have to say this it ecking me!

there perjudice every where when it comes to weight and it the one thng many people don't fight it just different for some reason like people will fight against racism, disable folks ect ect. anyway it seems now that im slim people treat me different again i give them advice they act like i know nothing and im like wait i was in a fat suit so i understand im still dealing with the mental aspect of it. point onething i learn in my OA meeting is there are women of all different sizes im a food addict and looking at my shell you would never think but i am and im just tierd of people thinking i don't know the struggle i have and will never forget. maybe people do it subconsciously but i just want to put out there dont judge by the shell either way that person can have tons of wealth to offer cuz we all have and do walk many roads. how this came up? i was takling to a lady and she made the same excuse i use to make ect ect i puled out my pic and her eyes widen so yeah i know a thing or two and real life is way different from these so call reality weightloss shows i know what it like in REALITY! one thing it all emotional and mental and in the world today we stuff are emotions and im so glad i can let my feeling out now i don't stuff and it make me feel better. most people think im weird just for being vocal about my feelings but that was always the problem i self medicated with food now i talk and allow myself to feel everything and i don't feel a shame at all.if i hurt i cry if im happy i feel it if i feel violatedi let it be know (off soap box)


  • theatr3geek
    I agree!! I know how you feel. Keep going, girl :) You know what you're talking about and you got this.
  • choley222
    I totally agree! People even my own family act like I don't know what a struggle it is to lose weight. It's like people forget how much you have done to get to where you are. Congratulations on an amazing lose and keep trying to help people because there is always that one person out there that you will make a difference in their life.
  • cherslone
    It is obvious you know what you are doing because you have lost 182 lbs. Give us some pointers. What are you eating? and Do we really have to exercise? ;)
  • spitfire1962
    spitfire1962 Posts: 347 Member
    Pinkmoon, you are phenomenal! I can believe you've lost over 180 pounds! That's amazing, I would say that you are an expert at weight loss! Good for you!
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    It is obvious you know what you are doing because you have lost 182 lbs. Give us some pointers. What are you eating? and Do we really have to exercise? ;)

    lol yes but do something your going to love! it all about finding yourself and i really want people to know that and personally money can't buy that. by the way i think codepend has taking over us we use the excuses of taking care of everyone else but what about you who going to take care of you? the best person is always yourself when your happy you can truly give back with just and expect nothing back and i will always agree to that! thanxs guys
  • valbar61
    valbar61 Posts: 183 Member
    I agree you are an inspiration! Wow 182 lost! I want to lose 75 and you have given the hope that I needed.
  • annabanana05
    i agree!
  • PAnn1
    PAnn1 Posts: 530 Member
    First off I want to congratulate you on your success!That took alot of determination and dedication. People are people. They don't understand where you've been because they, obviously, haven't walked that road. You made alot of good points in your posts, just try not to let it get you down. You've done great on your journey and you should be very proud of your accomplishments. You know what it takes, whether anyone listens or not. I'm sure many people walking the road would like to hear your secrets to your success. Best wishes..
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    wow - great post! very inspirational! :flowerforyou:
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Pinkmoon I agree with you completely. I'll listen to whatever "pointers" you want to throw my way. You LOOK amazing, you look absolutely gorgeous! You probably will be the envy of others - know who your friends are, distance when they get too negative. Maybe give your pointers only to those who want to hear them - like US!

    You're a goddess and an inspiration!!
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    ^_^ i here if anyone wants to ask!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Ok, I do have a question, what calorie limit were you on for 2 years? I'm currently on 1630, I know it's not the 1200 option but I feel comfortable in that range.....

    What kinds of food were you / are you eating?

    DId you incorporate an exercise program ?
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    yes i did tons of cardio 800 calories of protein shakes
  • Ambeee11
    Ambeee11 Posts: 51 Member
    you look so good pink moon! congrats!