DOMS and leg days

Okay so whenever i have a leg day, i get stiffness/pain/DOMS so bad i can barely walk for the next couple days. I'm not new to lifitng by any means, and it seems i only get DOMS this severe in my legs, and it happens after every leg day. Any thoughts on why my legs seem soooo susceptible to DOMS and what i might be able to do to prevent it. I've tried reducing weight, fewer sets, still always happens. FRUSTRATING!


  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Are you stretching after you lift? If not, that could help.
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    Are you stretching enough after your workout? If stretching isn't enough, maybe look into foam rolling.
  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    Okay so whenever i have a leg day, i get stiffness/pain/DOMS so bad i can barely walk for the next couple days. I'm not new to lifitng by any means, and it seems i only get DOMS this severe in my legs, and it happens after every leg day. Any thoughts on why my legs seem soooo susceptible to DOMS and what i might be able to do to prevent it. I've tried reducing weight, fewer sets, still always happens. FRUSTRATING!

    Do you stretch before and after your workouts? For working out, are your leg routines a different volume then your other muscle groups?
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    You need to reduce the weight even more, then. If your muscles are that sore every time then the weight you're using is too heavy. You should never experience that much pain after any workout. Also, make sure you stretch a lot before/after. :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    How long have you been on your current routine?

    If it has been for quite awhile, it may have to do with your diet, and hydration levels. How big is your deficit, do you hit your protein macro and your micros?

    If the soreness in your tendons or the muscles. If you are going too heavy it might put too much pressure on the tendons and ligaments, they are weaker and slower to strength than your muscles, which is way many beginner programs have you start with the empty bar and add weight every workout
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch. Then stretch some more, maybe a cold shower/bath if you have the facility.

    And warm up.

    But mostly, stretch.
  • kates232
    kates232 Posts: 8 Member
    Up your water intake, and make sure you're doing a proper warm-up and cool-down, with stretching afterward. Try a light jog for 10-15min before you lift, and 10min of walking after. We tend to overlook the importance of this!
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    warm up, foam roll, stretch is about all i do to try to reduce doms.

    leg day doms is always the worst for me too.

    are you taking any BCAAs? ive read that those can help reduce doms as well.
  • gschaadt
    +1 on the foam rollers. Finish with rolling out the quads and IT bands - helps a lot!
  • DannehBoyy
    DannehBoyy Posts: 546 Member
    Maybe you could try some cod liver oil tablets if it's your joints that are stiff? :)
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    I add glutamine before and after leg day. This helps me get enough protein in for quick recovery.
  • Kirk_R
    Kirk_R Posts: 112 Member
    Try lifting more frequently. If you've only got one leg day per week try two. If you've got two now try three.
  • shadyj26
    shadyj26 Posts: 102 Member
    Stretching my legs out after a leg workout always helped me. Also, I like to soak in a tube of hot water to help loosen them back up.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    For me personally stretching and light cardio the day after to get the blood/nutrients/oxygen flowing does wonders for my DOMS.
  • chickeyumass
    chickeyumass Posts: 5 Member
    I do legs every Wednesday morning and I get pain two days later only from lunges under the smith machine (glutes yea!) and inner thigh workouts. I think these muscles remain sore because they are not stretched during my spin classes and fitness walk outings. I've heard that potassium may help. Add a banana to your protein shake?
  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    Haha, looks like everyone has a different approach to DOMS... Here's a checklist for you to simplify your gym needs :D

    1: Take Fish Oil
    2: Drink more
    3: Stretch
    4: Foam Roller
    5: Oh Gawd you're lifting too heavy
    6: Adjust your routine?
    7: Take supplements (glutimate)
    10: Lift more
    11: Lift less

    etc etc etc :D
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    It's the muscles, the joints are okay (with the exception of my surgery knee, but i'm used to that hurting). uggghhhh i HATE stretching and rolling, was hoping for different answers! HATE HATE HATE my roller, it's so painful! Def don't wanna cut back the weights anymore though, was doing 1000 on the leg press at the beginning of the year and now i'm sticking to 500, but no lower.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Okay so whenever i have a leg day, i get stiffness/pain/DOMS so bad i can barely walk for the next couple days. I'm not new to lifitng by any means, and it seems i only get DOMS this severe in my legs, and it happens after every leg day. Any thoughts on why my legs seem soooo susceptible to DOMS and what i might be able to do to prevent it. I've tried reducing weight, fewer sets, still always happens. FRUSTRATING!

    Something that's helped me after a really rough leg day, and helping bring up that conditioning.

    Swimming and yoga. Day after I'll get a good swim in, or a yoga session.
  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    It's the muscles, the joints are okay (with the exception of my surgery knee, but i'm used to that hurting). uggghhhh i HATE stretching and rolling, was hoping for different answers! HATE HATE HATE my roller, it's so painful! Def don't wanna cut back the weights anymore though, was doing 1000 on the leg press at the beginning of the year and now i'm sticking to 500, but no lower.

    There's nothing wrong with DOMS, it's a build up of lactic acid. Lactic acid is easiest removed by any of the following or combination of but not limited to stretching and it's various forms, certain supplements, proper hydration, steam/sauna, brief low intensity cardio following the workout. The real question is if you like your workout, which do you hate more, stretching or DOMS?
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    It's the muscles, the joints are okay (with the exception of my surgery knee, but i'm used to that hurting). uggghhhh i HATE stretching and rolling, was hoping for different answers! HATE HATE HATE my roller, it's so painful! Def don't wanna cut back the weights anymore though, was doing 1000 on the leg press at the beginning of the year and now i'm sticking to 500, but no lower.

    There's nothing wrong with DOMS, it's a build up of lactic acid. Lactic acid is easiest removed by any of the following or combination of but not limited to stretching and it's various forms, certain supplements, proper hydration, steam/sauna, brief low intensity cardio following the workout. The real question is if you like your workout, which do you hate more, stretching or DOMS?
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