Flu like symptoms after exercise



  • This has been really helpful, thanks! I used to get these symptoms often when I trained 6+ times a week for rowing. I over thought about my diet which pretty much turned me into a hyperchrondriac. If anything, the multivitamins and protein I took regularly made me feel worse. Since starting up my routine again after 2 years I find myself googling my symptoms. I think for me, whilst trying to eat enough calories and so on, the best thing has been to listen to my body. Never go for sprints/heavy weights when I feel weak, do only light cycling/running when feeling not quite 100%, stop exercising when feeling feint etc. Mainly common sense, but it works best for me when I began thinking more this way.
  • Almost certainly, the cause of your problem is low testosterone levels. A simple blood test can verify this. Maximizing exercise when your testosterone is low causes the symptoms you specified. The best and safest way to raise your testosterone levels to normal ranges is by applying a testosterone cream (the patches are generally awkward).. However, the downside could be enhancement of any cancerous growths in your body, e.g. prostate. Females also have testosterone and, although I'm not as sure, probably have similar symptoms if it is low and they maximize their exercise.

    And, now, possibly the all-time strangest alternate prescription: Look at pornography without climaxing. This might sufficiently raise your testosterone level.
  • PhattiPhat
    PhattiPhat Posts: 349 Member
    And, now, possibly the all-time strangest alternate prescription: Look at pornography without climaxing. This might sufficiently raise your testosterone level.

    Heh. Wow.
  • celestekevjul
    celestekevjul Posts: 1 Member
    I have not exercised in years and just joined a gym. I got flu like symptoms two days later. This is July and there is a heat wave here. I have been taking ibuprofen every 4 hours for two days now. They do have these ginormous fans all over the gym on the ceilings. I have never experienced this before. If the fans are the problems, I will have to quit the gym. It hurts to touch my skin. Aches all over. So maybe is it a combo of overdoing it the first time and the fans blowing. I hope this is not the case: I would hate to have to quit because of the fans. (I have never seen such large fans before - and they are throughout the gym on the ceilings. Sore throat, chest hurts to touch, back hurts to touch. I am home in a comfortably air conditioned house of about 73 degrees. I have a sweat jacket on and my hood up. I'm going to bed !
  • This is the answer to your question. Im a Physician.

  • I've always had this problem. I was eventually diagnosed with asthma. A shot of bronchial dilator helps BUT DON'T OVERDO IT...

    You're gulping in allergens from heavy breathing. Over exercise may lower your immunity.

    I thought I was doing so great that I really kicked up the intensity. As a result, I'm just getting over a severe bout of bronchitis. The "no pain no gain" philosophy is total BS. If you feel sick after exercise, something is wrong. Asthma and allergies are likely culprits.
  • VanderTuig1976
    VanderTuig1976 Posts: 145 Member
    OMG....I was literally going to post about this same topic! I am sitting at my desk approximately 2 hours post-workout with severe stomach cramps and cold sweats. My stomach is growling but the thought of food makes my nauseous. I'm curious to read what others have to say. This is no fun!!!
  • Finally found other people this happens to. This started happening to me when I was in my 20s. I'm 46 now. I did a 30 minute cardio workout yesterday ( not too strenuous ) and light weights. So it wasn't an intense workout, but this morning, I feel like I have the flu. My body aches, I have a sore throat, my eyes are watery, and I'm craving sugary drinks. Very hard to get out of bed this morning. I have told doctors about it and they basically laughed at me. I have a cardiologist, told him about it and he said he didn't see a correlation. The strange thing, is that it doesn't happen every time I work out! I was going to work on legs today, but am too worn out. But, I will be feeling fine tomorrow. Also, I will be going to bed extra early tonight. I don't have asthma and I don't have chronic allergies either. It can happen if I workout inside, outside, in a gym, at home... it doesn't matter what season of the year either. In college, I met another person who had the same thing and he was on the football team and had been athletic his entire life. It disrupted his practices though. Hopefully someone will be able to provide a solid explanation as to why this happens one of these days.
  • As other people have intimated, it's a relief to find I'm not the only one! Other posts verbatim apply to me. I am NOT over eating, and I am NOT overtrain.ing. This latest bout occurred after an attempt to ease back by doing a v-e-r-y s-lo-w half hour of cycling. Next morning... as the old TV commercial used to say, "the ache all over feeling of a cold".

    I'm on a controller medication for asthma (although I have never had classic asthma.) That should eliminte allergic reaction. I eat good food- lean protein veggies, fruit. AND I have 1 -2 servings of yogurt daily.

    There's ot much advice anyone can give. I'll just again say it's a relief to find I'm not the only one or that I'm not some nutty hypochondriac.
  • As other people have intimated, it's a relief to find I'm not the only one! Other posts verbatim apply to me. I am NOT over eating, and I am NOT overtrain.ing. This latest bout occurred after an attempt to ease back by doing a v-e-r-y s-lo-w half hour of cycling. Next morning... as the old TV commercial used to say, "the ache all over feeling of a cold".

    I'm on a controller medication for asthma (although I have never had classic asthma.) That should eliminte allergic reaction. I eat good food- lean protein veggies, fruit. AND I have 1 -2 servings of yogurt daily.

    There's ot much advice anyone can give. I'll just again say it's a relief to find I'm not the only one or that I'm not some nutty hypochondriac.

    I found this reference to a study on the web.:
    Exercise Study Reveals Strange Immune Response to Exercise

    Exercise Effects on Biomarkers in GWI, CFS and Healthy Controls. Barnes, Sol, Seng, Fletcher and Klimas
  • I have prescribed testosterone supplementation and I STILL have this problem of flu-like symptoms after exercise.
  • dnkal
    dnkal Posts: 1
    I was very athletic when I was younger. I am out of shape now at 46 and starting to get back into shape recently. I experienced this when I was playing sports outdoors and had always attributed it to a recent onset of allergies (being older now). I went and got tested and outdoor allergies were negative (not allergic). Most recently this same thing was happened when I just joined a gym and re-inforced that it wasn't allergies. I was researching this extensively and found something that ended up working for me. I started taking probiotics on a regular basis and my flu like symptoms diminished quickly and now I don't really have this problem anymore. Essentially, the research said that toxins in your digestive track get released (absorbed) during exercise weakening your immune system. I don't understand the science behind it, but I can tell you that it definitely has worked for me.