meant to be fat???



  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    You're giving up when you haven't even STARTED yet! Get that chocolate covered, carb filled crap and throw in the TRASH. Take a trash bag and fill it with anything in your kitchen that doesn't HELP you reach your goals. If you're not sure if you should keep it or not, DON'T. Before you get rid of the bag, take a look at it and say "Thanks for NOTHING."

    What you are, healthy or unhealthy, is a result of your decisions. No one else in this whole world can change your decisions for you. No doctor's band and scalpel, no psychologist's couch, no one but YOU. No one ever succeeded in this world walking around feeling sorry for themselves. If you want to do this, then stop going halfway. Commit, 100%, and make the changes you know you need to make.

    I used to be over 300 lbs. I had asthma and bad joints at 21 years old. I would stay at home instead of hanging out with friends because they were walking somewhere and I knew I just couldn't walk that far. I had given in to the fact that I was just meant to be fat, and my genetics wouldn't let me change. Such bu11$h!t. Next thing I knew my sister had lost 60 lbs, and I didn't have my excuse anymore. I started exercising every single day for an hour. NOTHING. I stopped eating pizza. NOTHING. Not a single lb lost. When I finally committed 100% and made sure every single decision I made pushed me towards my goal, the weight started moving. Now I'm a 208 lb weightlifter with a body some would kill for. When I get down under 200 lbs I should finally have the 6-pack I've always dreamed of and spent the last years working for and earning. I can run for miles and miles. I can bench press my bodyweight 6 times. If I had known how amazing it FEELS to be this healthy, I would have made a lot of changes much, much sooner.
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    I Don't mean to be harsh but when I get here and I know I will I hope someone lays it out like this!

    First you are doing great to continue logging your cals. I just started doing that OMG I wouldn't here if I had just listened to my Mom!

    BUT, You need to get real with yourself.
    You eat too much starch, and not enough colored veggies. Even fruit would be better
    Snacks that have to advertise they are 100cals are still bad for you.
    I noticed you ate 1/2 a slice of a small slice of pizza. OK?!
    Get away from the junk food even in small amounts is still junk.

    My ticker says I have only lost 2lbs but I have been to the gym 5 day a week since I started and have last 3 inch from my waist. My arms are 1inch smaller and my thighs are 2 inches smaller. that is a lot of weight transfer.
    take this weekend to redo your food. go by things that are posh, try them and get out of your rut!
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    As a bottom line, whatever you eat, if you're 500 cal below your BMR you will lose weight. Period.

    Everybody gets plateaux. And if they keep at it, they fall off the plateaux, sometimes with significant losses in a very short time. I spent the last month gaining and losing the same three pounds, and just this week I've lost another five. Don't be surprised if you're weeks at the same weight. You'll notice that you can feel your shoulder bones more, or that somehow even though you're the same weight, your clothes fit differently, somehow.

    You will have more than one plateau, I promise. You'll learn they're not the end of the world.

    It's your choice to eat the sweets (they are physically addictive, not just mentally), but if you do, it's hard to appreciate the subtle flavours of fruits and vegetables, which are sweet in their own right.

    You don't have to give up everything that tastes good to you. I had a little bowl (40g) of potato chips yesterday because I had 210 cal in my diet that I could use for a treat. The trick is to measure them out. No, they weren't baked chips, but they were done in canola oil and minimal salt, so it wasn't all that bad, nutrition wise. If you like ice cream, try frozen no fat yogurt at 100 cal per half cup (125ml). And stick to only a half cup.

    If you don't want to be hungry, fill up on fibre. It's cheap for calories and you can use small amounts of sweetener which don't impact on your calorie count or better, real fruit without added sugar. I have oatmeal every morning, and I'm never hungry. I sometimes eat Ryvita Muesli Crunch, which is 65 cal per "cracker" -- they're not crackers, exactly -- which is very high fiber, low cal and sweetened slightly with honey and black currants. It's a very healthy alternative to regular cereal, but as with all starches, you have to keep a tight rein on portions. Oh yeah, some oatmeals have added soy protein, which are really good for keeping you full (look for those specifically), and the Ryvita also has pumpkin and sunflower seeds, which are a protein source.

    Parcel out veggie snacks and take them with you to eat during the day. 200g of raw carrots is only 70 cal!

