Midlife Crisis???

Honestly, I just wanted to take a second to introduce myself and tell everyone hello. I signed up for myfitnesspal 3 months ago be never took my first step to diet and fitness until a week ago. I have since completely changed my diet and have signed up for a membership to planet fitness where I have been in the gym steady for the past week and have already lost 5 lbs (pretty sure mostly water weight) Anyway after reading plenty of posts on here I can see that there is a lot of support. I have always been the short skinny guy who could eat anything and over the last year I have gained almost 50 lbs so i guess my fast metabolism is gone. Anyway my wife says it is a midlife crisis so we shall see!


  • Roughgalaxy
    Roughgalaxy Posts: 219 Member
    Welcome! There are a lot of reasons for a persons metabolism to slow down, a lot of it depends on your activity level and the type of foods you eat. Your age will also effect it, but that doesn't mean that once it slows down, you are stuck. Due to reasons I won't get into here I had a slow metabolism most of my life. Once I started getting some help and educated about it I learned how to slowly get my metabolism back up to speed and now I'm capable of a steady 2200-2500 calorie diet. (I used to only be able to eat around 1400 a day). Feel free to toss me a friend invite or a message if you need some help. :)
  • brodi3man
    brodi3man Posts: 61 Member
    Welcome! I've had my up's and downs with weight and excercise. The longest i was healthy and happy was with the support of this forum / app and friends. Hope to see you around here a lot. Send me a friend invite!.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Portion control and lots of exercise did it for me. The calorie counting gave me the tools and education to change my lifestyle. I no longer count but have kept my habits and am maintaining well now. .
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    Goodness, and I thought when I opened this, that it was going to be a justification topic for buying a sportscar. :)

    Welcome to the group!
  • Thanks!