Hello :D Ready to try again....trying to find motivation!!!

Hello, I'm a 24 year old female. I currently am in Pittsburgh, PA studying for nursing. Well....my weight journey...it's been going on for really long and has been more of gaining weight instead of loosing. Right now I am 5'8'' and probably around 300lbs right now. I want to be 160, but starting the journey has been rough to me. I feel like I have come to a point where I eat just to eat. Not cause I need it, but because I just want the taste or satisfaction to eat. My portion size is out of control, I'm tired more often, I have back pain...which I shouldn't be having at 24. I'm spending money on food when I shouldn't be. I just want to stop so bad...but my willpower sucks. I have tons of exercise videos at home, weights...bands...I just exercise for one day and eat healthy...then the next day I give up and give into my temptation. I really want to loose weight, especially before my graduation in June. I would just love some motivation and support. I do have family who support me, but they are far because I'm in school in PA. I have friends also, but they also live far from my dorm, live on their own and we all are focused on school, so none of them are focused on exercising. I just would love some motivation and support and some advice on not giving in to temptation. That is my downfall. I give into my cravings way too easily and give up on exercising. I don't want to end up having diabetes or have to be on ton of meds for high blood pressure. I really want to fix myself. It's just getting over that first hurdle. I was 190 in 2009....2014, I'm around 300.....not good at all....I have lost confidence in myself and am tired of having heart burn after eating and I'm scared because just a month ago, the 1st time in my life, I got random heart palpitations....I need to stop before it's too late :( Being a nursing student, I know all these things, but I just ask myself why can't I do it? I'm happy with who I am as a person, but my body...nope. I've kind of always had weight problems ever since I was young, but it was more because I didn't eat proper. I was never really obese until probably 2-3 years ago. Thanks guys. Any advice would be much appreciate or if anyone lives in Pittsburgh, I'm willing to set up a meetup and we can try and motivate each other!


  • janellemarie526
    I live in Missouri but my family is from Pennsylvania and Ohio does that count?! I will add you. You have to start the journey somewhere. I give into tempt ion a lot too and I can see it in my love handles. I ate whatever I wanted when I was a teen but now that I'm 25 I see the scale slowly increasing. Let's do this!
  • w734q672
    w734q672 Posts: 578 Member
    “Motivation is bulls**. Motivation may get your spark moving, but it is your commitment and discipline that gets you to do the things you desire.” - Elliot Hulse
  • skoutariotis
    skoutariotis Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm Demetri and I've been where you're at!
    My motto was "Most people eat to live, I live to eat"!
    I stayed on that trend because I never thought I'd become obese nor did I expect to EVER become diabetic!
    Well, I became both! But the diabetes is what got me off my rusty dusty and gave me the strength to NOT give in to my desires for food!
    I still have those temptations, but the thought of the adverse effects of diabetes outweigh my desires of the pleasure of eating!
    I'm not saying I'm out of it and back to health, not even close, but I'm fighting to tooth and nail and I need the support system as much as you do!
    So since family don't give me any motivation, even though they are here w/me, I decided to get the motivation from the ones who are in the same boat as I am and we can help each other!
    So I'm here to support you in any way I can and hope to succeed in helping you to at least stay w/it!
    Best of luck!
  • skoutariotis
    skoutariotis Posts: 9 Member
    BTW: I found by having the mobile app, helps 100%. Input EVERYTHING you eat and try to stay under your #s for the day, one day at a time, after a while, it becomes a habit, then before you know it, you're losing!
    Get rid of all your snacks, unless they are healthy snacks! Start buying ONLY what's good for you, after a while, that's all is going to be available in your kitchen!
  • Reggie0336
    Lots of friends will bring lots of support. Im still working on my journey.
  • Reggie0336
    I dont want to bark up the wrong tree but dedication, motivation & support seems to be a good formula. With out all 3 its like being on a seesaw or more like falling off your bike and getting back up until you get it right. Just never stop trying
  • Reggie0336
    Nice :)
  • dressage320
    dressage320 Posts: 8 Member
    hey Im 23 and 5'8 as well I had the toughest time trying to find motivation to work out because i really don't have time to go to the gym i work a lot and i despise running. I started doing Hiit workouts (which you can find on youtube from zwow, body rock, vivace workouts etc... a lot of people do them) they are around 5-30 min long each and you can do them at home with mostly your own body weight) It was something I fit into my routine before every shower and it worked so well for me I lost 20 lbs Im continuing with it now and always seeing progress its amazing how much more energy I have! It will honestly kick your *kitten* but its so worth it and everyone has 20 min in their day, so no excuses! I also look at Pinterest for motivation when im craving awful food ;)
  • 2023AF
    2023AF Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you all for the replies and advice!! Feel free to add me. I also agree commitment and discipline are a big part of it. I need a lot of willpower to not give into my cravings. I just need to take that big step into starting my life change journey and do my best to not give into splurging. I also have subscribed to the many workouts available on youtube, but I tend to just not do them :( Well that needs to change. Plus I do have p90x, chalean extreme, turbofire, and insanity videos at home. I have lots of resources to start out on my own, I just need to do it!! I should look into pinterest. Thanks for the tip!
  • w734q672
    w734q672 Posts: 578 Member
    I dont want to bark up the wrong tree but dedication, motivation & support seems to be a good formula. With out all 3 its like being on a seesaw or more like falling off your bike and getting back up until you get it right. Just never stop trying

    Stating that motivation is necessary is, essentially, equivalent to stating that an individual without a constant external force cannot hit his/her goal(s). In other words, the person that needs/ thrives on said motivation is assigning the responsibility of hitting personal goals to somebody other than the person trying hit them.
    Do I think that this is a sustainable model for hitting goals? Psshh, hel l no.
    Do I think that this way of thinking is wrong? (Serious answer) Well, it depends on your goals. If you wish to stay consistent in hitting a fitness goal, then it would be recommended to modify your model of thinking on achieving goals.
    Do I think that this way of thinking is wrong? (Sarcastic answer) Na, this is America, and you can do whatever you want

  • amy9326
    amy9326 Posts: 1 Member
    beginsnow wrote: »
    Hello, I'm a 24 year old female. I currently am in Pittsburgh, PA studying for nursing. Well....my weight journey...it's been going on for really long and has been more of gaining weight instead of loosing. Right now I am 5'8'' and probably around 300lbs right now. I want to be 160, but starting the journey has been rough to me. I feel like I have come to a point where I eat just to eat. Not cause I need it, but because I just want the taste or satisfaction to eat. My portion size is out of control, I'm tired more often, I have back pain...which I shouldn't be having at 24. I'm spending money on food when I shouldn't be. I just want to stop so bad...but my willpower sucks. I have tons of exercise videos at home, weights...bands...I just exercise for one day and eat healthy...then the next day I give up and give into my temptation. I really want to loose weight, especially before my graduation in June. I would just love some motivation and support. I do have family who support me, but they are far because I'm in school in PA. I have friends also, but they also live far from my dorm, live on their own and we all are focused on school, so none of them are focused on exercising. I just would love some motivation and support and some advice on not giving in to temptation. That is my downfall. I give into my cravings way too easily and give up on exercising. I don't want to end up having diabetes or have to be on ton of meds for high blood pressure. I really want to fix myself. It's just getting over that first hurdle. I was 190 in 2009....2014, I'm around 300.....not good at all....I have lost confidence in myself and am tired of having heart burn after eating and I'm scared because just a month ago, the 1st time in my life, I got random heart palpitations....I need to stop before it's too late :( Being a nursing student, I know all these things, but I just ask myself why can't I do it? I'm happy with who I am as a person, but my body...nope. I've kind of always had weight problems ever since I was young, but it was more because I didn't eat proper. I was never really obese until probably 2-3 years ago. Thanks guys. Any advice would be much appreciate or if anyone lives in Pittsburgh, I'm willing to set up a meetup and we can try and motivate each other!