cut out soda?



  • marinabreeze
    marinabreeze Posts: 141 Member
    Diet pop can be addictive due to the caffeine, which is a drug and can definitely cause dependency. Not sure if it will affect you long term, but I can see if losing dependency on any drug is a goal. Also, pop is filled with sodium. It's not a big deal for many, but is to some, especially those with high bp.

    I do drink diet pop, so I am the last person to say quit drinking it. FWIW, in college, I had a 2-liter a day Pepsi habit (not diet so lots of sugar too). What worked for me was to stop drinking it if I got sick. Then I already felt bad anyway, so I could get both feelings over with.

    Today I drink diet pop, but I also drink iced coffee, herbal tea (try Harney's flavored teas - they're great without sugar), and water. I'm now looking to cut back on pop more because of the sodium than anything - I see a lot of excess sodium on my daily food tracking, and the coffee and tea work well to substitute.
  • sarieth05
    sarieth05 Posts: 313 Member
    I had to quit cold turkey to get rid of my soda addiction. I used to drink SO much, and just decided one day that I didn't need it and starting drinking tons and tons of water instead. Definitely buy a glass you can carry around with water and have it with you at all times so you can take a sip if you feel thirsty. Maybe start off with the flavored water things if you like flavor, but I didn't even do that. I would always use the excuse that soda "helped me not be thirsty".

    But everyone else has some great advice about slowly weening yourself off of it! Whatever works. =) Good luck!
  • anawhatsme
    anawhatsme Posts: 261 Member
    There's nothing wrong with drinking diet sodas. I drink one a day sometimes, if I want it. There's nothing in them that will harm you.

    aren't artificial sweeteners harmful?
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    There's nothing wrong with drinking diet sodas. I drink one a day sometimes, if I want it. There's nothing in them that will harm you.

    aren't artificial sweeteners harmful?

    Despite the hysteria, no.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    There's nothing wrong with drinking diet sodas. I drink one a day sometimes, if I want it. There's nothing in them that will harm you.

    aren't artificial sweeteners harmful?

    Not unless you have gallons upon gallons shoved inside of you at once.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    A lot of comments here deal with the calories of the soda etc. the Op is talking about diet soda which is calorie free. It's just flavored water, caffeine, and carbonation. If you opt to go with Crystal Light or Mio or whatever you're only cutting out the caffeine and the carbonation. You can cut out the caffeine bu going to caffeine free. There is really not a lot of difference amongst all these choices. I really only think you get to call yourself a free and pure drinker if you drink only water. That's just my opinion.

    I drink tons of diet pop so I'm not on a high horse here. I just don't think it really MATTERS. You're drinking a zero calorie drink option and staying hydrated. Yay.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    There's nothing wrong with drinking diet sodas. I drink one a day sometimes, if I want it. There's nothing in them that will harm you.

    aren't artificial sweeteners harmful?
    The jury is still out on that.
  • marciaholland77
    marciaholland77 Posts: 85 Member
    I have cut my intake of caffeine by switching to caffeine free sodas. I have also increased the amount of water I drink. Eventually I would love to say I cut the soda out altogether. Good luck!
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Diet Mountain Dew has both caffeine and aspartame. For the caffeine a reduction method I used was to take an excedrin (containing aspirin and caffeine), and cut it in tiny little pieces. Half a piece smaller everyday. This forestalls the caffeine headache. Then eventually you forget to take it. There are many on this site, who are adamant that junk foods, or nonnutritive comfort food of their choice, is necessary to their sanity. Whatever works for you. But everyone is different and we all have distinct goals. Personally, I have liver disease, and I don't want any crap clogging up the works. There has been some evidence, unsubstantiated, that aspartame can become formaldehyde if exposed to UV. So don't drink it outside, LOL. Also, aspartame has been linked to depression. I used to stare at the "sugar" bowl at the restaurant and think, "fat, cancer, crazy" what's my poison today. Now I just order herbal tea. It's easier on my liver and on my spirit. Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    I was waiting for SOMEONE, so I had it ready!!
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    There's nothing wrong with drinking diet sodas. I drink one a day sometimes, if I want it. There's nothing in them that will harm you.

    aren't artificial sweeteners harmful?
    I've yet to see a peer-reviewed study that reached that conclusion, and I've seen several that concluded they weren't harmful in 'reasonable human' amounts of consumption, so I'm going to go with "no."
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I cut it out about 4 and a half months ago, but because I'd rather eat my calories (have never liked the taste of diet). Try seltzer water-same fizz, no calories, no nasty aftertaste you get with diet pop.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    I cut it out about 4 and a half months ago, but because I'd rather eat my calories (have never liked the taste of diet). Try seltzer water-same fizz, no calories, no nasty aftertaste you get with diet pop.

    OP says she loves Diet Mountain Dew, so there's obviously no issue with taste for her. :)
  • RET68
    RET68 Posts: 88
    Diet Mountain Dew has both caffeine and aspartame. For the caffeine a reduction method I used was to take an excedrin (containing aspirin and caffeine), and cut it in tiny little pieces. Half a piece smaller everyday. This forestalls the caffeine headache. Then eventually you forget to take it. There are many on this site, who are adamant that junk foods, or nonnutritive comfort food of their choice, is necessary to their sanity. Whatever works for you. But everyone is different and we all have distinct goals. Personally, I have liver disease, and I don't want any crap clogging up the works. There has been some evidence, unsubstantiated, that aspartame can become formaldehyde if exposed to UV. So don't drink it outside, LOL. Also, aspartame has been linked to depression. I used to stare at the "sugar" bowl at the restaurant and think, "fat, cancer, crazy" what's my poison today. Now I just order herbal tea. It's easier on my liver and on my spirit. Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    I was waiting for SOMEONE, so I had it ready!!

