Why choose other diets over calorie counting?

I'm completely new at dieting. Started calorie counting about 7 weeks ago, learned about caloric deficit, BMR etc and started the gym. Easy, and I've lost more weight than I ever thought I would in this time.
Which now makes me think, what's the point in any other diet? Slim fast or herbalife in particular, or even the Atkins diet or other fad diets? Why spend loads of money when all you need to do is be in deficit?


  • lemonsurprise
    lemonsurprise Posts: 255 Member
    And also groups like weight watchers etc where you have syns or points and complicate thing? And how do certain diets have "free foods" where you can eat as much fruit and veg as you want? Surely if you're going in to surplus with these "free foods" you're still going to put on weight?
  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    Because most of those diets work, the biggest difference is if done right calorie counting teaches you how to eat and most importantly makes it easy to keep the weight off. The bottom line is that if you dont eat at a deficit you wont lose weight its that simple.
  • keefmac
    keefmac Posts: 313 Member
    And also groups like weight watchers etc where you have syns or points and complicate thing? And how do certain diets have "free foods" where you can eat as much fruit and veg as you want? Surely if you're going in to surplus with these "free foods" you're still going to put on weight?

    My friend is a big lad, he's been on a diet with free foods and syns etc and hasn't really lost much at a all. In the same time I've lost 22lb for free using just portion control and very loose calorie counting. Some people think if you pay for a diet plan, it seems more worthy for one reason or another..

    I mentioned an apple was around 100kcal but that was "free" for some reason?..
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    That is one of the problems with Weight Watchers. The "free foods" are free because they're low in calories, but you still have to exercise caution. If you overeat them you could definitely go over on calories. I especially would have to watch the sugar in the fruits; you can easily rack up way too much sugar in a day just on fruit.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Lots of those diets are just ways to create a deficit without having to count.

    I also prefer counting and the freedom and good sense of being able to construct my own food plan, based on what matters to me.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    My mom has done multiple diets over the years: Jenny Craig, Ideal Protein, Visalus, a variation of the Bernstein diet, and a trainer she worked with for a short time gave her many different "detox" teas.

    She's spent loads of money over the years, and ALWAYS gains the weight back, and then some. When I asked her why she doesn't try to do it on her own, her reply was "That's too hard".

    I think laziness is a big factor for many people (I won't say all, because I'm sure some people have had success with some of these programs). They don't want to have to count, or think about it. They pay loads of money so that someone else will tell them what to eat & when.
  • JtKeil
    JtKeil Posts: 1,389 Member
    I use WW because I like the community, occassional meetings, and recipes. I know I can do it alone with calorie counting but at the moment I'm enjoying both.

    A lot of those other diets you mentioned appeal to people for different reasons, sometimes it's because calorie counting can seem daunting and it's easier to have a set food list to eat 'freely' from.
  • lady6starlight
    lady6starlight Posts: 127 Member
    I think people tend to view calorie counting as being too difficult, even though it's free and really isn't that hard compared to spending hundreds of dollars and sustaining yourself on chemical shakes.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    calorie counting is tedious :/
    yeah it works, but it suckssssssssssssss

    i don't use expensive diets or supplements
    i just eat very small portions and restrict certain foods

    everyone has different preferences and ideas about what works best for them
    as long as they're having moderate success then i can't really fault them for using a different approach
  • Archerychickge
    Archerychickge Posts: 606 Member
    MFP has made those other diets obsolete in my opinion. Why spend butt-loads of $ on plans that do the same thing I can do here for free? Plus, on alot of those other diets, you often see folks gain back the weight as soon as they go off them, mainly because it wasn't a lifestyle change.
  • JoeCWV
    JoeCWV Posts: 213 Member
    I'm completely new at dieting. Started calorie counting about 7 weeks ago, learned about caloric deficit, BMR etc and started the gym. Easy, and I've lost more weight than I ever thought I would in this time.
    Which now makes me think, what's the point in any other diet? Slim fast or herbalife in particular, or even the Atkins diet or other fad diets? Why spend loads of money when all you need to do is be in deficit?

