Running for Weigh Loss?

I run 2 miles between 40-50 minutes 4 times a week. Obviously i don't run the the whole 2 miles because im a running newbie but i would like to know how long did it take for you to notice changes in your body?


  • RussellG67
    RussellG67 Posts: 24 Member
    That's great and you will normally see some results fairly fast. Of course running is only part of the equation. You need a calorie deficit. so running can burn quite a bit of calories helping you have that deficit. Realistically it is safe to target 1-2 pounds a week. 40-50 minutes 4 times a week is great. I would get a heart rate monitor and keep inside your targeted heart rate. It can motivate to move faster and sometimes tells when to slow down too. I would also not do only running. Strength training is important too. Muscle burns more calories than fat so adding muscle will naturally make you burn more calories.

    Changes in your body... Almost immediate sense of feeling better attitude. 1 week to feel more energy and drive, 2 weeks to feel smaller and drop some pounds. But this may be different for everyone and the key is to keep it up. It takes several weeks to build a habit, but in time it becomes a way of life rather than a diet or exercise plan. After a month or tow you do it just because it is what you do and you feel good doing it. Then the pounds are not even in the front of your mind anymore. It may take 6 months or even a year to reach the final goal, but as long as you are improving and ultimately start to enjoy your running, then that is most important thing.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    Running is great for weight loss and health over all. I would also recommend strength training to reduce the loss of lean muscle mass though. It will also help lose weight as well.
  • browneyes6082
    browneyes6082 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm only down 13lbs but I'm down over 24 inches in just 3 weeks! Running has made all the difference for me. When I first started with c25k a few weeks ago I was barely able to clear 1 mile at the end of the 30 minute workout. Now I do the 30 minutes workout, and then speed walk/jog for another 30 minutes almost daily. I can now do about 6 miles everyday in an hour. I really recommend speed walking for an additional 30 minutes after your regular run. It's made all the difference in building up my endurance for longer/farther runs.

    As for noticing a difference in my body.. Honestly? One week after I started adding the 30 minutes of speed walking/jogging to the end of my runs I noticed a big difference in the firmness of my legs, a loss of some of my cellulite on the back of my thighs, and my energy levels were through the roof.
  • medlaura
    medlaura Posts: 282 Member
    3 weeks in and 13 pounds down..congrats girl! im also 3 weeks in and it feels great! havent weighed myself since i started running so idk how much ive lost or gained yet.:ohwell:
  • ledachick
    Wow that's great! I've been procrastinating starting my C25K app for a while, but you just might have motivated me to get started sooner than later! :)
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I've been running for 5 weeks and noticed my jeans feeling looser around week #3.
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    I have lost around 5kg since I started running in May. It's fairly consistent with the goal my calories are set for me to lose at. So, running has helped there in combination with eating appropriately. I think it has helped the weight to finally start coming off the mid section more than other exercises, like cycling, where your stomach is tucked away.
    Definitely a combo of running, lifting heavy weights, trying to get my steps up on the fitbit on non-run days, getting the right amount of calories and not abusing the burn from runs as a free for all, has helped me lose consistently and things to start looking how I want them to.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I guess running works for some. Personally, when I stopped running, I saw more weight come off. My body didn't need me to run 3 miles at an 11 minute mile. It needed to be pushed harder for shorter periods of time, getting my heart rate up high. I'm just starting to run on the treadmill again but ONLY intervals.