H20 Seriously Sexy 7lbs of Valentine's Day Challenge WEEK4!



  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    My non scale victories so far: having my size 20 wedding dress practically fall off of me!! Wearing and zipping up a size 12 dress(not too comfy though, but soon!)

    Hoping to get into those jeans from our Christmas challenge..my butt is still a bit too big, lol!

    Well, after a weekend of horrible tooth/mouth pains, throbbing and stabbong feelings, ugh, it was HORRIBLE.. I called the dentist and got my appt in this morning. Had to have Nick's mom take me in (which was actually GREAT!) and my tooth is infected. I am on amoxicillin and hydrocodin and I have to have oral surgery to have 2 teeth cut out in about 10 days. Problem was, I was never put on Nick's insurance, so I was really worried about the cost of everything. Luckily the dentist is a distant relative of Nicks and will just bill us later on. Well, when Nick's mom heard I wasn't covered, she took me to the union hall and had the secretary (the whole family is good friends with the hall, thank goodness!) call in and add me to medical/dental and prescrip. Well, problem was I needed the pills like, a week ago, and with Nick being out of work for a week it was looking bad. So, we went to Walgreens and gave them all the info...my 'scrips cost $3.54!! TOTAL!! The insurance literally covered me *snap* like that! THANK GOODNESS! My oral suregery last time for one tooth was $300...so hopefully it's only half or so.

    My food yesterday was crap..yogurt, peanut butter, milk... now that I have pain pills, I can eat a little more.. I want a cheeseburger soooo bad though..not chancing that til after my surgery though.

    I hope you all are having a great week, mine is finally looking up..
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh, and don't forget to update yourself on the spreadsheet!


    I've updated the formula so it will show your loss up to Week 3.
  • roboray
    roboray Posts: 73 Member
    I'm having a killer time over here.. hubbys' back is better and my tooth is beyond aching. Throbbing throughout my whole mouth and I'm not on Nick's insurance yet. I really hope we catch a some break long ebough for me to take care of this tooth. NOthing I take is helping which means it's infected like the other one they had to cut out a while back. Ow, ow ow. I'm miserable and I so tired. I can't sleep either. If it doesn't subside soon, I don't know what we're gonna do. Sorry for the mini vent, but I needed to.

    That's horrible!!! I'm sorry about your pain. It might help to gargle with warm salt water a few times a day. It will draw out the infection. I feel so bAd for you it's such a hard pain to tolerate. I hope it gets better soon :)
  • roboray
    roboray Posts: 73 Member
    Glad to hear it's looking up!!! Things just have a way of working themselves out. Pain meds help lol :). Good luck in your surgery !!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    hey everyone.. hows it going. hey its me April.. Im still alive incase you were wondering..

    I think Im FINALLY towards the end of this nasty cold. :) thank GOD.. Cant wait to be back full force.. Miss ALL of you SOOOOO much.. Anything exciting going on? my Best friend is having her baby within the next week. Gonna be an "aunt" again.. :) YAY!! Cant wait!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    April! Yay! Glad you're here and feeling better. :) I think you sent your cold over to my house, though. Both hubby and I are down with a cold. So thanks! :P
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    lol.. sorry.. ive been trying to stay away.. :( Its been horrible. And EVERYONE has been getting it.. :( Sucks! It needs to go away!
  • Okay, here goes...my start weight earlier in January was 162 lbs. I am now 156 lbs. So I am making some progress :-)

    the challenges...

    1) 4 cups of water has been my max. More and I am making trips to the bathroom every hour. I don't know how to increase my water intake more without driving myself crazy with bathroom breaks.

    2) what are good toning exercises? I've tried some yoga, some pilates...my trouble is I have bilateral carpal's tunnel and getting up and down off the floor and putting pressure on my wrists is really painful. so I have been more inclined towards cardio.

    3) I got these very nice almost new professional clothes when I was 155 last spring a year ago. At 162 they were not fitting very well. Today at 156 I notice they are fitting much much better and it lifted my mood all day.

    4) Me time...my 2nd hour today at the gym was me time--my water blast class. I have not been able to do pool time while recovering from an ear and throat illness a couple weeks and going back to the pool finally felt SO GOOD! I really relaxed and enjoyed the class!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Just discovered there are Leslie Sansone videos on Exercise TV! Sahweeeeeet!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better April, and Pinky, I hope it passes you quickly.

    It's been almost a full day since having pain meds..not really helping much...so if it continues tomorrow, I'm calling for something stronger. I just want this infection to hit the road so they can take these darn teeth..from what I heard, it sounds like my wisdom teeth are behind both of them, so I won't be without teeth back there for too long, but still.

