The BBW/BHM Challenge - Till March 20th

Calling all BBW's and BHM's of MFP! I have a challenge for all you Big Beautiful Women and Big Handsome Men!

Let's see how many of us can lose 15lbs by March 20th!!!!!!!! (I think that's a reasonable date???)

So here's the dealio: :laugh:

First we'll say the first 25 people to join will be in the group! (Just so I can keep track of everyone)

We are going to weigh in every Wednesday, starting today!

There will be weekly recipes, goals, exercise tips, etc.

So if you're up for the challenge! Let me know!!! :glasses:


  • kal2202
    Love to be in it!!
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    i want in!!
  • dainj
    dainj Posts: 25 Member
    sign me up!! This sounds fab! thanks!
  • spunky_spit_fire
    spunky_spit_fire Posts: 103 Member
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Count me in too!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Yes please count me in.
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Just an introduction.

    Im Hanna, 5.7", 102.1 kg/225.1 lbs, from sweden, 26 in less than a month :D

    By the 20th of March i WILL weigh 95.3 kg /210 lbs or less...
  • TexasTKD9
    Alright so far the members of the challenge are as follows:

    1.) kal2202
    2.) hannastyrbjorn
    3.) dainj
    4) spunky_spit_fire
    5) chiliflea
    6) jellyfishjen

    If you guys want to start posting your weigh ins that would be great or if you want to weight until I post the thread for it. it's all up to you guys :)
  • VezNo1
    VezNo1 Posts: 83
    Me 2 please!

  • TexasTKD9
    Just an introduction.

    Im Hanna, 5.7", 102.1 kg/225.1 lbs, from sweden, 26 in less than a month :D

    By the 20th of March i WILL weigh 95.3 kg /210 lbs or less...

    Alright Hanna you're ahead of me! lol :tongue:
    Also just as an intro so everyone can get to know each other fill out the following

    Name or name you would like to be called:
    Age (only if you want to)
    GW by march 20th :
    Something interesting about yourself even a random fact! :
  • VezNo1
    VezNo1 Posts: 83
    Name or name you would like to be called: VezNo1 or V
    Age (only if you want to) 36
    Location: Weybridge, (15 miles south of London)
    CW: 103.7
    GW: 80
    GW by march 20th : 96
    Something interesting about yourself even a random fact! : I once bribed an policeman in Tanzania with a Mango!
  • TexasTKD9
    Name or name you would like to be called: Amanda or Manda
    Age (only if you want to): 21
    Location: San Antonio, TX
    Height: 4'11"
    CW: 230lbs
    GW: 140lbs
    GW by march 20th : 215lbs
    Something interesting about yourself even a random fact! : I collect old school Nintendo!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Name or name you would like to be called:- Claire
    Age (only if you want to) - 31
    Location: Powys, Wales
    Height: - 5ft 7"
    CW: 296lbs (21st and a bit)
    GW: 168lb (roughly 12st)
    GW by march 20th : 280lbs (roughly 20st)
    Something interesting about yourself even a random fact! : I don't wear socks on pancake day....
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Name or name you would like to be called: Jenni
    Age (only if you want to) 50, 51 in 19 days.
    Location: Sydney, Australia
    Height: 5'7"
    CW: 106.6kgs (235lbs)
    GW: 75kgs (165lbs)
    GW by march 20th : 99kgs (218lbs) Want to get under that 100
    Something interesting about yourself even a random fact! : I've surprised myself with how much I am enjoying exercising this time round. Trying all different things. So far, aquaerobics, zumba, yoga, walking, and this week trying to work up the courage to go to a ballet class. I was a dancer 25 years ago and 46 kilo's lighter.
  • dainj
    dainj Posts: 25 Member
    Name or name you would like to be called: inji
    Age (only if you want to) 28
    Location: Cairo, Egypt
    Height: 5"6
    CW: 220lbs
    GW: 165lbs
    GW by march 20th : 205lbs
    Something interesting about yourself even a random fact! : Lived my whole life in the UK and 3 months ago I moved to Egypt for a new job and a new adventure!
  • TexasTKD9
  • TexasTKD9
    Alright so so far here's who we have for the challenge!

    1)Hanna (Hannastyrbjorn) - 225.1lbs/102.1kg
    2)V (VezNo1) - 103.7
    3)Kalliste/Kal (kal2202) - 232lb/105.6kg
    4)Claire (chiliflea) - 296lbs
    5)Inji (dainj) - 220lbs
    6)Jenni (jellyfishjen) - 235lbs/106.6kgs
    7)Amanda (TexasTKD9) - 230lbs
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    I am in! I definetly need some motivation and people who are trying to obtain the same goals I am. Most of the people I know are happy with their weight or just want to tone. I think this will be great to have other people to do this with! :) i am so excited!
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    I am in! I am so excited to have other people striving to lose the same amount of weight. I was very hesitant about joining the site but I see this may be the best thing I have ever done! I look forward to reaching goals with all of you! :) Im so excited!

    *runs to weigh-in*

    So my name is Vivian and I am 21 years old. I will be 22 on Feb 6th (getting old i know :p)
    Height: I am 5'5" (and three-fourths)
    CW: 186.6
    GW:150 (for now maybe more but lets see how my body looks at that point)
    GW by march 20th : 171.6?
    Something interesting about yourself even a random fact! : I hate peas -_- just the thought makes me nauseous!
  • jmcniel
    jmcniel Posts: 65
    I'm in!

    Name or name you would like to be called: jmcniel
    Age (only if you want to) 27
    Location: Terrell, Texas
    Height: 5'8"
    CW: 298
    GW: 200
    GW by march 20th : 283
    Something interesting about yourself even a random fact! : I am working on a beard that rivals Stonewall Jackson.