    The truth is artfully hidden in these plans. Why? Because the truth will set you free (and is free). Can't make any money that way. Keep on keeping on.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Low carb/Atkins isn't a fad. You can do low carb/Atkins without buying anything but the food itself.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Slim fast or herbalife in particular, or even the Atkins diet or other fad diets?

    Atkins isn't a fad diet. You eat real food like nuts and greens and cheese and meat. You watch your carbohydrate count. Been around since the 70s and sustainable. Not a fad. SlimFast drinks shakes and asks you to eat sensibly the rest of the time. Herbalife, shakes. Not equal. It's the orange in your apple comparison.

    Lots of those diets are just ways to create a deficit without having to count.

    I agree. Non-fad diets like Atkins and Weight Watchers are basically this.^^
    Some people need this structure. Some people struggle with cravings that are hard to manage and ignore.
    Sometimes just the accountability to a community and/or the fact that you've spent money on it, is enough to keep you on course. This does work for some people.

    I use self-education and the accountability of free resources and communities/forums to keep me on track.

    There is really no shame in needing a little structure or help. I'm working it and succeeding. You have to want it bad and no matter how hard it is, keep working it. Regardless whether you need support or not.
  • Archerychickge
    Archerychickge Posts: 606 Member
    Low carb/Atkins isn't a fad. You can do low carb/Atkins without buying anything but the food itself.

    I tried the Atkins diet... It was more expensive than just watching my portions, which is how I've lost weight this time. I had to be ALOT more concientious about carb content and grocery shop with that in mind vs how I regularly shop.

    Plus I became borderline homicidal without carbs which would have added to my costs once you factor in bail, legal representation, etc... LOL just kidding.
  • Lifts4IceCream
    Lifts4IceCream Posts: 77 Member
    I think laziness is a big factor for many people (I won't say all, because I'm sure some people have had success with some of these programs). They don't want to have to count, or think about it. They pay loads of money so that someone else will tell them what to eat & when.
    ^this & they do not want it bad enough.
    calorie counting is tedious :/
    yeah it works, but it suckssssssssssssss
    I have been counting calories for almost 2 years now, and I have to loosely agree with this statement. There are times when it really sucks, but I still do it. But after so long counting, it does get better and not so tedious. There is no other way as effective.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    MFP has made those other diets obsolete in my opinion. Why spend butt-loads of $ on plans that do the same thing I can do here for free? Plus, on alot of those other diets, you often see folks gain back the weight as soon as they go off them, mainly because it wasn't a lifestyle change.


    Calorie counting takes work. What people tend to overlook....maintenance takes work too!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    My mom has done multiple diets over the years: Jenny Craig, Ideal Protein, Visalus, a variation of the Bernstein diet, and a trainer she worked with for a short time gave her many different "detox" teas.

    She's spent loads of money over the years, and ALWAYS gains the weight back, and then some. When I asked her why she doesn't try to do it on her own, her reply was "That's too hard".

    I think laziness is a big factor for many people (I won't say all, because I'm sure some people have had success with some of these programs). They don't want to have to count, or think about it. They pay loads of money so that someone else will tell them what to eat & when.
    yeah, no.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'll speak only for myself. I began this journey wanting to learn how to eat right, to fuel my body, and to lose a bit of weight. I chose an approach that did that. It didn't include counting. No laziness. No money spent besides a few books. Just a different approach.
  • RussellG67
    RussellG67 Posts: 24 Member
    The database of foods on here keeps getting better. And the option to just scan you bar codes helps too. Counting is a pain, but you count in WW too. just points instead of kcal. I think some initial investment to add in your recipes and common foods you east and portion control/counting works the best.

    Best to not over exaggerate the exercise calories though. Some of those estimates are way off. (example. 1 round of golf is 1,791 calories on here).