Do you really need protein shakes?



  • AmrOnTop
    AmrOnTop Posts: 52 Member
    As a 175 pounds guy, do I really need to get 175 grams of protein? I really have a hard time with this because:

    1- I am skinny fat ..skinny arms with very little muscle tone. I do not carry much lean body mass, out of my 175 lbs, I'm sure at least 14-15% of that is fat so, do I really need all that protein to grow?

    2- I eat eggs, fava beans, lentils, chicken and/or tuna (among other stuff) on a daily basis, and end up with around 105 grams of protein max. I mean. What else can I do? I'm eating a lot!

    3- I still have a bit of body fat to lose so I don't really wanna be eating like a pig. And I'm still a beginner that's just starting out.

    4- My body says I'm confortably full! Is it really wise to be just stuffing myself even though I ate breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks + drank over 3 liters of water for the whole day? I just don't get it.

    I do my research and try my best to find out the information but every single piece of info in the fitness world seem to have a completely opposite antagonist to it..

    OK, I'm no expert in maintaining, I'm still trying to lose weight, but this I do know: there is no one, foolproof, perfect solution. We are all different, and there are going to be nuances in our approaches that will work and that won't work.
    Two, even if you combined all available advice and created a "perfect" plan, what use is it if you drive yourself crazy trying to stick to it?

    Choose numbers that are somewhere in the middle of the range and try to stick to them. Take notes on your progress: are you able to lift more, do you feel better or more tired, do you feel hungry? Try to be honest with yourself and adjust your numbers accordingly. It is not going to happen overnight, and you are young enough that you get some leeway to play around and bounce back.

    Best advice ever. I truly need to stop over-complicating stuff and just make it happen. The information are getting overwhelming and I keep adjusting according to new info that I don't actually give anything it's worthwhile. Thank you!
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    That is why protein powder is so popular. You get alot of protein without the unwanted carbs or fat. With meat, you get alot of protein but it comes with fat that u don't want.

    You don't want fat? :noway:

    I think you may want to answer your phone, the '80's and '90's are calling you. :laugh: :laugh:

    Fat is very important for proper hormone balance, it is also important to keep the "pipes" running smoothly.

    OP, Do you need protein shakes? Not if you can get all your protein intake from food, but sometimes at the end of the day you realize you are short of your protein goal and that is a quick and easy way to get there.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    No, you do not need protein shakes. If you can meet your macros through your diet alone you are gold. I like protein shakes because they help me reach my target easier.
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    33 gms of protein for like 700 calories total in the blend.

    I'm not sure that qualifies as a "protein shake." Less than 20% of those calories are from protein.
  • AmrOnTop
    AmrOnTop Posts: 52 Member
    33 gms of protein for like 700 calories total in the blend.

    I'm not sure that qualifies as a "protein shake." Less than 20% of those calories are from protein.
    Well, do you have a better suggestion for the ingeredients?
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    33 gms of protein for like 700 calories total in the blend.

    I'm not sure that qualifies as a "protein shake." Less than 20% of those calories are from protein.
    Well, do you have a better suggestion for the ingeredients?

    How about adding some Greek yoghurt and / or egg whites?
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    Well, do you have a better suggestion for the ingeredients?

    I'm not 100% sure what you're trying to accomplish. If the only reason you're consuming this caloric monstrosity is to meet some magical 15 minute window of opportunity, I would recommend you just forget it and eat something sensible when you get home.

    Grilled chicken is a great source of protein. Boneless tenderloins take less than 5 minutes on a Foreman grill.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    33 gms of protein for like 700 calories total in the blend.

    I'm not sure that qualifies as a "protein shake." Less than 20% of those calories are from protein.
    Well, do you have a better suggestion for the ingeredients?

    Forget the magical window. You are not a professional body builder prepping for a show. Get in your protein through out the day.

    So far today I have only eaten 350 calories. Of that 350 calories I have already had 43 grams of protein. That means 50% of my calories is from protein. None of it was from protein shake. I had ham, cheese, and egg sandwich for breakfast. I then just finished a couple mozzarella cheese sticks. It really isn't that hard.

    It is a lot easier though if you throw in some protein powder to top things off if you are low. Last night I had a true protein smoothie. It was a scoop of triple chocolate protein powder, cup of FAGE 0% Greek yogurt, frozen banana and frozen strawberry. A little over 400 calories and it had 57g of protein. Again, over 50% of the calories were from protein.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I do.

    There's just something about them. Convenient. Fast. Tasty. Satisfying. Macro-friendly.

    I really like them enough to practically consider them a need.
  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    The window is closer to 48hours, not a matter of minutes, as long as you get your cals and protein in daily timing will make very little if any difference. usually matters for the top bodybuilders and can be the difference in finishing first or fourth, for the general public and even most athletes you wont notice a thing.
    Well, since the window could be that long, that brings up a different question: Do you need to be eating every 3-4 hours to keep your body in an anabolic state?

