Adventure With 21 Day Fix



  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    Thank you for the information. I thinking of trying 21 day fix not nessasarily looking for the portion control. I've gotten that down, I want the 30 min workouts. How have you liked them?

    Have you considered T25 or P90X3? Both are 25 minutes or 30 minutes respectively.

    As far as protein powders go, I get mine from Amazon. It's called Eidopro and it's flavorless. 23g of protein, no sugar, and it really is flavorless. When I use it all I taste is the fruit I added to my green smoothie. It's $28 for 1lb.
  • FlamencoGal
    FlamencoGal Posts: 126 Member
    I just got the program and am hoping it will help my portion control issues. While I do exercise 4 times a week, I think the extra workouts should be a great help, too.

    Congrats on your success!!
  • badbull69
    badbull69 Posts: 157 Member
    Im a 21 day fixer and a beachbody coach as well. And as many of the people who down play shakeology, there are those who do take it on a daily basis and love it. I love the 21 day fix program with the exception of the food. I went from P90X3 and eating 2800 cal. to 1600 cal. it took a couple of days to get use to it, but my body did. Feel free to add me, any of you if you wish.
  • End of Round 1!!

    So I survived round 1!! Throughout the 21 days I only missed 2 of the workouts and can see a difference in my performance with each week! The official numbers:

    Down 7lbs
    Down 5.75 inches

    I'm still trying to track my food a few times per week, the only thing I do get concerned with about the diet plan is that it is not enough calories, but so far so good now that I'm more aware!

    I did this program in May and was super active even without the workouts. I was in the first calorie bracket and I did not lose any weight and just a few inches overall. I ended up upping my calorie bracket and saw better results with weight loss and inches lost. I think in the first calorie bracket my body was in starvation mode.

    The program created better eating habits and made me more aware of my food choices and portion sizes. I'm probably at 80% clean eating since doing the program and it makes a huge difference in energy, skin, bodily functions (haha) and maintaining/losing weight.

    Congratulations on finishing the 21 Days! Hope it's the start of a very rewarding lifestyle change for you!
  • meg8860
    meg8860 Posts: 11 Member
    Well said northernchic, I don't know you but boy do I like ya so far. I think you stated what most if not all of us were thinking when we started the 21 day fix. I'm on round 1 day 18 and have lost 11.2 lbs already and 8". I can't wait for day 21... this is unbelievable!
  • meg8860
    meg8860 Posts: 11 Member
    I kind of don't like how people are supporting but yet mocking you in this thread for doing 21 day fix? I thought the point of MFP is to be able to be a community in which we support one another, in whatever way we choose to lose the weight? The beauty is that you can always find someone in a similar boat as you whether it's goal, program choice, etc. So if one decides to take a beachbody program and use it to accomplish their goals, what's the difference from paying to go to the gym instead of using the outdoors which is free? I support you on your 21 fix jounrey. I know people who have completed it and love it because not only is it 7, 30 min exercises a week, but it also helps you to get your clean eating on track :)

    I totally agree with you, I don't understand why people choose negativity instead of bringing people up and supporting them. We're all here for the same reason no matter how we get there!
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    Well said northernchic, I don't know you but boy do I like ya so far. I think you stated what most if not all of us were thinking when we started the 21 day fix. I'm on round 1 day 18 and have lost 11.2 lbs already and 8". I can't wait for day 21... this is unbelievable!

    Thank you, I appreciate that :happy:

    AND go you!!! That's awesome!!! You HAVE to come back and post your final results!! Good luck!!
  • babedow77
    babedow77 Posts: 6 Member
    In her original post, I think she requested comments from people who were also trying the diet and not people who were going to hate on the diet. While you are finding time to make negative comments, you could be doing a few push ups. Go chew on that. Just saying.
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    In her original post, I think she requested comments from people who were also trying the diet and not people who were going to hate on the diet. While you are finding time to make negative comments, you could be doing a few push ups. Go chew on that. Just saying.

