P90X3 Group



  • TusTus
    TusTus Posts: 14 Member
    My P90x3 should arrive this week and I'm so excited to get started on 9/22! Looking for support and motivation from others doing the program. Lots of luck to you all!!
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    I completed T25 three phases including pure gamma and gamma hybrid. I lost 22 pounds. Not bad, but struggle to reduce weight in the gamma phases.
    I just started P90X3 this week. I choose the lean program looking for another 10 pounds.
    Coming from T25, I am used to the double Fridays. I did today Isometrics and Agility X. I wonder if you have an opinion on having double Fridays instead going with one on Friday and one on Saturday.

    Thanks in advance.

    I still do the double Fridays as well because I got so used to it during T25. Usually whatever P90 video is that day I pick a video to compliment it. I even do a T25 video sometimes as my second. I'm not a big fan of the yoga or pilates so sometimes I swap those out for a T25 or Insanity video too.
  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    I have 2 weeks left of gamma hybrid and I'll be starting this after. Didn't get tons of results on T25 Gamma 2 rounds, other than definitely getting stronger. Ready to get this going
  • Enjoying reading all your posts. I'm on Day 19 of P90X3, just finished CVM workout for today. Down a solid 5 pounds, very happy with results and 30 minute workouts. Used to do original P90X for years, really enjoying these new versions.
  • P90XBowler
    P90XBowler Posts: 152 Member
    I love P90X3, did 2 rounds of it. Now I'm doing my own thing, a hybrid with Body Beast and Insanity:The Asylum, it's an awesome melting pot :)
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I have one more workout before I go into the second transition week. I'm ready for transition week, lol. I do P90X3 in the morning, and do an additional workout (a free one from YouTube - like HIIT, BoSu, or Kettlebell workouts) in the evening if my schedule permits, normally, I can get an additional workout in everyday except 3 days a week.

    I'm loving P90X3, but I do miss Shaun T. Before X3, I did T25 and Insanity, I kind of miss the hardcore cardio. But I want to do the routine faithfully 1 time through, and then I will look into doing a hybrid. I also plan to do the elite block.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I'm officially in Transition Week pt. 2. This will be a nice break. Today was Isometrix and I let myself forget how difficult this routine is. That Down Dog w/ the leg raise is the devil, lol.

    Side Note: is anyone else super pumped for Insanity Max30 to come out in December?
  • mcf78
    mcf78 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm on the final week of Insanity and have absolutely loved it. I've lost loads of weight, toned up nicely (nearly got a six pack!) and as for the increase in fitness, wow. I don't think I've ever felt this fit! I've been an off and on gym goer over the years and always seen these home fitness videos as a waste of time but, after so many friends had raved about Insanity, I ended up giving it a go. I'm sold!

    Anyway, I'm trying to decide what to do next and up unitl a week ago I was going to do another round of Insanity but, now I think I'd like to try something else and maybe add some muscle. I'm seriously considering going for P90x3 as it looks like it ticks all the boxes with the added bonus of being 30mins per day. It's been a real struggle finding the hour+ sometimes for insanity

    I suppose the thing I'm wondering is will it be a good move and how does it compare to Insanity? I've loved the feeling of really pushing the heart rate to the max and burring near 800 cals some days. I know it's going to be less cardio but will I still get that buzz of feeling wrecked afterwards?

    Also, I've got a garage full of free weights but as I'm looking to do this in the house I'm liking the idea of using bands. If I buy a good quality set of bands and a pull up bar for the doorway will this be as good as free weights? Other than these items is there anything else needed?

    Any advice welcome!

  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm on the final week of Insanity and have absolutely loved it. I've lost loads of weight, toned up nicely (nearly got a six pack!) and as for the increase in fitness, wow. I don't think I've ever felt this fit! I've been an off and on gym goer over the years and always seen these home fitness videos as a waste of time but, after so many friends had raved about Insanity, I ended up giving it a go. I'm sold!

    Anyway, I'm trying to decide what to do next and up unitl a week ago I was going to do another round of Insanity but, now I think I'd like to try something else and maybe add some muscle. I'm seriously considering going for P90x3 as it looks like it ticks all the boxes with the added bonus of being 30mins per day. It's been a real struggle finding the hour+ sometimes for insanity

    I suppose the thing I'm wondering is will it be a good move and how does it compare to Insanity? I've loved the feeling of really pushing the heart rate to the max and burring near 800 cals some days. I know it's going to be less cardio but will I still get that buzz of feeling wrecked afterwards?

    Also, I've got a garage full of free weights but as I'm looking to do this in the house I'm liking the idea of using bands. If I buy a good quality set of bands and a pull up bar for the doorway will this be as good as free weights? Other than these items is there anything else needed?

    Any advice welcome!


    Nothing in P90X3 will push you to the brink of cardio like Insanity. P90X3 was designed and marketed as an intermediate Beach Body program, Insanity is advanced. So it will be a downgrade in that department. As far as strength training goes two of the videos upper focus and Incinerator are excellent upper body weight videos. I think after completing Insanity you will find P90X3 to be quite easy. I would say just do P90X or P90X2 which are both advanced like Insanity. Or go to Insanity Asylum.
  • Bob_Or
    Bob_Or Posts: 7 Member
    Hello... I in the last week of the of the P90X3 Lean.... good results. Lost 7 pounds.
    I did T25 previously and lost 20 pounds. My goal is to lose 7-10 pounds more.
    I would like to read your recommendations... should I do another round of T25 or keep in the P90X3 lean? what about to switch to P90X3 Classic? or to jump to something else?

    Thanks in advance. O 12/1