    Not eating every 3-4 hours doesn't magically send you into catabolism. The fact is your body is always metabolically active - storing and burning calories. It isn't an on/off switch. Net consumption of calories and nutrients is more important than timing or meal frequency.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    lol IIFYM amirite? IF diets in particular seem to hinge on the idea that the feeding window is mostly broscience for all but top athletes.
  • monicastricker9
    You don't really need protein shakes, my go to refuel after a workout is chocolate milk. The optimum balance to replace what is lost. The act of chewing is as much about eating as the calories going in. Having said that while you are consuming the calories the brain has not registered it as eating, which can lead to the feeling that you are still hungary. I learned that about myself a long time ago. So the option is this first you are consuming way to many calories that way in a shake. If you do that twice a day you are talking 1400 calories just reserved for replenishment. I would suggest scaling down the shake a lot if you want to still do it and maybe combining it with a small something to eat. For example combine some liquid protein if you want to stick with the shake idea and add a food item to eat. This should help feed that need. There are a number of awesome drink receipes on and clean eating magazine online.
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    It's just food.

    If you need a cheap, convenient way to hit your macro's then protein shakes are good.
    If you're just as happy chowing down on chicken, tuna and eggs then do that.
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    ... I could be eating much more protein found in cheaper real food with less calories ... Can't buy protein powder either due to family ...

    You don't like shakes because you're doing them wrong. The point of a protein shake is to reach your protein macro *cheaply* and without the excess calories. If you can do that some other way, do it.

    (I'm puzzled how your family prevents you from buying protein powder, but am afraid to ask.)
  • AmrOnTop
    AmrOnTop Posts: 52 Member
    ... I could be eating much more protein found in cheaper real food with less calories ... Can't buy protein powder either due to family ...

    You don't like shakes because you're doing them wrong. The point of a protein shake is to reach your protein macro *cheaply* and without the excess calories. If you can do that some other way, do it.

    (I'm puzzled how your family prevents you from buying protein powder, but am afraid to ask.)
    I see your point. Thanks
  • Runcakes
    Runcakes Posts: 92 Member
    It all comes down to personal preference. Most people opt for protein shakes because they're easier and more convenient, but if you can hit your protein requirements by eating real food (and your prefer that) then go for it.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    If you eat a meal with protein in it before training then you will still be digesting the nutrients from this meal for a few hours at least. Therefore, it is even "quicker" than the "quick" liquid protein drink after your workout :wink:

    And no you don't have to eat every 3 hours or whatever to stay anabolic.

    3-4 meals per day evenly spread out seems to be adequate (this could be higher meal frequency if you wanted but obviously less cals per meal). One meal per day with all of your protein is not optimal.
  • p_emmel5
    p_emmel5 Posts: 39 Member
    Need em? No. Handy in filling your daily protein quota? Yes

    I will fall back on my pat answer.... save up your money and see a nutritionist, prefferably one that deals in sports training. Their trained where most of us give it our best college try :wink: Yes, they cost a bit, but they also knock down your learning curve and will eventually save you money when you learn the ropes. Mine has helped me drop my body fat while starting to put on muscle. No brainer for my goals.

    Currently I drink a cup of Kefir Cultured Milk (liquid yogurt) with a scoop of protein powder in it within 15 minutes after my workouts. Maybe an old wives tale, but I have been told doing so gives all the latic acid something to chew on and I won't get as sore. Don't know if its true or in my mind, but I don't get near as sore once I started doing the drink within 15 minutes.

    260 calories/ 29 grams protein in 1 cup
  • Project2015
    Each of us is different, out of preference, I need something easy and quick before school, because I have a small time window between waking up and getting to school. so 1 scoop of protein powder, 8 ounces of almond or coconut milk, or eggs whites, and a half cup of yogurt at times, gets me up and going for the day. But if you're looking for a body builder type body, more protein is always a good way too go. I remain sediment on the idea that you need protein to help your muscles grow and reform. But there is not specific perfect way to get your protein, if a can of tuna is the do it for you, then go for it. everyone is different. Soy produced protein goes through your body in small doses at a time, like a slow release pill, and whey protein goes in more like a rapid release. Body Builders use a lot of whey protein for that rapid release of proteins to the blood stream, and the muscles. helping the growth process. But you also need rest days, specifically the day after an arm day should always be a rest day, and 8 hours of sleep is the scientifically given needed number of hours to have full recovery on your body.
    but the thing is, it's up to you on how and when you get your protein. I promise so long as its in your calorie intake, and meets your protein needs, you'll be fine.