Newbie UK girl - need a buddy!


I've returned to MFP today after being away for a while. I've never used the forums but came to have a look and I wondered if anyone would like to 'buddy up' for support?

A bit about me:
I'm 33, work in London, and am a serial yo-yo dieter. I've never lost more than 3 stone (even though I need to) as I tend to struggle keeping on track after a certain length of time or if something happens like a holiday and I give myself a break from trying to lose weight. I'm getting married next April (less than 31 weeks away now - eeek!!) and would love to lose enough weight to feel happier in myself for the wedding and not feel like a hippo in a swimsuit on honeymoon! After having a very heavy eating week last week I shocked myself back into doing something about my weight when I weighed myself this morning. So today is my new Day 1 and I'm hoping it'll be a lasting journey this time...which is where I'm hoping having a buddy (or 2 or 3 or however many really!) will help!

Looking forward to being a part of this community!



  • fairyh209
    fairyh209 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Rachel,

    I'm Fay, 35 and also work in London. Today is my first day after a break of MFP.

    I'm also a yo yo dieter, and have struggled with my weight forever!. I'm not hugely overweight, but for my height of 4"11 my BMI tells me that im obese!

    Please feel free to add me - it'll be great to buddy up with someone!

  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    Hello, You can add me. I try to comment at times. I am from Buckinghamshire I am 34 and 4'11 like the above lady.
  • Dying2Live84
    Dying2Live84 Posts: 154 Member

    I'm Kristi, just turned 30 and live in the Isle of Man.

    I lost 4 stone (56lbs) back in my early 20s then had my daughter and piled the weight back on and more when I went back to work.

    Turning 30 and having health issues has definitely motivated me to try this again!

    Feel free to add me :)
