Snack Ideas and advice!

I always buy the same old things to snack on. Pudding, veggie sticks, cheese slices, all kinds of health bars and so on and on. I have a hard time passing up the cookies at work and going for my snacks because it's the same old thing. I'm making out my shopping list and was curious if anyone had and good snack ideas that come packaged or are easy to make. Easy lunch ideas would be great too. I have been using MFP for 3 years. At one point I had lost 100 pound and now I have gained almost 25 back. I've been more lazy lately but am also bored with the food that I eat. Any suggestions on food or if anyone has been in this weight gain funk I am in, how did you find your way back?? Thanks !!

Olivia <3<3<3


  • Ahrena
    Ahrena Posts: 44 Member
    I try and shake up what I snack on a lot.

    I like visiting the health shop and seeing what they've got - last time I got satay coated broad beans which were lovely!

    I tend to have the same snacks for a week or two until I run out then buy something else. Most common would be carrot sticks as humous, bananas, roasted chickpeas, roasted edamame beans, pistachio nuts, raisins and cashew nuts, apple and peanut butter..