    Measure everything! Don't be lazy with the food listings on this website. Some of them are wrong. If you can't find an entry with the right nutritional information, then put it in yourself, and be detailed and accurate.

    Drink ALL your water. It's hard at first, but gets easier. You will retain water less because your body goes out of conservation mode and starts trusting that it will get more when it needs it.

    Don't eat less than your recommended base calories or your body will go into conservation mode (starvation mode is a misnomer) and you won't lose the weight without a struggle. I don't know if that's the body retaining water again to maintain current weight, but I think so.

    EDIT: Of course I forgot something important: Eat regularly and don't skip snacks or meals. You should be eating every three to five hours so that your body trusts that it will get energy when it needs it. Don't eat large meals. A piece of fruit here, a red pepper there, a salad at another meal with grilled chicken (not lots of it) -- this is healthy eating.

    Lastly, it's good that you're telling us how you feel. We've all felt that way at one time or another. BUT none of us can be brave and courageous for you. You have to do that for yourself. You can blame your mom for not teaching you about portion control or whatever, but ultimately, it's your body and your consequence. Please keep at it.
  • andy13
    andy13 Posts: 208 Member
    We shall never surrender.

    Do it for churchill!
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Girl I have gone more than a month without weight loss, but had inchs lost instead. A few months I had no movement at all, and that is okay, because if you are not over eating and moving your body the scale and inches are going to move down, just be patien it will happen.
  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    Hi Jo, please don't give up - you can do it, just look at all the fantastic success stories on here.

    As others have suggested it might be worth changing up your diet a bit, get rid of the bread and crisps (or just have them on occasion) and eat more fruit and veg, pulses and grains. Drink loads of water and find an exercise that you enjoy. It IS hard work, and you will get plenty of tough love on here and my goodness look at the trials and tribulations we all go through on this site :) but it can happen for you.

    Good luck!
  • Mookz0r
    Mookz0r Posts: 143
    looking at your advice and my diary i think you're right, its crap!!! i think its time to give up and go to docs can't do this on my own anymore, thank you all for your replies x

    It's not crap, hun, but it can do with some tweaking.

    I personally think you're spot on for your calorie goal - 1400-1500 is perfect. I'm fed up of seeing people's set to 1200! There's more to life than a diet!

    I think there are some things though that aren't quite right. I noticed you'd logged some mini cornish pasties - just in terms of calories, but all the nutritional values had come up as 0. Now, much as I love cornish pasties (or the mini pork pies), everyone knows that have just a tiny amount of lots of fat in them... as well as lots of carbs!

    I also noticed that you do eat a lot of bread, often accompanied by a processed dish - tinned soup, baked beans, whatever... all of which contain a fair amount of carbs, salt and invariably flavourings, sugar, and colourings. I think a first step would be to limit this kind of meal to just once a day (and then once every other day, etc...) because it actually doesn't do that much for you. Depending on your budget and time, you could try to substitute canned soups for fresh ones - or even home-made! These are deadly simple to do - bung random stuff in a saucepan, boil it, and blend it - and ofc you have complete control over what goes in them.

    Lastly, your snacks. They're often a packet of crisps. Are there any alternatives that you'd quite enjoy? Maybe move to Snack-a-jacks or something similar... or pre-chopped fruit, nuts or a cereal bar. Tescos and whatnot also do fruit bars (check out Humzingers) that are sooooo moreish but brilliantly good for you!

    The crucial thing is that you never feel you're sacrificing what you enjoy. Make smart choices whenever you can, but if you want fish and chips (and who doesn't?!) then have it. Life really is too short not to enjoy our food.

    I've just come off my 2 month-long plateau, where I didn't lose a thing and am starting to lose slowly again. Just when you want to jack it all in, there's hope. Hang on in there!

    Ah, yes, and I'm one of the few who doesn't exercise at the gym!
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587

    Don't give up on yourself! You've come this far, and if you ever want to see that "skinny *kitten*" in the mirror (wink, wink) keep going!
    You can do it! Nobody on here wants to drag you down, they just want to help. You said yourself your diet could use a clean-up, but if you're not ready for a huge change, don't do it. You'll have a hard time sticking by it, and wind up feeling even worse. Just take baby steps. Try swapping out just one meal a day for something really healthy that's going to make you feel good about yourself. Say a great big salad for lunch, with chicken breast, nuts, fruit,(I love a little goat cheese) covered with olive oil, lemon juice, or balsamic vinegar. Add a whole wheat roll if you feel carb deprived.

