Do you eat the same things weekly/daily? or prefer routine?

I personally like routine and have the same breakfast usually and only a few dinners to choose from. They are well rounded meals though. People pick on me about it but whatever, I just never seen the need to try something new even if that means I'm "non adventurous" or "boring". I enjoy what I currently eat and, yeah, I just want to hear what you all do.


  • Sorry, I meant (or prefer something different?)
  • hjb85
    hjb85 Posts: 14 Member
    I find that routine is the only thing that keeps me on track. That being said, I don't ever stick to the EXACT same meals - I think that would drive me crazy. I have coffee and smoothie for brekky but mix up what goes in my smoothie. For lunch its soup or a frozen meal or some salad - this gives me enough variety most of the time but sme days I do get annoyed and end up "breaking my diet" to have some bread. Dinners are harder for me but I always try to incorprate lean meat and veggies, finding ways to cut down on carbs and saturated fat.
  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member
    Breakfast and lunch during the week is pretty much the same everyday. I like to cook, so dinner is where I get variety.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    I usually cook for a week, since I'm a student so I'm pretty short on time and money. So this means I eat the same lunch for a whole week. Also like you my dinner is usually the same thing, and for breakfast it's usually a choice from 2-3 options. If it's nutritious food and it tastes good, I don't really care if I had it yesterday.
  • Hehe well in my case, since I'm a student, during the day at uni my options for healthy cheap things are pretty limited so I keep eating the same things every day. Like at uni there isn't much to cook with so it mainly means that every morning I go into Coles and just grab 1 of every practical fruit :P
    But yea I prefer routine. I've had tuna for breakfast almost every morning for the past 2 years.
    I like it when a rule of thumb can make my decisions easier :D
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    So far my ability to eat monotonously has been key to my (short) success. I've long since learned that dinner and after-dinner snacks are the things of most interest to me, and I don't particularly care what I eat for breakfast/lunch/earlier snacks. So with that in mind I eat rather monotonously and low calorie, usually saving at 50% of my daily calories for dinner and after.
  • chouflour
    chouflour Posts: 193 Member
    I don't like to think before I've had coffee. So weekday breakfast is always cold coffee with some milk or hot black coffee. On Saturdays, my husband cooks something low-carb for breakfast - usually involving meat, eggs and vegetables. Sunday I'll make waffles if I got a request for them by Saturday night (so I don't have to think in the morning) or I have coffee.

    I pack my lunch while I drink my coffee, and I have medication that needs to be dissolved in cold liquid. So If I had cold coffee (and remembered to dump my medication in), I pack a pint of soup and some crackers or cheese crisps for lunch. If I didn't remember the medication, or had hot coffee - I have a smoothie for lunch. Whatever juice is in the fridge that week, yogurt, banana, medication, ice. It goes in the same cup every day (because the cup holds exactly the volume of smoothie that the recipe makes and keeps the smoothie cold until lunch.) If I remember we have some other fruit to use up, I'll use half a banana, and half some other kind of fruit.

    My whole morning runs on autopilot, so weekend lunches are more interesting, and dinners tend to vary. Of course, my husband is out of town this week - so I had another smoothie for dinner. Oops.
  • IvyLuci
    IvyLuci Posts: 117 Member
    I mostly eat the same, or similar things.
    Breakfast is eggs with something like mustard,or cream, to cover the taste.
    Snack is peanuts most often, somethimes a bit of chocolate with my coffee.
    Lunch is meat with a bit of fresh veggies. I cook a big pan of it, then portion and freeze, so I can have w or 3 variants of the same thing alternating (for instance, one will be meat with lentils, one with beans, one with whatever veggie caught my eye in the store)
    Snack is an egg, a slice of cheese, some deli meat.
    Dinner is usually just a bite or two of something since the other meals use most of my calories.

    If I get a desire for a specific food, I buy it and incorporate it. If it's a veggie that can mean I eat it a couple of days in a row, or that it gets added to one if the meat lunches.

    Peanuts are "timed" so that they are my after-workout snack.

    The more substantial snack is for when I am at work.

