Are you Age 40+, lost 70+ lbs, without loose skin?



  • I am 44 and have lost 9 lbs. in 2 months and do not have loose skin. I do have some work to tighten up my stomach area but other than that I don't have this problem. I will be starting up on P90X which I would recommend to you to help you tone and tighten your muscles and maybe help some with your loose skin. Mayble even some cream or lotions would help now in slowing down the loose skin, I use all kinds of creams and lotions on my face, breasts, neck area to help maintain them in good form or shape. Hope I helped.
  • PAnn1
    PAnn1 Posts: 530 Member
    I lost 82#. I was 54 then, and pushing 60 now. The first year I had loose skin, but within a year or so I noticed more firming. I think it takes time and exercise (toning and strength training along with cardio). I lost my weight in 8 months. I just started incorporating weights on a more regular basis now and do notice a lot of improvement with my bat wings. I do think that age (and yes, genetics) plays a big part in this, as our skin looses elasticity as we age, and for women thru menopause years. Smoking plays a part in belly fat. I was a smoker up until this June, but when I lost the weight, I have to say, I was amazed that, for the most part I lost a lot of belly fat. Best wishes on your journey. You had very valid questions here. Many of us worry about the loose skin after a big weight loss.
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Oh, you can check my profile pics... Loose skin isn't the end of the world... I rocked that bikini!
  • davis978
    davis978 Posts: 103 Member
    If you really want to know how to lose weight without ending up with loose skin, the experience of people who "failed" could be just as informative as the experience of people who "succeeded" (in quotes because I don't equate skin with failure).

    I think that you asked very specifically for responses only from a very narrow group of people because your goal is to feel better, not to get information. That's fine - nothing wrong with that., but this forum is a tough place when that is the goal. You are just trying to get people to tell you what you want to hear, and, in my experience on this forum, that rarely goes well. I think that is why some people have reacted to your original post in a way you find mean and negative.
  • lalalalalaurie
    lalalalalaurie Posts: 80 Member
    Well, I am 64 (next week). I joined MFP in 2010. I lost over 70 lbs (I lost 10 before joining MFP) I lost it in a year and half, going slowly, cardio 2 to 4 x a week (2x were long walks), weights 2x a week. I have maintained a 7lb range for 3 years .As you age, skin is ess elastic and does not 'recondition itself as quickly. I addressed the loose skin with moderate success. 1) continued exercise, lots of water and moisturizer helped significantly over TIME. I did have reconstructive breast surgery to 'restore' and eliminate the sagging. Worth every penny! Tummy and arms are still a bit saggy but respond well to continued workouts. If I were a bit younger I might consider a tummy tuck, but as a person with 8 grandkids and on great grandbaby - I am very comfortable with how I look (and still get mistaken for being 10 years or more younger than I am). Don't sweat the loose skin, just work on it. It is better to be healthy.

    Addition: Besides walking - lots, I used ellipticals, treadmills, a few weight machines but mostly free weights. Free weights were the best bang for my buck!!!!!

    Thank you!

    My skin at 40 is rather tight. I never go in the sun . When it comes to my breasts I realize this is a different ball game when all is said and done, but I will deal with that when the time comes.

    I honestly could loose about 50 lbs to be at a healthy weight but "ideal" (meaning very low body fat) would be 70 according to some charts. But with the weight lifting I plan to do, I am thinking 50 may be a more accurate number
  • caesar164
    caesar164 Posts: 312 Member
    Lose the weight first and worry about that later.. As long as you train hard, you should be fine. Its better to be at a healthy weigh range then to be overweight with firm skin. Good luck.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    I am 51, I have lost a total of 80 lbs taking me from 215 lbs to 135 lbs, I am 5 ft 5" tall
    I lost the weight throughout the last 18 months. I lost 40 lbs, then stayed at that weight for a good few weeks, then lost some more, then some more, I have had about 3 months now at 135 lbs and stayed within a five pound range and I have restarted for the last bit now, to lose the last 14 lbs.
    I have given birth 4 times, with one section.- I have no loose skin as Sutch, as I still have fat on my stomach to lose, apart from bingo wings, I think they are called, that is the only loose skin I have on my upper arms.
    I suffer a lot with arthritis, in hips, hands and shoulders, so I don't do a lot of weight lifting etc, but I walk 5 miles a day, every day on my treadmill (I have to be inside for my business) . Hope this helps