    There seems to be a basic disconnect between what people think about the definition of fitness on this site. To some it means health, mental, physical, and spiritual. To others it seems to be the easiest way to lose a minimum of pounds (always less than 50) while maintaining as much of their lifestyle choices as possible.
    I am also a biologist, and while I didn't say that aspartame is related to cancer, even your author relates that it is made of phenylalanine which is problematic for some people.
    We are not all the same. And, a great deal of research has been done since 2004 on the effects of chemicals which we were not evolved to digest, especially on certain groups: autistics, depressives, morbidly obese people etc.
    The problem you seem to be having is that you need to convince people that you are right. I follow the maxim you can be right or you can be happy. I wish to be happy, so you can be right.
    As I said if it works for you, great, I go out of my way to make life easy on my liver as I have limited function left and OP states that she wants to wean herself off diet sodas and asks for help. I gave her some.
    Do you think there is anyway we could make MFP a safe place where people could discuss things without "the mean crew" piling on to prove their point?
    Have you ever wondered how many people you have motivated to deactivate in your pursuit of "winning" a debate that nobody is having with you?
    I am used to a twelve step environment or a seminar environment where people work towards consensus in safety. I thought this was a fitness site, am I wrong is this just "Facebook for the Vain"? :wink:
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Diet Mountain Dew has both caffeine and aspartame. For the caffeine a reduction method I used was to take an excedrin (containing aspirin and caffeine), and cut it in tiny little pieces. Half a piece smaller everyday. This forestalls the caffeine headache. Then eventually you forget to take it. There are many on this site, who are adamant that junk foods, or nonnutritive comfort food of their choice, is necessary to their sanity. Whatever works for you. But everyone is different and we all have distinct goals. Personally, I have liver disease, and I don't want any crap clogging up the works. There has been some evidence, unsubstantiated, that aspartame can become formaldehyde if exposed to UV. So don't drink it outside, LOL. Also, aspartame has been linked to depression. I used to stare at the "sugar" bowl at the restaurant and think, "fat, cancer, crazy" what's my poison today. Now I just order herbal tea. It's easier on my liver and on my spirit. Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    I was waiting for SOMEONE, so I had it ready!!

    There seems to be a basic disconnect between what people think about the definition of fitness on this site. To some it means health, mental, physical, and spiritual. To others it seems to be the easiest way to lose a minimum of pounds (always less than 50) while maintaining as much of their lifestyle choices as possible.
    I am also a biologist, and while I didn't say that aspartame is related to cancer, even your author relates that it is made of phenylalanine which is problematic for some people.
    We are not all the same. And, a great deal of research has been done since 2004 on the effects of chemicals which we were not evolved to digest, especially on certain groups: autistics, depressives, morbidly obese people etc.
    The problem you seem to be having is that you need to convince people that you are right. I follow the maxim you can be right or you can be happy. I wish to be happy, so you can be right.
    As I said if it works for you, great, I go out of my way to make life easy on my liver as I have limited function left and OP states that she wants to wean herself off diet sodas and asks for help. I gave her some.
    Do you think there is anyway we could make MFP a safe place where people could discuss things without "the mean crew" piling on to prove their point?
    Have you ever wondered how many people you have motivated to deactivate in your pursuit of "winning" a debate that nobody is having with you?
    I am used to a twelve step environment or a seminar environment where people work towards consensus in safety. I thought this was a fitness site, am I wrong is this just "Facebook for the Vain"? :wink:

    How is people disagreeing with you mean? I often give advice that goes against the opinion of others, but I've never done it in a mean way. Stating things in a blunt, honest way =/= mean.

    In any case, Facebook for the Vain is catchy. Kinda had a ring to it.
  • ncdougb
    ncdougb Posts: 61 Member
    I haven't had soda in months. Once you get past the 'hump' and out of the habit, there's nothing to miss. It's great.
  • RET68
    RET68 Posts: 88
    adjective: mean-spirited; adjective: meanspirited

    inconsiderate and unsympathetic.
    "he's an egotistical, mean-spirited, abusive man"
    Well Op, there will be no more discussion so I leave you to it. Expect cat gifs in abundance.

    I'm trying to decide if I should just continue to "ignore user" these people as others have done, or if it is really necessary to delete friends and lurk, or just deactivate and find a real support network for fitness. Again, good luck. :ohwell:
  • s_pekz
    s_pekz Posts: 340 Member
  • traceywoody
    traceywoody Posts: 233 Member
    The issue with any carbonated beverage to me is the sodium. Too much sodium is not good for the arteries and can help you retain water. If you like fizz look for low sodium mineral waters. The naturally carbonated ones are the best. If you are not concerned about sodium, aspartame, caffeine or food acids - keep having your soda in moderation. :smile: Everything in moderation is my motto.