Hello. Is there anyone else out there who has a problem with



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I could easily eat a bag of "fun-sized" candy bars in a day, especially when my depression gets out of hand. After Halloween when my cat died... I was a wreck for over a month.

    One thing that got me to stop eating sweets so much was to look at the calorie count, and what a serving really is. One packet of M&Ms is 230 calories. One Quaker chocolate & peanut butter chip granola bar is 90 calories. I'm going to feel more satisfied after the granola bar than the M&Ms. The M&Ms will just make me want MORE M&Ms!
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    I am ashamed to say that I can get out of control with sweets especially chocolate. This week I had made chocolate chip pancakes for the kids and needless to say I was hitting up the chocolate chips afterwards. I logged my calories. I know chocolate is not something I will ever be able to do without but I need to learn how to control my portions. I am the only one who pays for my overindulgence. I have also bought sugar free pudding to help with my sweet cravings. I have contemplated gastric but am afraid that with my eating habits i will have the surgery and either not lose the weight or gain it back. Good luck! I know it is a challenge.
  • Thinwithin2010
    Thinwithin2010 Posts: 166 Member
    Hi Honey.. So having admitted that you overeat because food "TASTES NICE" it shows you didnt need it or really want it but it is the sensation and the way it feels on your tongue The way it feels good as you swallow and how your brain feels when you reach for that next bite..Possibly?? I have this problem.. I althought have not learned soon enough before all the damage I did to my body.. It really is a sensation,, not with every food but usually the bad ones.. I feel myself that having any surgery is not really treating the problem. If it feels nice then to me that is a thing in the brain and lack of control is my fault. I read alot about this and have a mother in law who had lapband. She was ok at first but it did not teach her self control or cure the brain issues like boredom, being lonely, or her addiction to sweets.. So after not being able to lose weight after a year she wanted it out.. Sad thing was insurance paid to put it in but won't to get it out.. I feel for her.. If there is a Lasagna in my fridge I can lay in bed at night, not at all hungry and it will haunt me until I go down to have some.. I need to be stronger and work on replacing bad thoughts with good ones.. Just my thoughts here... So if you wish to have a surgery I so wish you luck, but I myself think there is more to deal with after the surgery... Best Wishes!:drinker:
  • FitRodr
    FitRodr Posts: 353 Member
    My husband is a true chocoholic! He has the metabolism of a hyper 10 yr old. That's not good for me. So, I cleaned out a cabinet that is hard to reach and put his snacks in there. I put my snacks in a different place. When I go to "my" cabinet, I have to make a choice. As soon as I eat it or while I am... I log it. I've only been on here for a week or so but I've seen this site work for many people. It's hard to take some things out of the house. Another idea, immediately when you get home from the store, put everything you can into portioned sized bags. This way as you open the bag to eat it, you are aware.

    My sister and my daughter-in-law had the lap band surgery. A year later they both stretched their stomachs out and it was all for not. After MANY attempts at yo-yo dieting I know that you have to hold yourself accountable and responsible. Log EVERYTHING!

    Sending good, strong thoughts your way. YOU! Can do this!
  • How many callories is that?
  • I never realized how much sugar I ate until I decided to start cutting my carbs. If you can do at least a week of low carb, you'll start to taste how much sugar is in the chocolate. Your craving will stop too. The first few days will be hard, but once your body gets used to it, it might not bother you as much. It's almost like detox.... Everything will start to taste TOO sugary and you might actually be disgusted with the amount of sugar you can taste.

    Russell Stover makes really good "sugar free" chocolates. It's one of the best sugar free things that you can have. Breyers also has a really good low carb chocolate ice cream.

    Hope that helps!

    Good luck! You can do it!
  • As a person who used to have a cutting issue, I think that it's safe to say that you might be dealing with a debilitating inner issue manifesting itself in a chocolate obsession, either eating feelings or ignoring them. Rather than going to a hypnotherapist perhaps try a regular therapist who can help you figure out where and when this issue began.