    Great Job Woman!!!!! It kills me to be on my treadmill more than 30min. LOL
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I'm 47, lost 110 pounds in my first year on MFP and have been maintaining almost 3 years. While I don't meet quite your guidelines as my skin isn't tight as a drum, like a teenager, my skin is in good shape. Is there some areas that bug me, yes. More so from having had four children and four c-sections but everywhere else looks good (you can see pics in my profile). Your skin is probably tight now from being over weight. Once the 70 pounds come off you might notice some issues and you might not. The deal is, just lose the weight and deal with what comes with it. Sure, drink plenty of water, moisturize, lift weights and all that jazz but the bottom line is even if you have some loose skin, you'll be healthier and happier for losing the weight. Good luck to you.
  • lalalalalaurie
    lalalalalaurie Posts: 80 Member
    I am 51, I have lost a total of 80 lbs taking me from 215 lbs to 135 lbs, I am 5 ft 5" tall
    I lost the weight throughout the last 18 months. I lost 40 lbs, then stayed at that weight for a good few weeks, then lost some more, then some more, I have had about 3 months now at 135 lbs and stayed within a five pound range and I have restarted for the last bit now, to lose the last 14 lbs.
    I have given birth 4 times, with one section.- I have no loose skin as Sutch, as I still have fat on my stomach to lose, apart from bingo wings, I think they are called, that is the only loose skin I have on my upper arms.
    I suffer a lot with arthritis, in hips, hands and shoulders, so I don't do a lot of weight lifting etc, but I walk 5 miles a day, every day on my treadmill (I have to be inside for my business) . Hope this helps

    Thanks for your input!

    I haven't had children, I wonder if that will play into the tightness as well? In either case, Thanks for your helpful input. Good to know what you did.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,227 Member
    I am 62 and lost over 80 pounds. I lost it slowly. I did do some weight training. I do have some loose skin, but it is getting better with time. At my age there wasn't a lot of elasticity left and I had been fat for a long time. You will find a very small number of people, if any, that do not have this problem at all. Do not make this a deterrent to your losing weight. It is so worth it. Congrats on your decision to get healthier. Good luck!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member

    1. Age
    2. How much weight you lost
    3. How quickly you lost it
    4. How much weight resistance and intensity you did during the process
    5. Did you drink a lot of water?
    6. Did you moisturize your skin daily?
    7. What type, if any, of exercises outside of weight resistance did you do and how often?
    OK, I do not meet the criteria, but will tell you this, anyway, in case you're interested.
    1. Mid forties
    2. I had lost 71 pounds, now at 62, quick weight gain due to interference of meds
    3. Unsure, maybe 8-9 months, most came off very quickly at the beginning
    4. Not a ton at first, more later. I tried the weight machines, but I hated the gym, so I do my weights in the water.
    5. Yes. Lots and lots.
    6. No, but it live in a very humid place where lotions aren't necessary to keep skin moist and soft.
    7. I swim, which includes resistance. When the weather is cooperative, I walk.

    I had begun to develop a lot of loose skin. It wasn't so bad that people would see it, but it was there in some areas. However, my skin was stretched way past just needing to lose seventy pounds.

    When I had my quick weight gain, which I'm finishing up, the loose skin disappeared. I can still push lightly and see the loose buds, though. I'm concerned that this temporary setback will cause it to be worse as I begin re-losing the same pounds. I've never lost and gained and re-lost the same pounds before.

    Fwiw, I do not believe that moisturizing will help, as it has a lot to with the elasticity of the skin, which is naturally lost as time goes on. Moisturizing can't change that.

    Yes, this place is normally very rude. There are actually posters who sign in just to be rude and never, ever post anything that isn't rude. Make liberal use of the Ignore thing.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Ha! I'm 45 lost 15 pounds in two months and I have loose skin. I've lifted weighs the whole time, 5 days a week. Drink at LEAST 12 bottles of water a day (though I don't always record it) and I moisturize. I also cardio 5 days a week.
    Getting old sucks!

    Do you have a history of smoking?
    Yes I did smoke. I didn't say I had a lot of loose skin as a mater of fact no one else would notice it (even on my gobblers).I just find it when I'm laying down. My point was that as we get older, our bodies change. I only had 19 pounds to lose, you have 70, so take it slow.
  • lalalalalaurie
    lalalalalaurie Posts: 80 Member
    I lost 82#. I was 54 then, and pushing 60 now. The first year I had loose skin, but within a year or so I noticed more firming. I think it takes time and exercise (toning and strength training along with cardio). I lost my weight in 8 months. I just started incorporating weights on a more regular basis now and do notice a lot of improvement with my bat wings. I do think that age (and yes, genetics) plays a big part in this, as our skin looses elasticity as we age, and for women thru menopause years. Smoking plays a part in belly fat. I was a smoker up until this June, but when I lost the weight, I have to say, I was amazed that, for the most part I lost a lot of belly fat. Best wishes on your journey. You had very valid questions here. Many of us worry about the loose skin after a big weight loss.

