I'm new but love it already =)

K, i just started today, but i love how easy it is to use! Can't wait to use it all the time =)

Also, how well does this work for people? Does the calorie counting seem to work like it says?? Let me know!


  • TexasTKD9
    For me the calorie counting really puts it into perspective for me how much I'm eating, and what I'm eating and how unhealthy some of the things I eat really are. Plus it gives me a set goal to stick to and that's personally what I need is boundaries set for me to follow. Plus the support system on here is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!
    Feel free to add me if you would like an additional friend and support system
  • Larry1369
    Yup, it's great. I want to use it as a way to force myself to eat properly.

    It's amazing how low you can be on some nutrients, I look them up and see what I can add to my diet to pick up the slack.

    The calorie counter is right on foods most of the time. If it doesn't look right, google it and you'll find out if it's close or not.

    Such as mixed veggies, one of them says 12 grams of sugar. I was like what? I found another field to add instead.
  • Dunham2005
    I just joined as well, but I love that it calcuates everything for me, it gives me a good perspective of everything I eat and that I was way over eating before so its great I love it.. However I havent figured out how to find people on here and I have been doing it for like 2 weeks now so I dont have any friends whicih is hard because when you are trying so hard to loose weight haven people to fall back on really helps.. Good luck to you!!!:bigsmile:
  • lilscuder
    lilscuder Posts: 88 Member
    I agree with typingux ! Be sure to keep track of your sodium take in your diary. That's important to track, because we retain water, and it can make us heavier. In case you don't have that in your diary, go to "setting" upper right of screen on home page, then click on diary settings. You can addit there. Welcome to MFP & The Best of Luck to you !