When did others start noticing?



  • taraskylit
    taraskylit Posts: 48 Member
    As stated above ^^
    The bigger you are, the more you have to lose before people will notice.
    As an average height/size it's taken me about 10lb this cut (bodybuilder) before people notice. :)
  • elansc
    elansc Posts: 24 Member
    If I remember correctly after I lost about 35-40 lbs I made myself go out and buy new clothes - I was 4 sizes smaller and when I wore my new clothes everyone started to notice. :). You'd think they would notice throat everything was hanging off me but most people did not. The best was one of my neighbours who saw me in the grocery store early this spring who yelled across the store "holy #*%%*!!! You look great!" I smiled for days. Hang in there -- I have lost about 80 pounds (working on toning up now) and people are still noticing and commenting!
  • Camposale
    Camposale Posts: 3 Member
    how did you do it?
  • Rosie5151
    Rosie5151 Posts: 57 Member
    I think its quite different for someone like me who has to lose a lot of weight. I've lost 71 lbs so far and now people are starting to see it. But I have about 50 more to go. There are some people *especailly* that I work with that do not say anything to me, ever! One says things like.. " I hate you!" "NO way" you didn't lose anything... well from a size 28 to a size 18 , yes I have! They will notice... just give it some time or like one person said, time to treat yourself to new clothes! :))
  • Wow congratulations! that's great! its funny I've only lost 9 pounds and I thought surely people would notice, i do but then no one has said a word lol. I feel so much better and I try not to get discouraged too, never give up and Its how you feel about yourself eventually they will notice blessings to you :)
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    I think there are many variables, but can understand how frustrating it is.

    I started at nearly 240 lbs so I knew it would take a while to see change, and probably even longer to hear it.

    The first comments I got were from the person closest to me. At first I thought he was just being sweet, but sometimes he convinces me that he can truly see it.

    I only got my first comment at a 30 lb loss, and that was from someone who knew I was going to the gym most days so it was easy to dismiss as truly noticing.

    It was only last week when I got more comments. Nothing specific to weight loss, but from some people I only see a few times a year who said I was looking great.

    Weight is a sensitive subject for many people. I've noticed people in my life, teachers, co-workers, lose weight and refrained from saying anything direct about it. I guess I feel like if I say- oh, you've lost weight- will be the same as saying- oh- you're not as fat as you used to be. Its easier to say something like, you look good. Probably ridiculous, but even being on this side of it, I'm sensitive about saying anything to others.
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    My husband noticed sooner than other people, but my friend at work noticed after I bought a new pair of pants (the others were getting too loose). I assume that the pants fitting correctly helped to make the loss more noticeable.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    Only my wife new of my WOE so i started getting comments from others around 90lbs.