Skinny fat, am I on the right track?

Okay so basically this is my background:
Height: 5'10
Weight: 175 pounds, mostly of fat with a diminished muscle mass, skinny arms with a belly/chest fat (aka: skinny fat).
Age: 20, male.

My diet is at around 1600-1700 calories daily: 150 carbs, 103 protein and 63 sugar. I know I'm supposed to be getting in 1 gm of protein per lean body mass so I'm quite sure that 103 grams would cover any lean muscle mass I have.
The diet is considered to be healthy: Fava Beans, boiled eggs, olive oil, sweet potatoes, lentils and chicken breasts or tuna. I drink over 3 liters of water a day and green tea w/cinammon and ginger 3 times/day (no added sweetners)... As for dinner, I'll have a cabbage soup or something.

The rest of my calories goes into a post workout protein shake consisting of: 1 banana, 2 tbsp of PB, 100 gms of cottage cheese, 10 almonds, 1 glass of milk and 3 tbsp of oatmeal.

I time the shake and the lentils, sweet potato and chicken meal immedietly after my workout. (no added salt of course).

As for my workouts, I just started resistance training, gonna be going for 4-5 times/week and 2 HIIT 20 mins sessions/week. I try to lift heavy with 8-12 reps and utilize compound movements.

I've done my research and I'm following this type of plan because of that but, I need validation so I could know that I'm on the right direction and not missing something here .. If I stay consistent for let's say, a 2 months period .. Would I see an improvement in my muscle tone and some definition in my arm? Would I still be losing some of that fat at the same time but not muscle due to my protein intake w/ a caloric restruction? Would I see muscle gains as I improve my lifts every week?

Btw, I'm not really sure what my BMR and maintance level is ... Wouldn't it be different for me since I don't carry much muscle? All I know is that I'm on a deficit but idk if it's too much or just enough, I'm perfectly fine with the diet and don't feel hungry at all.

Sorry if the thread's too long, any help is much appreciated!


  • InspiredSAM
    InspiredSAM Posts: 98 Member
    What is your ultimate goal that you are working towards?

    With my limited knowledge, I definitely think you are on the right track with both nutrition and fitness. You might want to get a pre-workout drink that has amino-chains (especially for lifting days) to help push through the reps and recover your muscles a little faster. There are some great ones out there that don't have added sugars and have limited to no caffeine.
  • AmrOnTop
    AmrOnTop Posts: 52 Member
    It's true! I actually get burned out quickly! Thanks.
    Other opinions are appreciated please.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    It's true! I actually get burnee out quickly! Thanks.
    Other opinioms are appreciated please.
    You can use lots of veggies and some fruit.
  • GlamourVintage
    GlamourVintage Posts: 60 Member
    So you're wanting to tone-up..I would say to eat lots of protein and it's not unnecessary to have a calorie deficit since you not wanting to lose weight..Besides are on the right track.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    doesn't sound like enough calories to me.
  • AmrOnTop
    AmrOnTop Posts: 52 Member
    Everybody keeps telling me I'm eating too little. I guess I'll have a can of tuna with mixed veggies or something for dinner to up the calories and protein intake!
  • Project2015
    you need more protein, and more calories, and more strength training.