
Hi all, I'm really looking for a fun way to exercise. I'll go to the gym but I like classes and something different. I was thinking Crossfit but I'm overweight and not very fit. I gained about 60 lbs from my happy weight. When I originally lost weight I was still flabby so I want to tone as well. Is Crossfit a doable thing for the overweight? I'm a 5'5, 210lb female, size 14....that's so hard to say lol.


  • gbklvr
    gbklvr Posts: 84 Member
    I love cross fit! And yes it's doable when I did it I hadn't worked out since high school, long time. Lol my instructor was great and you do what you can. It was a very positive experience for me.
  • I joined Crossfit 3 months ago now and love it, I was also looking for fun workouts that were varied.

    I am overweight and a recent ex smoker and although classes are tough It is doable there are also lots of people at the same level as me.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    There is a guy in the crossfit class opposite mine who was very overweight and in just a few months he's lost a noticeably dramatic amount of weight and is looking good. I'd say got for it and if its a good box they will guide you right.
  • Justthethomps
    Justthethomps Posts: 1 Member
    I love crossfit and have plenty of weight to loose! The best part is you will have a coach who can help you modify the workouts to help you be successful and not hurt yourself!
  • Hi all, I'm really looking for a fun way to exercise. I'll go to the gym but I like classes and something different. I was thinking Crossfit but I'm overweight and not very fit. I gained about 60 lbs from my happy weight. When I originally lost weight I was still flabby so I want to tone as well. Is Crossfit a doable thing for the overweight? I'm a 5'5, 210lb female, size 14....that's so hard to say lol.

    Totally doable. I am a 5'9 and 220lb male and was some months without serious exercise. The crossfit classes are harder for overweight when the exercise demands that we lift our own weight for many repetitions, so don't rush it. Be concerned about the correct form and not by how fast other people are doing it.

    In time, you will get much better and that difference will not be so big. For me, at least, being bulky make me be one of the heavy lifters on the classes.

    In other words, when the repetitions are low, bulky people tend to lift heavier. When repetitions are high, bulky people tend to finish the exercises later, mainly when the WOD demands you to lift your own weight (e.g.: pull ups). It will take longer for you become faster/better on that exercices. Keep doing and always watch out your form and listen to your body.
  • Aviation21
    Aviation21 Posts: 154 Member
    I am an addict... I can't wait until my next CrossFit class... got one this evening... Yah!

    Take a few minutes and read this review from Nerd Fitness, I think Steve and Staci nailed it! The Pros and Cons are good!

    I have lost 14 lbs in 14 weeks and my box is very affordable.

    I suggest you sign up for 2 classes a week for the first month and if you are enjoying it move up to 3 classes a week.

    I also started eating Paleo during the 2nd month with a focus on eating a ton of protein. Not only will you lose weight but you are going to put on some muscle. My box is about 50/50 men and woman and everyone is at different stages of physical fitness. The woman that have been doing CrossFit for over a year look incredible!

    My daughter told me last weekend that I have a 4 pack... what no 6 pack... oh well in year I will have that 6 pack! :)
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    with a good enough instructor, i should think any class/activity could be broken down to the point where a beginner could participate