Cannot eat enough...

I know it sounds strange for an overweight person to complain about not wanting to eat more...but I am struggling with being scared to eat. I am used to not eating very much and have put my body into starvation mode, but ate enough to function...this was due to a very hectic schedule. Since stating this new lifestyle, I have made myself aware of what I am eating, and I struggle everyday even hitting 1200 calories, plus adding in a good 45 minutesof kickboxing at least every other day. I have done pretty good with the weightloss, but I know it may be a matter of time before my body starts to store everything again.
I am not hungry, and I know I need to eat to hit my calorie target. Then, in the back of my mind, I am terrified about gaining weight. I know I may be facing an eating disorder...the problem is no one addresses this because I am overweight. Only thin people have eating disorders right? Or overweight people just over eat! I know this is not the case...I am living proof! Just wondering if there is anyone else out there feeling the same????


  • Skye76
    Skye76 Posts: 28
    I actually just posted this in another forum, but you need to know that there is no such thing as starvation mode. It's a myth. There's absolutely no scientific evidence behind it at all.

    What tends to cause people who consume fewer calories to retain weight is more the types of calories being consumed - your body processes fats, carbs, and protein differently. Refined carbs hang around for a long time, and many of them convert into sugar before they even hit your stomach. Fats are better than refined carbs, but protein is best. If you're eating right (let's say 30% of your calories from carbs, 30% from fats, and 40% from protein), you should be fine, as long as you're still getting all the nutrients your body needs.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    IDK but sometimes I have those thoughts just run through my head and I start obsessing about it. Then I have to stop and tell myself, WTH? Stop it. You can't swing like that Beth. Think about why and what you're doing what you're. YOu are becoming the new and healthier you. You need to feed the muscle that's going to be your fat burner. The stronger you get the more your body needs fuel. Maybe try some protein smoothies you can beef up the caloric intake fast. That way if you're falling short 300-400 cals you can drink them.

    Just remember that part of this whole battle is control. You will control what you are going to do. Make the right choice and feed yourself the right stuff to succeed. Don't sabotage yourself.

    You can do it!
  • audreyyrose
    "Only thin people have eating disorders right?"
    WRONG. such a huge misconception. an eating disorder is only part physical, the other part very much mental.

    but the best way to get to your calories without feeling overly full is a good amount of protein. peanut butter, nuts, protein bars, protein shakes... they're healthy, they'll build muscle (which will burn calories), and they tend to be pretty calorie heavy.
  • aunfire82
    aunfire82 Posts: 30 Member
    I have the same trouble. I work out 5x a week and burn anywhere from 500-700 calories a day. I have trouble eating 1200 calories and sometimes feel like at the end of the day I am having to make up to hit that mark b/c I do not want my body going into starvation mode. I talked to a trainer at the gym I work out at about it and she said to start adding a little bit of calories with every meal. (i.e. have one hard boiled egg with your breakfast, add peanut butter to your fruit when you snack, etc) I have found that to be so helpful and have been able to hit the 1200 mark with ease. I also feel like I am not overeating or having to scramble at the end of the day to eat more food!

    Hope this helps.
  • orange_avocado
    First of all, it depends on how far below your target you are, and how long you've been going under. If you're within 100-200 calories or only go under once or twice a week, don't worry too much about going into starvation mode. Your body is smarter than that, and it would be sending you hunger signals.

    If you are stressed about under-eating, cannot make yourself eat more and are significantly below your calorie goals, try sneaking in small doses of calories. Drink a glass of whole fat (yes, I said *whole* fat!) milk with one of your meals. Eat fruit. Snack on high calorie nuts, like almonds (non-salted).

    Or use the extra calories to reward yourself - guilt free! - with something you've really been craving, like a small piece of chocolate cake or a serving of mashed potatoes.

    Good luck!
  • lriffey
    lriffey Posts: 11
    I feel the same way! I don't eat through the day very much and then I go work out and, like tonight, I have 1500 calories left to eat... Maybe if I start planning out my day the night before I can get enough calories? I never thought about it being an eating disorder though...
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I was in the same situation when I started. Between the doctor and dietician/nutritionist we came up with a plan to slowly increase my caloric intake to the 1200 level over a period of a couple months. I stayed at the 1200 for 3 months where I stalled on the weight loss. I then upped it to 1300 and didn't lose anything. Then I went to 1400 and half my exercise calories and have been losing consistently since. It can be done, it just takes some patience and a willingness to eat healthy.

    For a while (still occasionally) I had to set a timer and eat every 4 hours to get my metabolism working again. I did gain a few pounds at the beginning, but those soon came off. I walk and use the Wii for my exercise. I only enter half my exercise time on MFP so I don't see all of the calories on the diary and am either tempted to over indulge or get intimidated by how much I still have to eat to hit that goal. It is working for me.

    I lost 8 pounds prior to MFP and 51 using MFP. I still have a long way to go, but I now know that I CAN do it and be healthy at the same time.

    Good Luck!
  • lookintolose
    lookintolose Posts: 7 Member
    Love to read the comments on this topic. i have heard so much conflicting information on this topic. i enter my food on the log and am always under calories and carbs but over on protien and fat. i have to think that for some reason my body is not burning the food i take in as efficiently as i would like. any thoughts on protein and carb levels if the calories are right on?
  • snertygerty
    I hope you know I was not serious about the eating disorder comment. However, I think that is what society thinks. I think they are blind to the fact an overweight person may worry about food and eating just as much as someone who is thin from being anorexic. (sp?)
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    plan you food the night before, and stick with it. you need to plan , there is really no way around it. good luck.

    eat some nuts, that will up your calories super fast!
  • I think as long as you are not physically hungry, your stomach is not growling and you don't feel even a little faint or ANYTHING, then your body is telling you it has enough and you should listen to it. It will tell you how much you need.