Injured ankle = no cardio = frustated vent

I’m feeling really frustrated right now. Just last week I finally broke through a plateau that plagued me for over a month with my first new loss again. I’d started doing a bit of calorie shifting as well as eating back much more, to most, of my exercise calories each day (I still leave a buffer since I don’t have an HRM and use the machine readouts based on the age and weight info I put in) and was really excited.

But an old ankle injury flared up really badly over the weekend and jogging is most definitely out, walking and elliptical I can get through a workout section but then the ankle hurts even more than before. So I’m basically off cardio for a few days until my ankle heals.

And it’s just so hard considering I’d just finally had that breakthrough on my weight loss and I really, really want to get on those machines and work out but I know that I’ll just end up delaying my healing and possibly hurting myself even more. But now I need to watch my calories way more closely since I don’t have any exercise calories and I just hate feeling “benched” from my workout. (which I really enjoy doing each night) Last night I actually went out and ran errands just to keep myself from going to work out because I knew if I was home and there, I would end up down at the apartment fitness center.

Even just sitting here, I can feel the pain in my ankle, yet there’s that part of my brain that wants to head straight to working out when I leave work. It’s a bit crazy-making, to be honest.

Anyway, I just kind of had to vent. Everyone else I talk to about it just tell me how much they’d love an excuse to just sit on the couch and relax, and that may have been me this time last year, but that’s just not who I am anymore.


  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I have this problem constantly. I would recommend going to Sports Authority to get the McDavid Level II ankle brace that crosses over. Does WONDERS for me.

    Here's a link to it but you'll need to cut and paste in your browser.

    They should have it at your local Sports Authority and I can vouch for it working amazingly well. So well in fact that for me, now, I put one on when I get the ankle "ache" you know what I'm talking about if you've had this issue, and then a few hours later, after it being on for a while, I'm FINE. Miracle worker if you ask me. :)
  • wids12
    wids12 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I hear your pain. I am still recovering from a stress fracture on the top of my foot. I was running outside, doing very well. I just completed my first half marathon in Nov but now I have been limited to basically swimming which bores me to tears for the past 5 weeks and maybe 4 more to go. It is difficult but just be careful of your intake of food. It'll get better in time:smile:
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    Oh my wonderful to be upset about not being able to work out and having to consistently resist the urge :-) That is an unusual problem. All jokes aside though it is such the pits to have ankle problems......I have an ankle full of plates and screws, lots of nerve damage in my ankle, a really bad knee and osteoporosis in my spine. I should be working out but I do not have the drive you have to do a workout and, I also am limited in what I can do. Looking at your weight loss I want to congratulate you on that. Hold off on your ankle and let it get better......take it easy and do what you can do without injuring it further. You have done so amazingly well with almost reaching your goal......let your ankle heal so you can be as active as you desire in the future.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Thank you guys for the encouraging words. I hadn't actually thought about swimming since it's typically been too cool here in the evenings but now I'm wondering if I have access to a heated or indoor pool anywhere.

    And I'll definitely be hitting up Sports Authority for the ankle brace. Thank you so much for that link!

    Ultimately I know that I need to do what's best for the ankle and don't push it so I don't hurt myself any more, but it's just a rough reality to face right when I was making progress again. I can just use the time to catch up here even more. ;)