What is a good pedometer for me?

I have been sedentary and am starting with walking. I may stay with that just increasing speed/distance. I don't think I need one that interacts with myfitnesspal. Price is an issue but I would like something that I will use and works well. Where is the best place to buy one? What is a good starting goal?


  • colors_fade
    colors_fade Posts: 464 Member
    I like my FitBit Zip. Small, easy to use.

    I can hook up to MFP, but I don't use it that way. I just use it to track my steps. 10K per day.

    Honestly - worth every penny. The walking has been a huge difference-maker for me.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I like my FitBit Zip. Small, easy to use.

    I can hook up to MFP, but I don't use it that way. I just use it to track my steps. 10K per day.

    Honestly - worth every penny. The walking has been a huge difference-maker for me.

    Thank you
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I got one for free from my work, and it was a great motivator. It probably cost $5, and I know they're sold at Academy and other sports type stores. However, it just clipped on my waist and fell off ALL THE TIME. It drove me nuts, and the outer case broke a little after so many tumbles.

    I decided to go with a fitbit flex because I can wear it on my wrist. I don't link it to MFP because I know it's not entirely accurate. I know people swear by them, but I've hit 10,000 steps while washing my face in the shower and while driving. But, because I'm not using it to calculate my calories, I don't really care; I just try to do as many steps as the day before or better. I've found I'm very competitive whether with my friends on my friends list or just with myself. I love it for that reason. I'm always trying to find ways to squeeze in more steps.
  • JessRaddatz
    JessRaddatz Posts: 204 Member
    I really like the Fitbits (I have a Fitbit One, but it is a little pricey). The main thing I like about the Fitbit is it is a tri-axis pedometer, meaning you can just throw it in your pocket and it will still track accurately. Some pedometers are really picky about where you put them and they have to be just so in order to track your steps. I tend to wear my pants higher on my waist, so wearing a pedometer on my waist band does not work for me. I highly suggest any of the Fitbits. I got mine from Best Buy, but I'm sure Walmart or Target sells them as well.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    nevermind I can't get the link to work
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    My husband has an old pedometer he is going to find for me so I can start with that. Is the 10,000 steps including all walking during the day? Is that a good starting goal?
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    My husband has an old pedometer he is going to find for me so I can start with that. Is the 10,000 steps including all walking during the day? Is that a good starting goal?
    It's a great goal, it's about 5 miles depending on how long your steps are. That's all steps throughout the day from when you get up to when you go to bed.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    My husband has an old pedometer he is going to find for me so I can start with that. Is the 10,000 steps including all walking during the day? Is that a good starting goal?
    It's a great goal, it's about 5 miles depending on how long your steps are. That's all steps throughout the day from when you get up to when you go to bed.

    Thank you! I will try that
  • Andrea4456
    Andrea4456 Posts: 39 Member
    I love my fitbit one! I've worn it religiously for over a year now. Highly recommend!!
  • abuck_13
    abuck_13 Posts: 382 Member
    The best one is one that you will use (obvious statement)

    You can find all sorts out there from as little as $15 or so to over $100.

    I used to use one I got from my previous job until I ended up getting it wet, but that is another story. Personally, one that you can clip right on your hip, or drop in a pocket, is probably the best starting point.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I got an Omron HJ-112 years ago at Wal-Mart for about $25 delivered to the store. Now they've added new bells and whistles.....making the price much higher. If you can get your hands on the "non premium" one, this is a good pedometer.

    But, in place of the premium priced one.....I'd go with a FitBit Zip instead. I have the FitBit One and like seeing my online account from day to day. A Zip would still give you log-in capabilities.
  • hannahclaytor
    I have a Jawbone Up. Love it. Tracks your steps, workouts, nutrition and sleep patterns and after time learns about your behaviour and makes suggestions based on your own activity. Really motivational and can be completely customised to your own goals.

    Fit bit is great as well but is a bit awkward to put on where as my jawbone just slips on. Plus I found the fitbit stuck out more - people always noticed it where as the jawbone actually looks quite stylish so you could even wear it when you're dressed up and it's less obvious.

    The only thing of course is the price. You can get the Jawbone up for £50 which is a lot but I think it's worth it. The latest one up24 is much more expensive and in my opinion it doesn't do anything better than the cheaper one except you have to plug your band into your phone to sync the data, where as the more expensive one syncs automatically. Not worth the extra money in my opinion!

    Goal wise, you just put your details in - age, weight, height, usual activity level and it works out a goal for you :) Good luck!
  • nursedonnaj
    nursedonnaj Posts: 57 Member
    FitBit zip is great. I have had one for over 2 years and it broke (FitBit is sending me a new one), so until I get it, I thought I'd buy a cheaper one at Walmart. UGH. I shouldn't have wasted the $20. The FitBit Zip is for me. I agree with all the above info about FitBit and 10,000 steps a day. You Got This!
  • hannahclaytor
    10000 steps a day is hard though guys! I usually average 8000 on a normal day (and that includes walking to work for an hour every day!) I hit 10000 if I work out as well.

    I'd see what you average after a few days using it and increase your goal by 1000 steps each week until you reach a 10000 step goal
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    10000 steps a day is hard though guys! I usually average 8000 on a normal day (and that includes walking to work for an hour every day!) I hit 10000 if I work out as well.

    I'd see what you average after a few days using it and increase your goal by 1000 steps each week until you reach a 10000 step goal

    thank you