cam someone review my food diary??

I don't know if this is even possible, but is love it if a "veteran" could review my food diary and help me make better choices, or tell me what I'm doing right or wrong. I've heard that what you eat does matter and I've also heard it doesn't matter. I would just love some guidance!!!


  • leslielove
    leslielove Posts: 251 Member
    You should make it public first.
  • CarolHudson11
    Hey! I'm sure there are quite a few who'd love to take a look and help you out, but you're going to have to make your diary public first. Go to Food, Settings, and then make it public. :)
  • kimwig
    kimwig Posts: 164
    I don't know if this is even possible, but is love it if a "veteran" could review my food diary and help me make better choices, or tell me what I'm doing right or wrong. I've heard that what you eat does matter and I've also heard it doesn't matter. I would just love some guidance!!!
    Happy to look, if it is a public diary.
  • jojuvanlaanen
    jojuvanlaanen Posts: 29 Member
    Ok. It's public now. Thanks for the help!!!
  • audreyyrose
    the main trend i'm noticing is waaaay too much fast food.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Your calories are ok it's the processed/take out stuff I would try to limit. Fresh fruits/veggies/whole grains would benefit you greatly!

    Good luck on your journey, I know it's hard!
  • MsSaturday
    MsSaturday Posts: 89 Member
    I see way too much fast/pre packaged food and no fruit or veggie, you might want to work on the well balanced diet. Oh and breakfast! Its really pretty important. Good luck!!
  • Jaedynmoon
    Jaedynmoon Posts: 280 Member
    It looks like you eat out often and lots of prepared/processed foods. Both usually contain higher sodium contents then if you were making the food from home. I would try to incorporate more fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins...stuff like that. Also, eat breakfast! You need to fuel your body for the day. How much water are you drinking? If you work/school try to prepare foods that are easy to put together or healthy. If you need any help add me! I love meal planning so I'd be more then happy to help you make better choices!
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    You're within your calorie limits, and that's a great start. But eating breakfast is VERY important; you should try not to skip it. At least eat a banana, or a single hardboiled egg, or a handful of nuts. I recommend more fresh fruits and vegetables too.

    What you eat can be pretty important to weight loss, but what you eat is even more important to your overall health. If you eat more nutrient dense foods, you'll probably start to notice positive changes in how you feel! :)
  • elassey
    elassey Posts: 7 Member
    What I notice is that there's just a lot of packaged and take-out food -- while you're staying under your calorie goal, they aren't necessarily the healthiest/most nutritious options. I think (and I'm sure nutrition experts can correct me if I'm wrong) if you are VERY overweight, it doesn't matter as much what kinds of foods you're eating, if you cut your calories, you are going to lose weight. But as you get smaller, and have a smaller number of pounds to lose, the types of foods you're eating really come into play.

    Also - if you choose fresher foods, and not as many packaged/processed ones, you'll find that you can eat a lot more volume for the same number of calories, and feel fuller longer. I've definitely found that out. Even just comparing what cereals I eat in the morning, I've been making choices towards lower calorie, higher fiber cereals, because then I am more likely to be satisfied till lunchtime. I can have a cup and a half of Cheerios and a half cup of 1% milk for the same number of calories in 3/4 cup of some other cereals.

    Anyway, hopefully that helps - I don't know what your lifestyle is and if you're needing to eat take-out more often, but there are some great websites out there I think that help you make healthier decisions when eating away from home! I also know it's hard with kids - I see one in your profile picture! :-)
  • jmo325
    jmo325 Posts: 57
    the main trend i'm noticing is waaaay too much fast food.

    I am in complete agreement with that. You should also adjust your diary to track your sodium (fast food is RICH in sodium) and try to keep that under the allotted amount. I also noticed you don't have ANY water logged. Either you're not logging it or you're not drinking it. Water is one of the most important elements for weight loss. Drop the fast food, start packing your lunch and keep chugging the water!
  • snerk
    snerk Posts: 51
    Here are a few things i notice
    *too much fast food
    *too much processed foods
    *not spreading your calories thruout the day
    Even though you have a certain calorie target dont eat them all in 2 meals, especially fast food ones. You want to eat healthy, unprocessed foods about 5 times a day. Really boosts your metabolism.
  • erin6026
    erin6026 Posts: 117 Member
    I like bringing it back to basics. Like, why do we eat in the first place? We eat because our body needs certain things to function. To pump our heart and our lungs, and maintain our skin and organs and run and yell and think! I know it's silly, but that's why we eat ;)

    The foods that DIRECTLY help these functions are the ones that were here 500 years ago. Fruits, veggies, chicken, beef, rice, etc. We need complex carbs and fats and proteins to help our body do what it needs to do.

    Because of profiting and convenience, man started messing with food and it's not illegal yet!

    My advice is to stop looking at the nutrition "facts" on foods and start looking at "ingredients". If there is ONE word you can't pronounce, it's not good for you! Stay clear! ;)

    Another "basic", but we assume when we put hydrochloride sorbic acid...etc. in our body, that our body knows what to do with it. It doesn't! Our bodies don't know what that is, so it treats it guessed it...fat! And shoves it in fat depositories because it doesn't know how to translate it to energy.

    The foods in your journal are processed processed processed. There isn't anything in them that is nourishing your body and helping it thrive. Please please ditch any and all fast food. Ditch processed packaged foods (breakfast burritos, lean cuisines,...anything that can be "nuked").

    If you need a book, I LOOOOVE Tosca Reno's "Eat Clean Diet" (any of the books are good, but I like "recharged"). It really breaks down how we were inteded to eat and how to go about it. Easy peezy!

