From Heavyweight to Lightweight

Hi Everyone,

Just found this site and I must admit that I'm impressed with it.

About four years ago, I was a bit of a heavyweight with a 46" chest and 39" waist so my wife and I decided I should do something about it. I had tried a couple of different diets but failed miserably and then I came across a low fat plan that worked for me AND generally I've kept the weight off but occasionally I have to make a few adjustments to my diet after a holiday etc.

I combined the diet with exercise and took up running. I admit that to start with I was embarrassed about running because I found it extremely difficult even to to run just 100 yards without being totally out of breath and I imagined, wrongly, that everyone was 'looking' at me; and then I found the couch potato to 5k running plan which transformed my determination to get fit because I had a plan to work to. From there I went on to taking part in half marathon races.

There will be ups and downs for those trying to lose weight and get fit (I know because I have been there) but as you overcome each challenge and move forward, you feel good about yourself and what you have achieved. As I progressed with my running, there were times when I was out on the road that I had this feeling of elation and well being, I called it my 'legal high'. My doctor (who I saw after a rare muscle pull through my own stupidity) told me that my 'high' was as a result of hormones coursing through my body during the run. I missed it when I had the odd injury.

If anyone wants any encouragement or help, I'm happy to help you through it using my own experiences.

Good luck everyone

