Fishing general 470 calories burned??I question this!



  • Donnamaria68
    I fish, and to me it's the best cardio excersice I know.... I am all saltwater. So if i am not on a boat I walking a mile or so to get to my favorite spot, then it's the climbing down the hill/ stones... casting continuously, while trying to balance on the rock ( I call this my core training)... now if you catch a 30in blue or 28 in striper you have a pretty good workout there trying to reel it in... when your done, your climbing back up hills/stone with all your gear PLUS carrying fish.... now on the boat. your body is going through some workout while standing and dealing with the waves and again casting and fighting fish.... like i said i am all saltwater and I know I burn more calories fishing for 3 hours than I do one hour on a machine
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    Fishing is a contact sport with me...especially bankfishing. I can walk a couple miles per hour when i fish...
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    This is how I fish....It's totally >250 cals / hour.

  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    This is how I fish....It's totally >250 cals / hour.


    Me too. If I don't catch the fish with my bare hands, it isn't sporting.
  • qhfyn
    qhfyn Posts: 2
    Fishing is very high, but then again the science of being cold and calorie burn supports high burn if you are cold. If you are standing for 6 hours in your nicky nacky noos in waders - I can tell you from experience that you are burning huge amounts of calories keeping warm. I am not sure what sitting thigh deep in 2 degree water burns, but I would imagine it is a lot. I do however question passive fishing figures on the data base.

    Fly fishing, I can walk 4 miles across uneven ground and am always fighting the cold, so by my estimates being out for the day walking for 4 miles gets me roughly to 500 calories, keeping warm in the river must get me another 700 with the turbo charge to the metabolism required. I know that a week of fly fishing on about 3600 calories a day and I don't gain or lose and my maintenance calories are 2400. So I must be burning 1,200 extra on the fishing thereabouts.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    It would definitely depend on the type of fishing you are doing. When we are fishing for catfish, we just put the baited pole in and sit and wait. However, if you are fly fishing in a river, you have to be on your feet and keeping your balance in the current. Huge difference!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I have a HRM and I burn massive amts of calories while fishing on shore. I cast and reel fish in repeatedly plus walk/climb up and down the rocks (more like boulders) on shore. I also have to walk up the big hill to use the bathroom. I always wondered how 'fishing' exhausted me and now I know!
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I agree - no matter what kind of fishing you do, I just don't see you burning that many cals in 2 hrs, unless you're fighting with a record marlin or something. Yes, it can be tiring, but I really don't see it burning that many calories.

    I've found that MFP calculations were fine for the very first time, but then as soon as I started adjusting the times the numbers went waaaaay off. That's exactly why I bought my HRM.
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    This website normally estimates calories burned really high. I have a HRM and wearing that during exercise I burn about half of what MFP tells me.
  • solstice198
    I was wondering about the cal count too, but I know that when I go bass fishing on the boat and am actively trying to find and catch fish. I am standing and casting constantly. However when I am just having a relaxing day on the lake, I am sitting, but still casting and reeling for almost the entire time. I would like to know how accurate these counts are because I would like to include them in my daily diary for the days I fish. I know that after an 8 hour day of fishing (both sitting and standing) I feel pretty darn beat! Especially if we get into the fish real good and are realing in for most of the day. :)
  • theadamestlove
    theadamestlove Posts: 3 Member
    So, as a fly-fishing nut, I can attest that this number is grossly over-exaggerated... OR it isn't! It all depends on what you're doing: if you are driving to the lake, popping down a chair and casting in worms with a spin reel, you're definitely not burning 470 calories an hour. You MAY burn that many if you're fishing from dawn until dusk at the lake. MAYBE.

    However, fly fishing (at least the way I do it) is actually very rigorous. For instance, it's usually a 2-4 mile hike (in and out) while carrying heavy packs with food, drinks, flies, nets, etc., which definitely gets your heart rate up. From there, I try and move around spots quite often. Keep in mind, fishing waist deep (in waders) against the current of a strong river is very taxing. Just crossing a fast river is hard work and great for your legs and core.

    Not to mention, the actual casting of a fly rod will leave you sore the next day (even just 2-3 hours!). If I go fly fishing for 2-3 hours and include the hike, I can safely guestimate that I burn about 400-600 cals (I'm a 200 lb, 6'1 male).

    Fly fishing is constant activity (unless you take a break). So if you go out for a full day's adventure, it's highly likely that one could burn 2000-2500 calories exploring the rivers and trails.

    The best part about it is that it's actually fun!