Vegetarian dieting?

I've recently made the decision to completely remove meat from my diet. This means no fish, no eggs, no kind of animal flesh whatsoever.

This, of course, brings up a few challenges with my diet.

Last time I was a vegetarian all I ate was carbs, and it really took a toll on my midsection. Also, I need another place to get all of my protein from!

Can someone please help me out? I'm only 5 lbs away from my UGW!


  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I'm a vegetarian and get most of my protein from cheese (ricotta especially), cottage cheese, eggs, greek yogurt, granola, quiona, almond/peanut butter, and protein powder after runs. You mentioned the eggs were out but how about cheese? Quiona is awesome and there's a great mushroom casserole recipe on that has lots of protein (I sub greek yogurt for the sour cream). Feel free to look at my diary for suggestions. Good luck!
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    Since I'm calorie counting, I have found that most of my food is vegetables. Like tonight I'm making hot dogs for my wife and I (Yves Good Dog for me). I'll probably make french fries for her and green beans for myself. I do eat a fair amount of "fake" meat. Bacon in BLT's, biscuits and gravy, veggie burgers, dogs. I also use a lot of yogurt and especially cottage cheese. You didn't mention if you intended to eliminate them from your diet. I also use some cheese and beans. Being vegetarian can just as unhealthy as eating meat, which I can vouch for from personal experience. But it's such a rewarding choice when you learn to do it correctly. I had a subscription to Vegetarian Times magazine for a few years. I didn't continue with it, but it was an excellent resource while I was searching for recipes and new ways of thinking after I became vegetarian. Currently I'm thinking about the eggplant lasagna I'll be making this weekend...good luck being as completely satisfied with your life choice as I am. :flowerforyou:
  • jacolyncoker123
    Cheese is absolutely fine, since I'm pretty sure no animals are harmed in the production, haha. The only reason eggs are out is because I really get grossed out just thinking about what they were meant to be.

    Thanks for the advice!
  • msmopar
    msmopar Posts: 9 Member
    For protein, Soy Milk, nuts and beans and tofu. Watch your Iron, I have no problem getting my protein but can't see to get anywhere near my recommended iron. I have to take supplements because I am now anemic. I'm a Pescetarian, so I do eat fish. Are you going for a Vegan diet?
  • jacolyncoker123
    Since I'm calorie counting, I have found that most of my food is vegetables. Like tonight I'm making hot dogs for my wife and I (Yves Good Dog for me). I'll probably make french fries for her and green beans for myself. I do eat a fair amount of "fake" meat. Bacon in BLT's, biscuits and gravy, veggie burgers, dogs. I also use a lot of yogurt and especially cottage cheese. You didn't mention if you intended to eliminate them from your diet. I also use some cheese and beans. Being vegetarian can just as unhealthy as eating meat, which I can vouch for from personal experience. But it's such a rewarding choice when you learn to do it correctly. I had a subscription to Vegetarian Times magazine for a few years. I didn't continue with it, but it was an excellent resource while I was searching for recipes and new ways of thinking after I became vegetarian. Currently I'm thinking about the eggplant lasagna I'll be making this weekend...good luck being as completely satisfied with your life choice as I am. :flowerforyou:

    I'll still be eating dairy products, so all those sound good to me! Where can I find 'fake' meat? I know they have it at those really expensive health food stores, but do they sell them at like Jewel or Target?
  • msmopar
    msmopar Posts: 9 Member
    Lacto Vegetarian, dairy but no eggs :smile:
  • jacolyncoker123
    For protein, Soy Milk, nuts and beans and tofu. Watch your Iron, I have no problem getting my protein but can't see to get anywhere near my recommended iron. I have to take supplements because I am now anemic. I'm a Pescetarian, so I do eat fish. Are you going for a Vegan diet?

    Nope, I'll still be eating dairy. The production of milk doesn't hurt the cow, since it is a natural process.
  • sneakydee
    sneakydee Posts: 9 Member
    My boyfriend and I both really like this whey protein - they make it in chocolate too. You can just put a scoop in a tall glass of milk, or put some in a smoothie.
  • carolynmittens
    Cheese is absolutely fine, since I'm pretty sure no animals are harmed in the production, haha. The only reason eggs are out is because I really get grossed out just thinking about what they were meant to be.

    Thanks for the advice!

    the majority of cheese, eggs, and milk produced in this country come from factory farms and the animals are absolutely harmed in the process. if you're ethically opposed to animal cruelty please make sure you know where your dairy is coming from. buy only USDA organic, or better yet from a local farm where you can see the conditions for yourself.