Staying motivated without feeling obsessed

I have lost 28 lbs since June 9th 2014, I have another 28-30 lbs to go but I'm feeling burnt out. How do you stay motivated without everyone around you thinking you're obsessed or have an eating disorder. The best way for me to stay motivated is to think and talk about it 14/7, I keep meme on my phone to remind me, I sit alarms to remind me, I jump at the chance to talk about fitness with people, etc. How do you stay motivated to yourself without involving others I guess is the real question?

Thank you,



  • mrsbunbunbun
    mrsbunbunbun Posts: 49 Member
    My family has been really supportive, but it's true that at some point, people get sick of hearing about it, so I try to respect that. You better believe when someone is actually interested, I will be happy to share with them all about it! lol But it has become something personal I do just for myself, and that makes it kind of special. I don't have to go waving a banner or throw a fitness parade to get up each day and do what I gotta do - for myself. Nobody is making me measure my portions or go to the gym, so I try to remember why it's important to me, and it's okay that it may not be that important to everyone else. :) Make friends on here! They will keep you motivated when you see everyone working out and dropping weight on your thread, you want to be up there sharing your success, too! You don't really have to do it alone. ;)
  • sarieth05
    sarieth05 Posts: 313 Member
    I just had a conversation with my husband where I apologized to him because I talk about running and food CONSTANTLY, and I feel bad that he has to be on the short end of that stick. He did mention that he was okay with it because if it helps me keep it up, he wants me to have an outlet for my rambling. But I seriously have to stop talking sometimes because I think I talk about it too much and I don't want to pester people when I don't need to.

    It's all I think about now, and I just try to take a step back and convince MYSELF that I'm doing a good job and don't need reassurance from everyone all the time. I try to remember what bad habits I used to have (and sometimes still have) and think about how far I've come from the behavior that got me into this situation to begin with.

    Keep up the great work! Utilize the website and try to find like-minded buddies to help you along the way. :smile:
  • helenkenny9212
    helenkenny9212 Posts: 5 Member
    First of all, well done on your weight loss so far, that's a really impressive number. My advice would be to get involved in activities which assist your weightloss, but which are about more than just weight loss. For example, I'm starting Zumba tomorrow and have my first healthy cookery class tomorrow. I'm hoping they'll be fun in their own right but also will help me burn calories and learn new healthy cooking habits. If what you've been doing so far has been working for you, keep going with it. There are groups of people that love hearing and talking about weight and health related topics like people on this forum or your local weightwatchers meeting. A way for me to stay motivated is keeping a little progress board on the wall in my home study area.
  • helzi_boo
    helzi_boo Posts: 8 Member
    Well done so far on your weight loss!

    I have found that going to the gym with my boyfriend helps to keep me motivated (i must be crazy!) He kicks my *kitten* but i know it is for my own good.

    I myself have started to become a little disheartened. I started at the gym - worked even harder than i ever have done and am up 2lbs!
    Am i turning all my fat into muscle first?

    I am also starting to do a chart with stars that represent the lbs lost. This helps me whenever i've been feeling down because i can see how much i have lost so far!
    Good luck!
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I annoy my coworkers and my family because I am so careful about what I eat. I usually eat before I go places and I make sure I go to the gym after work at least 4-5 days a week. I have gotten comments because if I do go out to a restaurant and eat something different than normal I will go straight to the gym after to make sure I work off anything extra. People find this obsessive and I get lots of comments about being anorexic, but I know that if I allow myself to indulge then I am going to end up also wanting to eat ice cream or a candy bar or pizza or other things that trigger me. I also have the added bonus of having Selective Eating Disorder that I have dealt with since I was a toddler, so my very small menu of foods I can eat make my life more difficult. I do feel like I am completely obsessive about counting my calories though because I've been doing this for 10 months and I am trying to stay diligent.
  • wyrdsister
    wyrdsister Posts: 16 Member
    I try something completely differend ,im off to go stand up paddle boarding am looking into orienteering events. I am looking at setting non weight goals, beating my own time, ability to fit in certain clothes those things are far more motivational. sometimes its about changing lifestyle rather than dieting. :smile:
  • pamelas9
    I'm like the OP. I have to keep my head 'MFP mode' in to stick with it - but unlike the OP I have no real life support, it's all on here. So my advice is to get a whole bunch more friends and ramble away on here... but if that doesn't cut it for you the other poster who said go find fitness things to do and make some new fit minded friends that you can talk to about all this is probably a good start.
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member
    I'm like the OP. I have to keep my head 'MFP mode' in to stick with it - but unlike the OP I have no real life support, it's all on here. So my advice is to get a whole bunch more friends and ramble away on here... but if that doesn't cut it for you the other poster who said go find fitness things to do and make some new fit minded friends that you can talk to about all this is probably a good start.

    This...for sure

    Sharing your journey with like minded people who have been where youre going can be helpful, motivating and fulfilling on most days, and particularly the days where you need to be carried a little.....we're all human and it happens.
