I'm new -- trying to re-commit

Hey everyone, I'm Chenee :) -- i'm 31 and I live in Chicago. I'm actually not really new -- I've been using the MFP app off and on for almost a year. But I only recently decided to commit completely 2 weeks ago.

My story (short version) is that I have struggled with my weight for my whole life. I gained steadily until I reached my highest, 313 pounds in July of 2012. After that I began counting calories and over the next 9 months I lost about 70 pounds. I was very proud of myself, and I got complacent. By 9/2/2014 (two weeks ago), I had made it back up to 301.

It's heartbreaking to have gained almost all of it back. But I am hoping to learn from the mistakes I made and make sure I have the support to get to my goal weight and keep it off this time.

Add me if you like! :) Good luck to everyone!!!


  • Hello Chenee,

    I'm 32 and I live in Maryland. I have a similar story to yours. I've been up and down with my weight for a while. 2 years I had lost 25Lb and gain all my weight back. I joined a gym but have been inconsistent in going, my issues are the foods I eat. I can eat clean for a while and then I go back to my old habits. If I can just get in my mind that its a life-style change and not just a diet I probably would do a lot better.

    Continue to stay committed!

  • nay4444
    nay4444 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks Kendra!! Yeah I need to keep reminding myself that it's more than just a diet too. Good luck :D
  • Good luck to you too!
  • barbaradawes1
    barbaradawes1 Posts: 4 Member
    I to have been struggling with my weight for years. I start off good, trying to tell myself it's not a diet but a lifestyle change and then a couple weeks later I'm right back to my old habits. I'm also not consistent in keeping track of everything or my exercise routine. Hopefully this time I can stay committed!!
  • Tydeclare44
    Tydeclare44 Posts: 572 Member
    Anything you need, feel free to add me! Always here to help!
  • nay4444
    nay4444 Posts: 15 Member
    I know what you mean Barbara -- hopefully support from this community can make a difference :)
  • nicolawinehouse
    nicolawinehouse Posts: 14 Member
    I've started *properly* since last Monday so as we are both starting out together we can help each other through! If I feel like eating something naughty I'll post here and you can tell me not to lol. Good luck :)
  • ive also gained all my weight back and its so hard and awkward too see your friends and how they talk about your weight and how much you gained i hope i can commit too ..... goodluck
  • nay4444
    nay4444 Posts: 15 Member
    I've started *properly* since last Monday so as we are both starting out together we can help each other through! If I feel like eating something naughty I'll post here and you can tell me not to lol. Good luck :)

    good idea!! that will definitely help :)
  • nay4444
    nay4444 Posts: 15 Member
    ive also gained all my weight back and its so hard and awkward too see your friends and how they talk about your weight and how much you gained i hope i can commit too ..... goodluck

    good luck to you too! hopefully having the support on here will help!