Skipping breakfast... and lunch



  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Welcome back Honeylissabee. Anything new?

    Obviously not, she's using the same excuses as the last time.
    Figured as much. Guess we can watch it unfold like last time. I hope you brought popcorns.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Welcome back Honeylissabee. Anything new?

    Obviously not, she's using the same excuses as the last time.
    Figured as much. Guess we can watch it unfold like last time. I hope you brought popcorns.

  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    One thing, your calorie goal could be too low. Calculate your TDEE (either with exercise if you are consistent with your routine, or without exercise so you can log and eat back most of the given calories) from some websites and subtract 10-20% from it to get an idea of how many calories you'd need to eat to potenetially lose weight (if the website already has percentage dropdowns then just choose one of those and it will give you your estimated deficit). If it's close to 1500 then that's awesome and keep up with the amount of food.

    Otherwise, not sure it was mentioned, but QUALITY of the meal could be a factor. if you are really hungry in the few hours after breakfast, chances are it's either a) too small of a breakfast (e.g. are you just eating a bowl of cereal?) or b) too high in carbs (e.g. just a bowl of cereal). I find that I need to have a lot of protein, sometimes fat and fiber, to help counterbalance the carbs in my meal to keep me from being hungry. I eat the same amount for breakfast and lunch, and then on days I'm not working out or I'm on a normal schedule I will eat two other meals of equal caloric value. When I work out my back-half of calories are split up a bit more randomly since I might not get home until late or I might have a protein shake and snack around workout time.

    You can take a look at my diary for breakfast, see what I mean about a good combo of protein/fat/carbs. Yesterday's breakfast left me hungrier earlier though, and there wasn't enough protein. I tend to do better with higher carb intake in the evening just because I'll be going to bed, so I won't notice any hunger.
  • Hey I hear you about breakfast making you hungry two hours later. Total waste of food imo

    If you don't have time to eat calories, have you tried drinking them? You could bring a protein shake or a smoothie and sip on it while you're working (don't tell me you can't drink anything for ten hours)

    You could put it in one of those hydration backpacks hahaha
  • jallforme3
    jallforme3 Posts: 38 Member
    You need to think, what are your goals? Do you want intermittent fasting to be the pathway to reach your goals? Or do you want to incorporate a more balanced, 3-6 meals/day routine?

    Plan your journey. Be consistent. Do research, and let the magic happen!
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I really cannot eat while working. If there is no time to take a break, then there isn't any time for me to stop to eat anything. I'm technically not supposed to eat while on the clock, so I have to try to sneak little bits of food from my pocket. This means that eating a Larabar can take over an hour. It's been extremely hectic lately.

    I know that 15 minutes is enough time to eat- though it's still rushed. The problem is that I don't always get 15 minutes, and sometimes that 15 minutes is near the end of my shift. Why eat lunch at 5:30 when I know I'm having dinner at 7?

    Skipping breakfast isn't the problem- and I know I do better if I wait to eat anyway. The problem is that there is no consistency. At my old job, lunch breaks were 12:30-1:30 or 1:30-2:30. Even if I didn't get a break, I was able to eat while the kids were napping, so I was prepared to eat lunch sometime between 12:30 and 2:30pm. Now, I don't have any kind of set schedule. If I know I get to eat lunch around 1-2pm and dinner around 7-8pm, then I can adjust, but that's not the case at all.

    You legally should be getting a break. Your employer is breaking the law if you are not even entitled to a 15 minute break during a full work day.
  • ftsolk
    ftsolk Posts: 202 Member
    I am NOT legally entitled to a break. There are no laws requiring it.

    1,500 calories was just a sample number. It's not my calorie goal, and if it was, I'd certainly be able to eat a lot more based on my activity level. Honestly, I haven't been keeping track of my calories. I was trying WW Simply Filling, but that merged into eating more Paleo-friendly foods and then it all fell apart.

    I've managed smoothies on occasion, but even they are a challenge to drink on especially busy days. Yesterday, I barely had a chance to drink water from my water bottle (I only did because I was literally dripping with sweat from running around/working).

    Not being able to eat when working isn't really a huge deal, and I'm honestly not any hungrier after work on days I get to eat lunch than days I don't. My problem is that my eating schedule is so sporadic that I have a hard time planning my meals. I packed a lunch 2 Wednesdays ago that included a cup of 1% milk, a Panera flatbread, chocolate covered dried fruit, watermelon, a Chobani yogurt, pistachios, and grape tomatoes. It was roughly 1,000 calories and my only meal of the day.

