Cambridge Diet????????



  • CupcakeDefeater
    CupcakeDefeater Posts: 113 Member
    Sorry I also forgot to say I also broke my diet coke addiction! Which is probably the best side affect of this diet - honestly before I would choose diet coke over cigarettes - my addiction was that bad 2-3 ltrs per day bad!

    Edited spelt coke wrong - auto correct use your imagination hahahahaha xx
  • mizroxy13
    mizroxy13 Posts: 466 Member
    If its not something that you can continue forever its not going to be useful in the long run...Just learn moderation and eat at a calorie deficit. It really is that simple.

  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    yes they might say they are 100% of the vitamins and minerals you need in a day but that standard nummber is a one size fits all

    my endocrinologist suggested strongly that i went on them and paraded me to other women with pcos as his success story 6 months in

    by 8 months i had become deficient in many vitamins and minerals and was so run down it took 5 courses of antibiotics to clear chest infections and the gym took the decision to ban me

    i then gained 18lb in a week while still following the plan and the head office called me a liar and said i was obviously binging when my consultant rang for advice

    that was the last day i gave money to those people. i marched down to the gp who did bloods and a few other tests, diagnosed me with hashimotos, another chest infection and gave me tablets for the water retention

    i became very ill, frequently collapsed including at the top of the stairs and ended up needing a stick to walk with

    i only got rid of that damn stick a few months ago. i take double dose multivitamins along with vitamin d and iron to keep me out of the deficiency ranges