    I know that what i had going on sounds completely unrelated but when we sit down and try to evaluate WHY we have these urges (and when coming from negative feelings), then it's really not all that different. I wish you all the best. And I hope that this might help just a little. Let it simmer.
  • jayney25
    jayney25 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks ever so much. Sorry for big delay in response, I'm new to MFP but doing ok thanks to all this support.
  • I too have an issue with food. I believe that I am addicted to it. I know I shouldn't eat things but I just can't help myself. Driving home from work is the worst. All the fastfood joints I pass, it's pure torture to not "drive thru". i'm hoping I can find all the support and guidance I need on here, i am determined to do this!
  • jayney25
    jayney25 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks a whole bunch (I'm thinking bunch of salad leaves) for suggesting that. Yes it will work if I just don't have the stuff around to tempt me.
  • jayney25
    jayney25 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi there, sorry for late response. I used to go to drive through a lot too (I'd buy a happy meal "for my son" but he was only 6 months old, didn't have any teeth and wasn't eating mcdonalds for goodness sake!). I am the best excuse maker there is. But I just started keeping healthier snacks in my glovebox of the car. I've got some of those 9 bars (lots of seeds in them) and protein bars (with chocolate on them) which take ages to munch through. They're kind of like a meal in themselves. But it's also illegal to eat while driving here so that stops me eating burgers while driving (which I used to do all the time and not even enjoy them as much as if I was sitting down in a restaurant).

    You could try that (keeping something in your glovebox that takes ages to eat).
    All the best and just do drive by's now...not drive thru's ok?
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    jayney, you need to meet 3 criteria, I think, maybe check, but you have to be 100 lbs over weight and have a few more complications, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high tri glicerides, bad HDL, and LDL, and hypertension

    55 lbs isnt a whole lot.............Try the Ghiradelli 70 percent Cocoa...........its only 5 calories per drop, so 2 oz is like 125 calories.......and in moderation, helps lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol..........Good Luck ,Lloyd
  • jayney25
    jayney25 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for that. Wouldn't it be so easy if we all over ate stuff like vegetables and salads? But we always go for the processed stuff because it tastes to damn good. I stopped drinking fizzy drinks ages ago and found that once I'd stopped completely, I didn't crave them anymore. Hopefully it'll work with chocolate too. Thanks for your support.
  • jayney25
    jayney25 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks Lloyd, I've not heard of that but will try & look it up. I'm in the UK so it might not be available here yet....
    Thanks for your support!
  • jayney25
    jayney25 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks very very much, fantastic advice. Much appreciated.
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member

    Ya gotta lay off the chocolate. OK, everyone including the medi-pros say the same thing. But how do you go about doing it?

    Let me ask a question; what are you really after? I think that eating that much chocolate is a substitute (which is not working) for something. So, what do you want that you cannot get and that eating chocolate temporarily satisfies?

    I have the same sort of issue. The only difference is that with me, I wanted a manly-man diet made up primarily of steak, beans and potatoes and apple pie. If a little is good a lot is a whole lot better. So, that, in a nutshell, is how I got to be 100lbs overweight.

    What did I really want? an image of masculinity. I didn’t see myself as a man, I saw a fat guy so I ate manly meals and I just got fatter. It’s been going on all my life.

    What is different for me this time on this MFP diet plan?

    1. I'm logging everything,
    2. I'm praying to the Almighty for help
    3. I'm being open and transparent with my friends
    4. I'm being open and transparent to the folks on this site.

    I honestly believe that an overweight person can have all the weight loss surgeries in the world and it will not make a bit of difference until he or she answers the question, “What am I seeking?”

    I know a man who had most of his stomach surgically removed to lose weight but, if he does not get what he is after, he will not find peace. He even told me that he gained a bunch of weight back after the surgery!

    We all need help to get at the root of our food addiction problem. Whether its abuse or feeling unloved or feeling worthless and unlovable; having a bad self-image or, whatever it is, until we get at the underlying problem, we won't find what we seek.
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