Calorie tracking spreadsheets

Anyone using excel spreadsheets to track calories?, I'm looking for one before I try to make my own.


  • ginnyneko
    ginnyneko Posts: 8 Member
    I had tried that a while back, but I think MFP does a pretty good job helping you track calories. You can look at your reports and select net calories for a bar graph. I hope that helps. If there are other visuals you are wanting, I suppose you could always copy the info from MFP into excel, and create what you want there. :smile:
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    I've been thinking about this lately.

    If nothing I like shows up here, I'll do my own, too.

    I want the graphs! :)
  • What I don't like about MFP is searching for foods and not finding what I need quickly or whether or not it's accurate. I just started adding foods to "My Foods" to make it easier. You are right the graphs are nice here. This is my second "restart", I started using Mfp about a year ago, been maintaining 200 but recently gained 4 lbs and am feeling depression faintly knocking on my door.
  • I've been thinking about this lately.

    If nothing I like shows up here, I'll do my own, too.

    I want the graphs! :)

    I found this ---->
    I couldn't find a link to download the template though.
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    if you eat certain meals, you can build them in your meals to make finding them easier. Same with foods. There are many calorie counting spreadsheet templates out there but I find it helpful to also keep a food diary to know what I ate. MFP does have graphs under the reports.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    What I don't like about MFP is searching for foods and not finding what I need quickly or whether or not it's accurate. I just started adding foods to "My Foods" to make it easier. You are right the graphs are nice here. This is my second "restart", I started using Mfp about a year ago, been maintaining 200 but recently gained 4 lbs and am feeling depression faintly knocking on my door.

    I add ALL food that I eat regularly to My Foods unless it's like fast food, then I just make sure it matches the place's website nutrition info and then use the macros to calculate calories. I use data from or for non-label foods.

    It's all an estimate though anyways. Just be consistent and adjust as necessary. Tracking in excel would probably be a hassle unless you only eat a few dozen foods regularly - I have 10 pages of custom food, so uh... not doing an excel sheet for that!

    Otherwise, is much better for tracking macros accurately, although because it's not available for use offline I don't use it. But it doesnt' round macros like MFP does, and the calorie counts are way more accurate. Many food entries (databases or labels) round everything though, including calories.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    What I don't like about MFP is searching for foods and not finding what I need quickly or whether or not it's accurate. I just started adding foods to "My Foods" to make it easier. You are right the graphs are nice here. This is my second "restart", I started using Mfp about a year ago, been maintaining 200 but recently gained 4 lbs and am feeling depression faintly knocking on my door.
    Me, too.

    I figured out why there are always a million things and you can't find yours...and if you do fine it, it may have something wrong. Everyone adds!

    I am adding my stuff to My Foods, too. Eventually, we won't have to search often. :)
  • I like your T shirt ana