    Sorry for the long post! Just love what I've learned and want to share it with everyone!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    1. Fast food and processed food every day.
    2. Skipping meals
    3. Very little real, whole, nutritous food
    4. Not tracking sodium in your diary - you can change this in your settings
    5. Not drinking enough water

    I don't want to sound harsh but you couldn't sabotage weight loss more. Whoever told you it doesn't matter what you eat, they couldn't be more wrong. I would strongly suggest reading some books to educate yourself on healthy eating and lifestyle.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I'm not a "veteran" but I have been on here for about 4 1/2 months and I have made being healthy my biggest priority. Although it's true that you can lose weight by simply eating fewer calories than you burn, you won't be getting any healthier if you are eating empty calories with lots of added junk.
    1) You eat a LOT of junk food - fast food, chips, cookies, cake. You don't need to completely deny yourself, but you should look for healthier options. Instead of brownies or chocolate cake, try a square of heart-healthy dark chocolate. Instead of Doritos, look at the health food store for all natural, low sodium chips like those made by Food Should Taste Good. Instead of fast food, make your meals at home. You can make delicious baked breaded chicken that tastes just as good as fried chicken but is significantly healthier.
    2) Eat Breakfast. Every Day. Whole grain cereal with fruit, peanut butter toast, egg white omelettes - all are good ideas to fuel your body and get your metabolism moving in the morning.
    3) Replace simple carbs with complex carbs. Quinoa, couscous, or brown rice instead of white rice. Whole wheat bread instead of white bread.
    4) Snack on fruits and veggies. They keep you fueled throughout the day without adding lots of sodium, fat, etc.
    5) Increase your fiber. MFP doesn't give you very much, but the Mayo Clinic recommends that women should get at least 25 grams/day, men should get at least 35 grams/day.
    6) Drink lots of water. Aim for half your body weight in ounces.
  • jojuvanlaanen
    jojuvanlaanen Posts: 29 Member
    My goodness! Thank God for honest people! geeze! I didn't realize it was that bad. And I think since I've started MFP almost 3 weeks ago I've ate fast food 2, maybe 3 times, and that is less than before. And I am a SUPER busy stay at home mom to 4 kids, so I'm ALL ABOUT the quick fix, fast meals... (Like today I know was bad with the fast food...) But I guess I didn't realize even "diet" food wasn't good for you either!

    I will focus more on fresh fruits and veggies, I'm seeing that's the key that you all are telling me. My probablem with that is I never seem to feel "full" when I eat those types of things. But hey, that's why I'm on here and that's why I'm making my sorry excuse of a weight loss food diary public so you all can tell me what I'm doing wrong. And I do drink water, but probably not the 8 glasses a day that your supposed to, I just never log them.

    I think I read something on here about how it doesn't matter what you eat, just that your staying within your calorie goals. I actually thought that since I was staying in my goals that I was doing good! Guess I was wrong, lol! But seriously, thank you for being so honest with me. This is what I need, people guiding me through this and helping me make better choices.

    I can't change YEARS of bad eating habits in just 2 weeks, but this is giving me a good start!
  • erin6026
    erin6026 Posts: 117 Member
    Haha, it's a journey! I love this site because people are so supportive and just want to help everyone.

    Foods that are "whole" and keep me full:

    almond butter (I like it on rice cakes or apples)
    cottage cheese
  • kimwig
    kimwig Posts: 164
    I don't know if this is even possible, but is love it if a "veteran" could review my food diary and help me make better choices, or tell me what I'm doing right or wrong. I've heard that what you eat does matter and I've also heard it doesn't matter. I would just love some guidance!!!
    Blunt summary of what I see from your diary
    1. You do not eat veggies
    2. You do not eat fruit
    3. You eat a very high level of processed / fast food (of the high fat and probably high salt kind)
    4. You do not balance food intake across the day
    5. Even when calories are within allowance your fat levels are high
    6. You have quite a few sweet / sugary snacks which can play havoc with your energy levels (will spike and then drop)
    7. You are not getting the best nutrition from the calories you eat (do not mistake calories for nutrition)
    8. You are getting very little fibre (so "throughput" will be sluggish)
    9. You eat a lot of meat.

    Changes to make
    Increase veggies with lunch and dinner
    Reduce amount of meat with each meal
    Have (something like) porridge for breakfast (good burn, low cals).
    Have fruit for snacks
    Cut out fast food as much as possible
    Spread calories across day
  • amysambora
    Please don't feel bad about yourself! It made me sad to hear you say 'my sorry excuse of a weight loss food diary'! You're exactly right, you can't change your habits overnight. Just the fact that you are here on MFP and asking for advice, wanting to learn, is AWESOME! You're definitely heading in the right direction and you have the motivation to change - I totally believe you can do it. It is hard to learn about new ways of eating but you'll get there.

    However, please don't think what you eat isn't important. It's SO important.

    Fruit and veggies can definitely be filling! Try roasting your vegetables with a drizzle of olive oil and herbs of your choice. Carrot, pumpkin, sweet potato, cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli, parsnip, eggplant - all really yummy and very filling! As for fruit, bananas are apples are great. I have my apple sliced with 1tbs peanut butter for added protein. Maybe make a post asking for 'clean eaters' who have open food diaries, so you can get some ideas? Whatever you do, don't lose heart, you're making steps toward a healthier lifestyle and that can only be a good thing!
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    I can't change YEARS of bad eating habits in just 2 weeks, but this is giving me a good start!

    That is exactly the attitude that will make you successful! It's impossible to change overnight, but we all have to start somewhere. And "start" is the key word--you've already taken those difficult "first steps" and that's always the hardest part. Make slow changes; for instance, to start with, you might try eating one piece of fruit with every meal. It won't add many calories at all, but it'll give you some great nutrition. Slowly start replacing other things and adding more fruits and vegetables and nuts and lean proteins, and before you know it you'll be a pro! :bigsmile: