Take care of yourself and your son. Tomorrow is a new day and you will get back on track. We all need a break once in a while.
    Give youself a day and don't stress. take care!
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    I hope your son is feeling better and breathing easier now.

    I also would be very anxious if there were home invasion burglaries going on in my neighborhood! As a single, older woman it's something I worry about in a general way but you have a specific threat going on there. That's scary stuff!! As is watching your son struggle for breath. No wonder you are feeling stressed!

    Keep coming back and logging your food, even if it does go over your goal for the day. Treat yourself gently and don't beat yourself up over this. That will just add to the stress.

    I see my experience here as using the tools here to educate myself and change my relationship with food, but it's a process. We can't expect to change our eating behaviors, including our response to stress, right out of the gate. You can use your diary down the road, when things are calmer, to do some self-evaluation about how you eat when you are stressed. It may be illuminating.

    Does your living situation allow for a big dog? They do provide some peace of mind.
  • chezwhat
    chezwhat Posts: 11 Member
    ABSOLUTELY be patient with yourself! If you can't cut yourself some slack when things are as stressful as what you're dealing with right now the program will be too difficult to maintain, and you don't want to quit when you're making such good progress! I totally agree with DanaLash...

    I'm a stress eater, too, but make myself enter all my calories, even when it's three times (okay, that only happened once) my daily calorie goal. Those numbers are mine, so I'm going to own them, forgive myself, and just know that I'll settle back into my routine again. Maybe that approach would work for you.

    Asthma is very, very scary. I'm so sorry you and your son went through this, and hope you're both feeling MUCH better VERY soon! Hang in there--your Fitness Pals are pulling for you!