    Just take it one step at a time lovely, and don't be afraid to eat! Anything clean and healthy you put into your body is going to do more good, especially if it makes you feel good about yourself.
  • lisa152
    lisa152 Posts: 2 Member
    You're giving up when you haven't even STARTED yet! Get that chocolate covered, carb filled crap and throw in the TRASH. Take a trash bag and fill it with anything in your kitchen that doesn't HELP you reach your goals. If you're not sure if you should keep it or not, DON'T. Before you get rid of the bag, take a look at it and say "Thanks for NOTHING."

    What you are, healthy or unhealthy, is a result of your decisions. No one else in this whole world can change your decisions for you. No doctor's band and scalpel, no psychologist's couch, no one but YOU. No one ever succeeded in this world walking around feeling sorry for themselves. If you want to do this, then stop going halfway. Commit, 100%, and make the changes you know you need to make.

    I used to be over 300 lbs. I had asthma and bad joints at 21 years old. I would stay at home instead of hanging out with friends because they were walking somewhere and I knew I just couldn't walk that far. I had given in to the fact that I was just meant to be fat, and my genetics wouldn't let me change. Such bu11$h!t. Next thing I knew my sister had lost 60 lbs, and I didn't have my excuse anymore. I started exercising every single day for an hour. NOTHING. I stopped eating pizza. NOTHING. Not a single lb lost. When I finally committed 100% and made sure every single decision I made pushed me towards my goal, the weight started moving. Now I'm a 208 lb weightlifter with a body some would kill for. When I get down under 200 lbs I should finally have the 6-pack I've always dreamed of and spent the last years working for and earning. I can run for miles and miles. I can bench press my bodyweight 6 times. If I had known how amazing it FEELS to be this healthy, I would have made a lot of changes much, much sooner.

    such a good reply!! You made me cry.
    i need to push myself FOR myself
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Whatever you decide to do is up to you. That's why it's called a lifestyle. Literally, a style of life. It's not a temporary fix to get fit then eat whatever you want.

    I had to almost die from acute pancreatitis and going into a sudden diabetic coma for me to change. Mind you, my diabetes was undiagnosed until I went into the ER that night of the coma. If you can't push through old habits and are unwilling to keep a constant change going, nothing will help. My step-grandfather had gastric bypass surgery, which initially helped him lose weight. Then he gained it all back, and more. He died from a massive cardiac infarction at the post-stomach stapling weight of a good ol' 450 lbs. It took 10 pallbearers to wheel him to his grave. Simply because he felt he could keep his habits even after the weight-loss surgery.

    I've lost about 124 lbs since being 303 lbs as of last April [when I found out I had diabetes]. I'm now asymptomatic [no high blood sugar, no meds] all from diet and exercise alone. High blood pressure, I had that too. Now it's normal at about 110/65. High cholesterol, I had that too. Now it's well into normal range. Gout, I had that too. Haven't had a flare-up since. I stopped smoking and drinking and doing drugs. A COMPLETE LIFESTYLE CHANGE. And that's all self-motivated because I didn't favor the idea of dying yet. It didn't even make me sad to know I was going to die. I should have a long time ago. But since I have the greatest belief in my own abilities, I wasn't gonna let a small thing like dying beat me.

    So, throwing yourself the pity party of the century may help you, specifically, feel better, but in no way is it beneficial. Psychologically, it will only damage you. But whatever you feel works for you.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Others have addressed some of your food choices so I won't go there. I don't understand your reaction to ginger's post. She pointed out some of your food choices and you throw your hands up and say you need a doc's help? Is the doctor going to live with you 24/7 and put food in your mouth? No matter what kind of professional or medical help/treatment you get, you still have to make smart food choices. And you can do that. You said you don't think you did too bad last week but you were over your calories almost every single day. You can do this!! But your attitude isn't helping. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself you should just tweak your food choices a bit.

    You've already lost 38lbs and that's amazing! :) Now just keep that up with a little change to your diet.