    I attempted to exercise briefly yesterday, but it was for long nor that much effort, I may try some pilates or yoga today to help focus myself on something other than the pain. I was crazy thirsty yesterday, by 4p, I already had 96oz of water (which is what I normally hae for a full day) and filled up my bottle for another 24oz.. It was long gone by 7p, but I didn't want to over due it anymore as too much of a good thing can be bad.

    Hope you all are having a good day, besides, it's almost the weekend (already..wth, it's going way too quickly!).
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Bru, don't push yourself too hard while you're not feeling your best - it could actually prolong your recovery. I know the pain is in your mouth but your body still needs its resources to help clear the infection up!

    April, I'm glad you're almost 100%!

    I just got the piece I needed to get On Demand for DirecTV so now I need to go look for some exercise programs to download so that I can mix things up during my rest days on EASA2. I definitely need some core exercises so make suggestions if you have any!
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    I did it!!! I hit 169 today! My valentines day goal on here was 169.9 lbs. but I'm very excited I hit it this early and am hoping my loss continues (I did have a bad plateau the last month). *smiles* that's all :)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    If I do yoga, I won't be pushing too hard... I don't plan on running a 5k this week, now that would really be pushing too hard! I'm not really eating because I can't chew without a stabbing pain. I've been getting in my protein, and that matters the most to me right now. I'm on antibiotics to get rid of the infection.

    Jsecret: YAY for reaching you Valentine's Day goal!! That's wonderful!!!!!
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    I feel like I've been on a major plateau this month. Got back down to pre-christmas weight... but NOW what? I guess I'm gonna have to amp up the exercise!

    Goal one: MORE WATER!! 20 oz down this am before 9am. Woo!

    Goal two: more pushups to tone my arms.

    Thanks for the awesome motivation and inspiration everyone! And I love that we're already planning an easter challenge. I'm in! I would LOVE to get 20 lbs off!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Feeling a little better today, being a little more active.. :) Yay! :) Trying to get some house work done.. Not coughing as much..
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Hey ladies!

    April, I am happy to see you are on the mend! That stupid cold is going around here too, along with a stomach bug. ICK.

    I've been really good about water this week, and have started watching my sodium. Yesterday I had over 100 oz! YAY!

    Officially weighed in this morning. Now that TOM is over, I can actually record it too. Down to 235. Again. LOL! But it's a sustained loss so I'm happy.

    NSV: I had 2 people at work yesterday tell me that I am "shrinking." That was awesome! :smile:

    Challenge SW: 237.4
    Challenge GW: 229
    Week 4 weight: 235

    Am I going to make 229 by Valentines? Probably not. But I AM going to kick the 230s in February!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    LOL - thanks Bru - I don't know how I missed that......I'm almost a week late to the Week 4 challenge.....LOL I'll catch up on everything later on....have to get dressed for my swimming tonight :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Feeling even better today.. Very little coughing.. Came home and got MOST the house cleaned tonight.. MUCHLY Needed.. haha i dont think thats a word, haha.. If not I made it one. Hope everyone is doing well.. ive missed keeping up on everyone. Remember next week we are posting pictures of Water bottles.. :) Hope we got some cute ones out there.. :)
  • mrmarler
    mrmarler Posts: 121 Member
    Week 4?! How are we already so far into this challenge!

    I'm excited...just signed up for my first 5K! It is at Knott's Berry Farm (America's 1st theme park!) and benefits the Speech and Language Development Center. It sounds like a really fun race - it winds through the park, past all of the coasters and attractions, and at the end you get a piece of famous Knott's boysenberry pie. Don't know how much I'm going to want that pie after I've just run over 3 miles, but it is a nice gesture.


    That is sweet! You know disney does a princess half marathon, Its just for women and I have been thinking about doing it, if your a runner you should look into it!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Week 4?! How are we already so far into this challenge!

    I'm excited...just signed up for my first 5K! It is at Knott's Berry Farm (America's 1st theme park!) and benefits the Speech and Language Development Center. It sounds like a really fun race - it winds through the park, past all of the coasters and attractions, and at the end you get a piece of famous Knott's boysenberry pie. Don't know how much I'm going to want that pie after I've just run over 3 miles, but it is a nice gesture.


    That is sweet! You know disney does a princess half marathon, Its just for women and I have been thinking about doing it, if your a runner you should look into it!

    I've totally heard about that! Disneyland does a half marathon too, and a family 5K, in September. I've heard it is a fun event, but it is SO pricey. The entry for the half is $125! The 5K is $50. Yipes. Maybe I should start a fund for it...I've got 216 days!
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