    Thank you! It is good to know that the loose skin was able to firm up over time through weight training.

    I suppose for me since I am not yet menopausal (just turned 40 last month), I don't smoke and in reality if I am to be at a healthy weight I have to lose only 40-50 lbs, then perhaps this weight loss won't cause loose skin? I am encouraged by your response.
  • lalalalalaurie
    lalalalalaurie Posts: 80 Member
    If you really want to know how to lose weight without ending up with loose skin, the experience of people who "failed" could be just as informative as the experience of people who "succeeded" (in quotes because I don't equate skin with failure).

    I think that you asked very specifically for responses only from a very narrow group of people because your goal is to feel better, not to get information. That's fine - nothing wrong with that., but this forum is a tough place when that is the goal. You are just trying to get people to tell you what you want to hear, and, in my experience on this forum, that rarely goes well. I think that is why some people have reacted to your original post in a way you find mean and negative.

    I see nothing out of hand or out of order from my original post. If anyone reacts to it negatively it is because they are sensitive about the loose skin topic, which I understand completely.

    I do not mean to come off as rude in any way, but the reality is, it is harder for me to learn how to "do what she/he did" from someone who hasn't accomplished the goal I am seeking.

    The truth is, is that I never had children, I never smoked, I just hit 40 last month, so I am not menopausal and although I would "like" to lose 70 lbs it isn't necessary for my health and I would look rather normal if I lost only 40-50 lbs. 70 lbs is me at a very thin and SVELT weight. I avoid the sun etc.. Additionally, my weight gain and loss has been extremely slow over 10 years, so no huge fluctuations to stretch out my skin.

    So, yes, although I am trying to feel better about this, I am MORE interested in learning from those who have been able to avoid lose "skin"/fat under skin, what have you. AND how they do it.

    However anyone responds to my desire to find this out is their responsibility. I cannot be careful to not offend those who have loose skin. Believe me, I feel terribly for you and I respect you all the same. But it is not uncommon or in any way wrong for me to both expect or desire to not have it in the end of my weight loss. And no, being over 40 doesn't mean I should be disrespected for this expectation either.

    I do realize there will be a bunch of disgruntled, frustrated naysayers when it comes to this topic. But it is not from these people I want to hear from, because in my opinion, if they have this attitude, they won't attain their goal. I will only converse with optimistic people.
  • barbz2119
    barbz2119 Posts: 124 Member

    1. Age
    2. How much weight you lost
    3. How quickly you lost it
    4. How much weight resistance and intensity you did during the process
    5. Did you drink a lot of water?
    6. Did you moisturize your skin daily?
    7. What type, if any, of exercises outside of weight resistance did you do and how often?

    My sister has lost quite a bit of weight in the past year, she says 50lbs I think more. She has a lot of loose skin as she has gone down about 3 dress sizes, but is so happy with the weight loss she doesn't care. If she had the money she says she would have the surgery to remove the loose skin, but doesn't so she wont.
    She's 55, she drinks loads of water, moisturizes daily, exercises 7 days a week, does weight training, pilates, yoga and spinning.
    I think it is all about genetics. Eat healthy, exercise regularly, enjoy your journey and don't stress about what might happen.
    Good luck!
  • lalalalalaurie
    lalalalalaurie Posts: 80 Member
    I am 62 and lost over 80 pounds. I lost it slowly. I did do some weight training. I do have some loose skin, but it is getting better with time. At my age there wasn't a lot of elasticity left and I had been fat for a long time. You will find a very small number of people, if any, that do not have this problem at all. Do not make this a deterrent to your losing weight. It is so worth it. Congrats on your decision to get healthier. Good luck!

    Thank you! Congrats on your weight loss.

    To be clear, in my opinion, loose skin or not, weight loss is always a healthier venture.

    If I have to, I will have the surgery to correct loose skin.

