
Really it is just a rant, a whine, a whimper, my roommates are the opposite of supportive, they actually make fun of me. I weigh 276 pounds and they do nothing but make fun of my food and my exercise and say things like yeah, I could stick my finger down my throat too and make myself throw up and lose 3 pounds a week too. I HAVE NOT DONE THIS, I have been legitimately sick with a severe migraine all day. I really hate this. I mean it won't discourage me, it is my body and my journey but damn it, I don't need to have my food called bird food and bunny food and be told my body needs some real nourishment, I am on the clean eating life style..all whole foods, no processed foods no dairy I eat chicken, fish and all meats except very little red meat but definitely focus on a lot of veggies and whole foods. Why can't they just keep their mouths shut if they just don't have something positive to say.

Thanks for letting me Rant and rave and whine and whimper :D I just needed a place to vent!


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    You are losing weight. You are doing great. 'Sorry to hear about those toxic weird people.
    You cannot change them. They will always be like that . All you can do is find ways to deal with them.
    Do you have some headphones, esp the noise canceling ones?
    Next weekend get out of your place so you have a break from that.
    Good luck this week.
  • barbz2119
    barbz2119 Posts: 124 Member
    Some people have nothing better to do in life than ridicule others who are trying to improve their life. You are doing great, you are eating healthy and losing weight. Try not to let them get to you, try to ignore even if its hard, eventually when they realize they are not getting to you they will get bored and find something else to do to stimulate their sad lives.
    There are so many supportive people on here, stick with us :happy:
  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    I am so sorry your roommates treat you like this. You do not deserve it. You know you are doing what is best for you and your life so keep doing it. We are all here to support you. The great thing about MFP is we are all here for the same reason (although there are a few trolls). We are either exactly where you are or have been there and we all understand. I don't do the clean eating, I pretty much eat anything and everything in moderation and sometimes too much. My diary is crazy but it pretty much always balances out. So, if you can get passed my crazy eating, please feel free to send me a friend request. I will be glad to offer support on this journey and I could use yours as well! Remember, you CAN and WILL do this!
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    I'm sorry that your roommates treat you this way. Don't even begin to listen to them or let it get you down. You are doing what you need to do to get yourself to a healthier you. No one should ever make you feel less of a person or judge you for what you are doing. We all need to make our own decisions and do what is working best for us. You are doing incredibly well and I am proud to have you as a friend. Keep doing what you are doing and ignore them. Although they are your roommates and you live with them, I know this will be difficult. But keep fighting for you!!!
  • Waxy1807
    Let them talk, let them be toxic, let them be jealous, let them motivate you and feed your desire to be the best you their is. We do not control anyone else, we only control ourselves and thank goodness for that. I always smile when people give me a hard time, I listen carefully to their lack of self perception and the inability to be happy for me. I also hang on to those things and the next time I want to grab some fast food or a soda I think about them, that attitude they have, and it feeds me to push past temptation and pushes me to work hard every time I go to the gym. I love haters, they make it so much easier to feed that beast inside me. the next time I pick up the weights and I have to blink the sweat out of my eyes, or drag my shirt across my face I thank them for the motivation to do another set, or add more weight to the bar. Don't give up,