anyone had LASIK or PRK surgery?



  • I just had my PRK surgery done almost two weeks ago 4 Sept 2014. I am the 1% that the dr in our briefing warns you about. The 1% that experiences everything that can go wrong. I followed the instructions down to a "T". I even set my timer on my phone because they said wait 5 min before you put in your other med(s).
    I slept as much as I could only to wake long enough to eat and drink. I did not watch tv. I let my eyes and my body rest as much as possible.
    The day they took my bandage (contact) off my eyes. Not even 6 hours later the "new" skin that grew over my pupil was dangling on my eye. To make everything worse... I'm military and the surgeon that did my surgery told the ER to have me come in the office the next day. The pain was the most horrible pain imaginable. I was traumatized. The ER didn't know how to fix it. I finally asked what is their goal for me. When they said there wasn't one. After waiting close to 8 hours in the ER, I left home crying. I put a new contact on my eye do I could blink/move my eye without the flap of skin moving. Needless to say. I may have slept 10-15 min that night. Once I made it to the dr's office. He removed the skin from my eye. He stated "it was like I had the surgery all over again". 6 days later (today) they took the contact off. It feels like something is in my eye. The same sensation I had the last time they took the bandage off, I have it now.
    As for my vision. It changes from day to day and hour to hour.
    As of right now. If I could go back I wouldn't have the surgery done. But a friend of mine that had complications told me I will change my mind once I heal.
  • erinm5
    erinm5 Posts: 55 Member
    I've worn glasses since I was 8, and now I'm 27 and have had enough.

    I booked a consultation at a clinic for next week, but I am wondering:

    Has anyone had LASIK or PRK done?
    What was your experience?
    Did it hurt?
    How long did it take to heal and return to normal life?

    Please let me know, even if your experience was a bad one....
    (but I especially hope to hear good things!!)

    I had PRK done in the end of March. My experience was great, the overall surgery was a little bit scary but you do not feel a thing. When the laser is actually going all you smell is burning hair. I could see clearly immediatly after the surgery, the overall healing process was one week and I just had burning eyes sensation a couple of days after the surgery.

    It was the best decision I have ever made, other then slight halos when driving I am super happy with the results.
  • NoMoreYoYos
    NoMoreYoYos Posts: 17 Member
    I've worn glasses since I was 8, and now I'm 27 and have had enough.

    I booked a consultation at a clinic for next week, but I am wondering:

    Has anyone had LASIK or PRK done?
    What was your experience?
    Did it hurt?
    How long did it take to heal and return to normal life?

    Please let me know, even if your experience was a bad one....
    (but I especially hope to hear good things!!)

    I had Lasik about 4 years ago. Experience was good. I looked for the best doctor, not the cheapest one. If they are offering a special, don't be tempted. These are your eyes you are talking about. There was some pain the first night after the happy pills wore off. The next day, everything was great. My eyes stayed red for a few days due to some broken capillaries. You do have to use drops to help with dryness for about a year.

    I have 20/15 vision now. I've had to wear contacts or glasses since I was 11. I don't regret my decision at all to have the surgery. It's life changing for the better.
  • ljplunkett
    ljplunkett Posts: 9 Member
    My son had it done a year ago (age 23) and he says it was the BEST money he has ever spent and would do it again in a second! He had to use several eyedrops a day leading up to the surgery. The day of surgery, he slept pretty much the whole day and then when we went out that evening he wore sunglasses. He went back to work the next day, after going back to the eye doctor. He had to use drops several times a day for a couple weeks. I've considered it, but I have bifocals in my contacts, and considering my age, I'm just not so sure it's worth it! The procedure has improved so much recently there's very little to no room for error. Best of luck to you!