    BAM Love it
  • meg8860
    meg8860 Posts: 11 Member
    WOW...leave a thread for a few days and the freakin trolls come out!!!

    FIRST of all, thank you so much for those posting positively, that is what SOME of us are here for...a supportive community of like-minded people.

    SECOND...well thanks to some of you for exemplifying what it means to be a hater...seriously I wasn't looking for your self righteous opinions of why YOU think something that is working for me and MANY other people sucks. Furthermore I have met MANY people with the same interest in this program on MFP and I am actually using this site in conjunction with the 21 Day Fix program to help me track and maintain my progress and ensure I am taking in appropriate nutrition.

    If you had bothered to read my first post I discussed how I am not viewing this as a "quick fix" but rather a way to motivate myself for a change in behaviors. Trust me...if anyone knows it is going to take more than 21 lousy days to develop a new habit it's me!! This program has promoted both diet and exercise changes in me that NO other program has been able to do and I am in this for the long haul.

    Do I think it is a safe/realistic/attainable goal to loose 15lbs in 21 days?? ABSOLUTELY not!! THAT is not what I'm trying to do...forgive me for trying to find some like-minded people along the way!!! So for the love of christ if you're not interested in this program PLEASE stop posting here and go vomit your unwanted opinions elsewhere!! rant over...

    You are so right Northernchic, haters will be haters. I think your doing great, son't let some people break your spirit. There are many of us out here that are doing this for the same reason you are and we don't have to explain ourselves to anyone else except ourselves. I'm on day 21 and down 13lbs. I'm amazed at this program for the simple fact that it brings to light not only healthy eating and exercise techniques but also portion sizing which most Americans have a diluted way of thinking about it. This has worked for me and I have seen results. That was the whole point of doing this in the first place.

    Keep on keeping on and kick some *kitten* girly!
  • taylorwilliamsot
    taylorwilliamsot Posts: 4 Member
    I used the 21 Day Fix to teach myself how much I really should be eating. I know people are going to say "you could have measured it out yourself" or things like that, but I think the fact that I actually invested money in it is what kept me going. I have completed one round and I've lost 14 pounds and almost 9 inches. I am starting my next round on Tuesday, but am still eating pretty healthy until then. Except I did have a brownie today o_o It's all about moderation, right?
    Good luck with your next round! :)
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    I hope you are still doing this?! I am going to restart 21 df again. I loved it! and it really worked, and believe me when I say I have tried a bazillion ways of eating. Not sure why this was so different for me, but it was and it works. I hope others are still here and doing it too!
  • cvarilek
    cvarilek Posts: 6 Member
    GREAT JOB!!!
  • cvarilek
    cvarilek Posts: 6 Member
    I used the 21 Day Fix to teach myself how much I really should be eating. I know people are going to say "you could have measured it out yourself" or things like that, but I think the fact that I actually invested money in it is what kept me going. I have completed one round and I've lost 14 pounds and almost 9 inches. I am starting my next round on Tuesday, but am still eating pretty healthy until then. Except I did have a brownie today o_o It's all about moderation, right?
    Good luck with your next round! :)

    GREAT JOB!!!
  • I used the 21 Day Fix to teach myself how much I really should be eating. I know people are going to say "you could have measured it out yourself" or things like that, but I think the fact that I actually invested money in it is what kept me going. I have completed one round and I've lost 14 pounds and almost 9 inches. I am starting my next round on Tuesday, but am still eating pretty healthy until then. Except I did have a brownie today o_o It's all about moderation, right?
    Good luck with your next round! :)

    GREAT JOB!!!

    awesome keep it up
  • I'm on Day 2 of my second round. I did my first round in May and it was great. I lost 4 pounds and over 10 inches, and I've maintained nicely since then. I started another round on my own because my exercise was in a rut and my eating was going downhill.

    I have found that the 21 Day Fix actually fits nicely with MFP. Looking at my diary entries over the last couple days, my macros are the most in line that they've been in months. AND I'm keeping my calories at an honest 1400-1500 instead of a fudged 1500 that I tend to go to when I'm not using the containers.