    I find that I don't have the desire to snack as much when I'm not at work, so weekends usually have larger meals.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    breakfast (or lack thereof) is the same
    lunch and snacks during the day are the same.

    I have variety at dinner and after dinner dinner.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I tend to stick to the same things more when I'm cutting as it seems to help me stay on track. I also pack breakfast/lunch to take to work and usually end up with similar things. Dinners and weekends I have a bit more variety.
  • GatorDeb1
    GatorDeb1 Posts: 245 Member
    Same thing every day. It does vary but I'm good with sameness. Less to think about.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    routine is key for me. i tend to eat the same things every day. i like it. i don't need variety. i have a very dulled sense of taste anyway, and the control and predictability of sticking to the same routine every day makes me really happy and satisfied.
  • AddiesHK
    AddiesHK Posts: 8 Member
    If I could I would eat different meals probably everyday my kids the same. With the exception of oatmeal for breakfast my meals have a lot of variety that's because I'm not the one cooking :laugh:
  • itsjustmish
    itsjustmish Posts: 107 Member
    I'm a big fan of routine and not having to think too much, so on weekdays my breakfast (currently scrambled eggs with oats and peanut butter mixed in) and lunch (currently a tortilla wrap with chicken breast, salad, and cottage cheese) tend to stay the same until I get sick of them.

    Snacks don't vary too much; I'm a big fan of Nakd bars and nuts - the flavours of the bars/ type of nut can change daily depending on what I'm feeling like. I also usually have a bowl of oats mixed with greek yoghurt, nut butter, a melted square of 90% dark chocolate and a bit of granola before bedtime.

    Dinners change daily depending on what I feel like, but I do tend to have 6 or 7 'favourite' meals on rotation for a few months before I get bored and change them for different ones!

    Weekends are a bit haphazard as I'm often out or away from home so end up eating a lot more randomly!
  • genki90
    genki90 Posts: 94 Member
    No way! I like variety or I'll get bored and end up eating more than I should (in order to add the "different" taste). If I cook for myself I may eat the same food for 2-3 days. But I'll definitely cook something different after that. The only meal that's usually the same is breakfast.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I need variety!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Same thing every day. It does vary but I'm good with sameness. Less to think about.


    I rotate meals through the weeks- so like one week it's stir fry- the next lemon pepper chicken- the next something to make taco's or variation there of... and eggs- and yogurt.
    But I eat the same stuff every week pretty much b/c it makes tracking simple- and I just do NOT have time to cook multiple meals.

    At best I can cook 2 meals on Sunday and rotate the different dishes- but I'm pretty lazy with food- I love delicious food- and I get variety when my BF comes to visit Wed/Thur- usually we'll do steak one night- and then go out another night so that's where my 'variety' comes in.

    but I pretty much eat the same *kitten* all the time.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Breakfast and lunch during the week is pretty much the same everyday. I like to cook, so dinner is where I get variety.

    Pretty much this. I eat breakfast/lunch at work so it is just easier to keep it simple. Dinners and weekends are where I mix things up. I've got a few standard dinners to rotate through if things are busy or we don't meal plan.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I switch things up a bit from time to time, but I keep within the same structure as long as I eat at home or pack my own snack. Eating out and at friends' give me the necessary break from the routine. But I like my routine, everything is tasteful and I never overeat, and I never have to be uncomfortably hungry for too long.

    I eat really simple, mostly cheap things, five meals a day, and around 1550 calories total.
    Breakfast is a slice of crispbread with whatever spread I have in the fridge, a small glass of milk, a piece of fruit and vegetable.
    Lunch can be same as breakfast, or porridge, salad, smoothie, cheese, fruit, nuts.
    Snack is whatever, but something I didn't have for lunch.
    Dinner is meat/fish, starch and vegetable.
    Evening meal can be yoghurt, cheese, nut butter, fruit, vegetable, deli meat, pickled herring, or whatever I have and fancy.
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    I generally stick to eating the same things throughout the week, to stay on track. Weekends are a bit of a mess, I'll eat anything that comes my way :P