    I just don't know if I should plan on eating 3- 666 calorie meals or 2 1,000 calorie ones or 1 2,000 calorie meal from day to day. I have no problem eating 1-2 meals a day, and I prefer it, but not knowing when I'm eating or how many meals does get a bit stressful.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Try a high protein breakfast (Greek yogurt and fruit, eggs) and a snack midmorning (fruit is good). More protein in your lunch (wrap with turkey and lettuce maybe?) and another piece of fruit, etc. If you take the time to grab the food you need for the day at home and bring it with you, you can still eat on the go. BTW WHY are you not taking breaks at work? You need to take care of yourself. And oh please about the foot. Lift weights, swim, ride a recumbent bike. Invest time in taking care of yourself.
  • stevenlcopeland
    stevenlcopeland Posts: 57 Member
    I've done it for years (intermittent fasting) and love it. Who ever made the rule that you have to eat 3 meals a day I would like to meet that person and ask why. I just listen to my body and if I'm hungry I eat. If it is when I wake up I eat. The one meal I do not eat is lunch. They don't serve food at the gym I go to for lunch. Oh by the way, I lost 80 pounds 7 years ago adopting this concept. And if you think this isn't healthy then I ask is being obese healthier ? Each year for my physical, my doctor says wow at my blood tests. I no longer take blood pressure pills nor statin drugs for cholesterol. She knows exactly what my eating patterns are and she gives her full approval. She even mentioned once to me why it has always been pushed for a human to eat 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and supper) and yet if you have a dog and want him to stay healthy you are only to feed him once a day. Kind of makes you think doesn't it. Do whatever works for you and enjoy yourself.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Welcome back Honeylissabee. Anything new?

    Obviously not, she's using the same excuses as the last time.
    Figured as much. Guess we can watch it unfold like last time. I hope you brought popcorns.


    Oh, I see you beat me to the "welcome back", pass me the popcorns.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I don't know you, but it certainly sounds like you're working "under the table" or else you're an illegal immigrant or an intern. It sounds like you have been here before and have been a PITA to people who recognize you.

    To stay on topic, protein bars in your pockets. Go to the F****ing bathroom to eat it if you have to. This sounds incredibly illegal that you work 10hrs a day and not afford a break or even a lunch.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    Welcome back Honeylissabee. Anything new?

    Obviously not, she's using the same excuses as the last time.
    Figured as much. Guess we can watch it unfold like last time. I hope you brought popcorns.


    Oh, I see you beat me to the "welcome back", pass me the popcorns.

    You all beat me to it. Thought I recognized the post.

  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member
    What's the problem? It doesn't matter when you eat. Eat your calorie requirements when you can. Try and get some decent nutrition when you do eat, but even that isn't a deal breaker. One should be able to go 8 or 10 hours without eating. It's really not that long.

    And what's all this blah blah blah about Weight Watchers and what not. You can't count calories? Seems to me you can't NOT count them.

    Honestly, and I now it's not want you want to hear, but count your calories, stop eating when you reach your goal, and eat when you can. There is NO reason you can't find time during your hectic 24 hour day to put calories down your face.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Welcome back Honeylissabee. Anything new?

    Ohhhhh. I didn't notice the name at first - good catch!
  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member
    Plan your journey. Be consistent. Do research, and let the magic happen!

    I understand the sentiment in that statement, but I think it's important to know that it's not magic. Changing how we eat and live doesn't just happen. It takes real willpower and hard work. It requires one to be very honest with one's self, and the ability t forgive one's own failures and start each day as a new one. It's not magic. It's an unrelenting desire.
  • benaddict
    benaddict Posts: 1,381 Member
    She's actually correct about there being no federal law requiring that employees be given breaks; got this from the US Department of Labor website (
    Federal law does not require lunch or coffee breaks. However, when employers do offer short breaks (usually lasting about 5 to 20 minutes), federal law considers the breaks as compensable work hours that would be included in the sum of hours worked during the work week and considered in determining if overtime was worked. Unauthorized extensions of authorized work breaks need not be counted as hours worked when the employer has expressly and unambiguously communicated to the employee that the authorized break may only last for a specific length of time, that any extension of the break is contrary to the employer's rules, and any extension of the break will be punished. Bona fide meal periods (typically lasting at least 30 minutes), serve a different purpose than coffee or snack breaks and, thus, are not work time and are not compensable.

    I'm just hoping this thread turns out like her others. I've got my bingo card ready. Included: someone posting links to her other profiles, people actually trying to help, excuses that don't actually address the helpful suggestions given, more than 3 popcorn gifs on one page, her "friend" trying to prove he's real, profile deactivation...


    HLB, what's your actual question here? Are you asking if it's ok to skip meals? If so, the answer is yes, it doesn't matter when you consume your calories as long as they are consumed and not in excess of what you're burning. Otherwise I'm not sure what the point of this thread is other than to entertain us on an otherwise boring weekend.
  • ftsolk
    ftsolk Posts: 202 Member
    I only have one active profile as my HoneyLissaBee account is no longer active.

    Yes, a 10 hour day with no break is torture, but that is not the norm. We just had a REALLY bad week. I'm only supposed to get 28-29 hours a week. Last week, I got over 42 hours. I don't get paid under the table or anything like that.

    I've tried things like bars, and today I had a nut/seed mix from Starbucks, but it wasn't as busy today as it was last Wednesday, and I did get a break, but some days it's so crazy that I either don't get a break, or I don't get a break until near the end of my shift.

    And I can go a full day without eating. That's not the problem. The problem is I have no way to schedule my eating. If I knew I could consistently eat dinner at 8pm, I'd be able to adjust and be hungry at 8.

    No matter how hungry I am after eating dinner, a few bites into dessert, and I'm full because I'm NOT used to eating after dinner anymore. I do it on occasion (maybe once a week), but I don't eat nearly as much as I used to in the past.