cut out soda?

ok so my main issue I believe is the fact that my whole household (including myself) is straight up addicted to soda. myself I love Diet mountain dew. I want to cut down and eventually eliminate soda from my diet. what are some hints or helpful ways to help me cut down this drink?

I don't want to go through the withdraws, I did a couple of years ago I just cold turkey cut soda from my diet, and was sick, had headaches for almost two weeks straight, and didn't function that well, at anything. I stated drinking soda again after I met my feiance, so I want to avoid that process again, and find a good way to stop the cravings, even though it is in our house.


  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    If you're a Mountain Dew freak, the headaches were probably from caffeine withdrawal. Could you learn to love iced tea, either unsweetened or sweetened with something like stevia?
  • shandacain
    I do love ice tea, that if we go out to eat I usually order a sweet tea, and a glass of water. and only have the one glass of tea.

    but I will defiantly look into the stevia, i haven't used it before, but I think it would help
  • schulersam
    schulersam Posts: 17 Member
    Honestly, get away from soda. Bad for your teeth. artificial sweeteners, no nutritional value.....just stop. Drink water, water water!!
  • DownsizingAaron
    DownsizingAaron Posts: 127 Member
    Caffeine pills or coffee can help with the withdrawals.

    I LOVED my regular Mountain Dew. Still do, but have been able to ween off it by using Crystal Light. That isn't the perfect solution, but it is better than my Dew habit. Plus I find that I can dilute the Crystal Light into larger containers, so I'm running at about 3 quarts/packet vs. 2 quarts on the label.
  • bokaba
    bokaba Posts: 171 Member
    Never liked Mountain Dew. You could try Diet Mountain Dew, but most people who like regular sodas don't like diet. Plus, they have even more nasty chemicals than the regular version. I used to drink soda once and while and generally diet soda, but I found it makes me feel bad, so I replaced all sodas, juices, sweet coffees/tea, and alcoholic beverages with sparkling mineral water. For caffeine, I still drink black coffee.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Just stop drinking it or reduce it over time if you really want to eliminate it from your diet.

    Stay hydrated with something else.

    If you want to replace the caffeine there are many other drink that contain it.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Taper, taper, taper. Whatever you drink, cut it in half and then lower it some each day.

    Caffeine is addictive! But it's not that hard to quit. If you don't exercise, try it. It helped me.

    Advil liquid gels. Just in case.

    Water is best! Good for you! And good luck!!!

    You're going to feel so much better. :)
  • rabbit1951
    rabbit1951 Posts: 31 Member
    Try flavored sparkling water. You'll get a little flavor & a little fizz & 0 calories. Haven't had any soda in over 2 years & (fortunately) don't miss it at all.
  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    I think my body is allergic to soda, lol.

    Every time I've tried to drink soda, it burns my nostrils, irritates my throat and gives me HORRIBLE hiccups.

    Needless to say, I don't drink soda ever >.<
  • melissamarie2196
    melissamarie2196 Posts: 42 Member
    I crave soda also at times, I can go a day without it,but I do crave one at times like one a day..But me to Iam trying to cut back because its just not that good for you..Have you ever had the sparkling water like in stop n shop??? I really like it and it has the fizz like soda...:)
  • imadyer
    imadyer Posts: 145 Member
    I love Dr. Pepper. I only have some if my calories allow. I also cut down on how much I drink by leaving it in the fridge while at work. Then I have to go down the hallway to get a drink. That's helped me. I know it's not good for me, but so are a lot of things and Dr. Pepper is pretty much my only junky food. I think if you're keeping on track, rewarding yourself with something you like is okay. I've also found that the more I tell myself I won't eat or drink something, the more it stays on my mind. Good luck!
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I went cold turkey and yeah, that was hard, and I was miserable so started back up again.

    The last time I quit, I cut my intake in about half. Then after a few weeks, I halved it again, till I was eventually at like one can or 8oz a week, then I gave it up completely.

    I will still occasionally drink something sweet when we're out, but to be honest, I just don't really like it anymore. Now I almost always get water with a slice of lemon.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Try flavored sparkling water. You'll get a little flavor & a little fizz & 0 calories. Haven't had any soda in over 2 years & (fortunately) don't miss it at all.

    Diet Soda IS Flavored sparkling water. They are essentially the same thing. Maybe sans caffeine. Seriously though Diet Soda isn't that bad. Yeah it's a bit bad for your teeth. But it's negligible as long as you maintain good oral hygiene.
  • folgers86
    folgers86 Posts: 84 Member
    Caffeine withdrawal sucks big time. Good news is that it usually only lasts a week or so! You could try coffee (depending on how you take yours that may not be much of a help, though. I personally only drink the syrupy kind!), some kind of tea, or other low calorie mildly caffeinated beverage. When I first started cutting caffeine out of my diet I would get those crystal lite Energy packets to mix in a bottle of water - either grape or strawberry flavored. Not THE healthiest things in the world but it would ward off headaches and I could gradually work my way down. For a while, though, everyone would joke about my "pink juice" at work!
  • ACanadian22
    ACanadian22 Posts: 377 Member
    I love diet Mountain Dew as well. I have it as a treat once and awhile when I am really hungry. I don't see anything wrong with having it once and awhile.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    ok so my main issue I believe is the fact that my whole household (including myself) is straight up addicted to soda. myself I love Diet mountain dew.

    What issue do you think a zero calorie soda is causing? If you're staying at or below your calorie goal, it doesn't hinder weight loss.
  • Janet72285
    Janet72285 Posts: 230 Member
    Try flavored sparkling water. You'll get a little flavor & a little fizz & 0 calories. Haven't had any soda in over 2 years & (fortunately) don't miss it at all.

    This ^^^

    I am also trying to wean myself off of soda. I have been drinking sparkling water instead and its working. One thing I have noticed is that flavored mineral water has much less flavoring to it than flavored sparkling water. So if you are like me and drink for flavor def go with sparkling water. :drinker:
  • lexluv101
    Soda can be ridiculously addicting, I have struggles with it myself. I drink one a day in the afternoon and cut that down from drinking it all day (morning and night). I found flavored water helps. Iced tea didn't help me as I only like it sweetened and I think the artificial sweeteners taste nasty in Iced Tea, and I tried quite a few.

    Really, like any food struggles, I guess it just takes time :/
  • LovingMe0587
    LovingMe0587 Posts: 121 Member
    You could do it gradually! Like if you drink them everyday, you can reduce it to doing it twice a week for one week. And then the following week reduce it to once a week for one week. And then the next week stop drinking them all together.

    For me, I just wanted to drink something with flavor whether it be juice or what. So I started off drinking water by adding the crystal light flavor powder. I know they say it isn't healthy but it helped me. Then eventually I went to just drinking water. I've been drinking nothing but water the last 2 months. Sometimes I drink tea too. I think it's harder when you go cold turkey. Do it gradually and you should be fine. But more than anything, it's a mentality kind of thing and you must be disciplined and determined or else it won't work. You can do it! :smile: