Toninette Posts: 19
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I have been down the last few days, physically (head cold) and mentally/emotionally. I have hit a wall, have no motivation to keep going. Not sure why, just feel blah! I ate horribly Saturday - but got back on the road Sunday of healthy eating. I did work out today - treadmill for 1 hour - usually swim 100 laps, but hard to do when I can't breathe to well! So later today, I put a sweatshirt on, haven't worn it in about 13 years (I know, I hold on to things big time)! It didn't fit around my hips.........but tonight, it did! It re-newed my faith in me. I can do this, I will hit walls again, but I will pick myself up and keep moving forward. This is the year of ME! Ok, I feel better, writing this all down really does help! Moving forward with all of my soul!


  • Billiek
    Billiek Posts: 8 Member
  • dogsdogs
    dogsdogs Posts: 10 Member
    We all hit the wall from time to time......need to always look for motivation. The sweatshirt did it for you today. This will be your year to shine.
  • xstealth12x
    xstealth12x Posts: 43 Member
    Hey, great story!

    Yeah, that wall sucks, especially when you get sick, but pushing through like that to keep going is huge!

    Well done!
  • Tipring
    Tipring Posts: 21 Member
    YAY!!!! You can, and you will do it!!
  • tungaiunwa
    tungaiunwa Posts: 38 Member
    getting up and climbing the walls after hitting them is the key to success. Dont let yourself fall into the quagmire of "i cant"
  • GingerDarlene
    GingerDarlene Posts: 164 Member
  • Keep at it!!!!

    I'm sure we all have days where we just want to give up. I had "given up" for about 3 months prior to my joining this site and getting serious about weight loss. I had just "accepted" that I was a little overweight and that was that.

    Now that I'm working at it, I feel great. Just think about how great you feel when you do well.....don't give up!
  • millesun
    millesun Posts: 209 Member
    Yay good for you! This time of the year is hard...we all tend to feel down or have a touch of the "seasonal depression". Also this is the time a lot of people start to throw in the towel on their new years resolutions...keep up the good work and you will see good changes!
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