    Although I have a suspicion that perhaps the skin of someone losing weight after menopause may react differently than pre menopause. I may be wrong about this... And i wonder also if loose skin is determined by how quickly someone gained and lost over the years. And if it is under a certain amount of weight and how it was distributed throughout the body. My weight is gained evenly all over my body for the most part. It is more in the stomach, but my skin is very firm.
  • marilandica
    marilandica Posts: 88 Member
    I'm 48 and lost over 100 lbs. I have what I consider to be -- and what seems to be in comparison to some -- very minimal loose skin, although I have quite a few stretch marks. Why? Who knows. I lost the weight quite gradually -- over about 18 months, although my peak weight loss period (1-2 lbs per week) seemed to take place over about 8 months. I've kept it off now for about 9 months. I do not weight train, although I am naturally strong and a bit muscular and do a lot of gardening and other outdoor activity. I also fitness walk 5 miles per day at 4.5 mph typically 5-6 days per week with additional hiking or other exercise on weekends. I didn't follow a "diet" beyond eating less (count those calories) and exercising more.

    It seems to me that loose skin is a small price to pay for a radical increase in health and fitness. Personally, I would worry about getting healthy (no small task -- my process wasn't complicated, but it also wasn't easy) before I spent any time fretting about possible side effects of the process.
  • lalalalalaurie
    lalalalalaurie Posts: 80 Member

    1. Age
    2. How much weight you lost
    3. How quickly you lost it
    4. How much weight resistance and intensity you did during the process
    5. Did you drink a lot of water?
    6. Did you moisturize your skin daily?
    7. What type, if any, of exercises outside of weight resistance did you do and how often?

    My sister has lost quite a bit of weight in the past year, she says 50lbs I think more. She has a lot of loose skin as she has gone down about 3 dress sizes, but is so happy with the weight loss she doesn't care. If she had the money she says she would have the surgery to remove the loose skin, but doesn't so she wont.
    She's 55, she drinks loads of water, moisturizes daily, exercises 7 days a week, does weight training, pilates, yoga and spinning.
    I think it is all about genetics. Eat healthy, exercise regularly, enjoy your journey and don't stress about what might happen.
    Good luck!

    Thanks for the encouragement. Yes, I see going after weight loss and health to be a worthy endeavor no matter the age. I do wonder if perhaps since your sister is post menopausal this could have contributed to the loose skin. But who knows ;)
  • lalalalalaurie
    lalalalalaurie Posts: 80 Member
    I'm 48 and lost over 100 lbs. I have what I consider to be -- and what seems to be in comparison to some -- very minimal loose skin, although I have quite a few stretch marks. Why? Who knows. I lost the weight quite gradually -- over about 18 months, although my peak weight loss period (1-2 lbs per week) seemed to take place over about 8 months. I've kept it off now for about 9 months. I do not weight train, although I am naturally strong and a bit muscular and do a lot of gardening and other outdoor activity. I also fitness walk 5 miles per day at 4.5 mph typically 5-6 days per week with additional hiking or other exercise on weekends. I didn't follow a "diet" beyond eating less (count those calories) and exercising more.

    It seems to me that lose skin is a small price to pay for a radical increase in health and fitness. Personally, I would worry about getting healthy (no small task -- my process wasn't complicated, but it also wasn't easy) before I spent any time fretting about possible side effects of the process.

    Thanks for the input! It is good to know what you did and congrats. I see you move around a lot in the day, this is encouraging.

    I agree. I am already determined to lose weight for the health benefits, but understandably I want to do everything I can to set up a reasonable tactic and plan to avoid the loose skin moving forward, I do love having a good body and feeling attractive, it isn't for me a choice of one or the other. nor do I see this as getting in my way. If i follow my normal way, I would work out really hard, lose really fast and end up with that loose skin, but I am determined to do it right.

    If I lose this weight and the skin is there, I will try to get the surgery, but I suspect since like you (assuming you are pre-menopausal) I would possibly shrink back without a lot of it.
  • I am only 22 but I thought maybe my own experience might be helpful, sorry if this is not the response you are looking for.

    So far I have lost almost 70lbs and I have no loose skin. Actually I've been noticing it's tightening lately, all of a sudden I look a lot thinner. I lost that since last summer and I'd say it's taken a year for that to all tighten, hopefully it'll tighten some more.
    Incase you're wondering, no I didn't lose it slowly and healthily, actually I ended up yo-yoing for most of it (very, very bad thing to do) but still my skin seems fine regardless.

    I have another 35-55lbs that I wanna lose and I'd say I'll probably have some loose skin but in all honesty there is surgery for this kind of thing if it's that bad. I'll try and build muscle to fill in the loose skin but if it's still not great looking I'll look for other options.
    I know we're of different ages but if I lost 70lbs and my skin is fine with losing weight in a bad time period and with no maintenance (I'm terrible for drinking water and stuff) I can't imagine you'll be too bad either, especially if you're taking care of yourself.
    Good luck!