    I did Shakeology for the first round, but not anymore. WAY too expensive for me and I'm not a fan of MLM so there was no way I wanted to coach. I still like to use protein shakes for meal replacement but it's out of convenience and to meet my protein goals.

    Wow!!! Awesome job!!! Have you noticed a difference replacing the shakeology with a regular protein shake? I think I'll be looking for other options myself... but would love to hear feedback about the difference! The only other shakes I tried were Weight Watchers and they didn't *ahem* agree with my belly lol. Would love to hear how you do in round 2!!!

    i have and i wish i could say there was something out there but i just haven't found it lol it so yummy but i always look and try
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    Sorry I haven't been posting very much this round, between a death in the family and a 2 week cold/flu I've been hanging on by a thread...HOWEVER I have to say my really successful first round helped instill some good habits that I was able to maintain through (at least a LITTLE) my rough second round.

    Round 2 results:
    Down 3.8lbs
    Down 2 inches

    TOTAL for 2 rounds:
    Down 10.8 lbs
    Down 7.75 inches

    Let me just say I was surrounded by comfort food and unable to work out I attribute my success to...

    1) I continued to drink my water
    2) I continued to have shakeology for breakfast and not go back to my "oh it's 11:30am and I'm starving because I haven't had anything" habit
    3) I continued to use my containers, and even when I didn't have them with me...they were always in the back of my head which helped me control portion size...EVEN with more naughty food selections
    4) After REALLY clean eating for 3 solid weeks (round 1) eating unhealthy food made me feel like CRAP!!

    With this I continue with my journey...I'm going to try and take after pics tonight...maybe I'll be brave enough to post them!! :blushing:

    Thanks again for all of the support, even if I'm not posting...I have continued to read everyone's posts and they give me strength to keep going!!

    Keep posting results as they motivate us all!! :bigsmile:

    ~ Betty
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    The Program: What's Worked / What Hasn't (for me anyway lol)

    I posted this in another 21 Day Fix I apologize if you've already read it...but I thought I would post it here too. I think it's important with ANY program to adjust it to what works for you as an individual...that's what makes it sustainable :smile:

    What has worked for me:
    1) Structure - I needed something to tell me "eat this much and do this exercise"...perhaps sad...but that's the truth
    2) Using with MFP - although I do not log my meals 100% faithfully, I did more in the beginning to make sure I was taking in enough nutrition.
    3) One of the things I like about the program is they promote clean healthy foods...not "OMG CARBS/FAT/FRUIT/ETC ARE HORRIBLE AND YOU CAN'T EAT ANY!!"...rather it teaches you portion control...which I desperately needed...
    4) Modifiers in the Exercise: If it wasn't for the normal shaped girl on the side I would die...Kat is my official best friend!!

    What I struggle with:
    1) the expectation of water: So you hare supposed to cut your weight in half and drink that in ounces...if I did that I would drown!! So I do what I can...
    2) some of the exercises plain HURT: I have had to skip the yoga day completely (I've never done yoga before and I'm afraid I'm doing some of the poses wrong as my back was KILLING me after, so I just do one of my bellydance DVD's that day (there's lots of stretching and core work). AND there are some exercises I just can't do regardless of the I just keep moving and do something else until that exercise passes :-)
  • meg8860
    meg8860 Posts: 11 Member
    Betty, your hilarious. Oh yah and I love Kat also! I adore this program and it has worked for me and that's all that should matter right? There are always going to be haters and people that want to make you feel bad about your choices if they're not the same as theirs.

    Keep on keeping on Chica, Your awesome!
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    Encouragement Idea :flowerforyou:

    Okay, so I'm REALLY bad at goals and rewards, so I thought I'd try this. I bought myself a charm bracelet and for every 5 lbs I lose I get a new charm. My hope is that when I want to make a bad choice, it will serve as a representation of all the hard work I've done :happy: