DOMS and leg days



  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    It's the muscles, the joints are okay (with the exception of my surgery knee, but i'm used to that hurting). uggghhhh i HATE stretching and rolling, was hoping for different answers! HATE HATE HATE my roller, it's so painful! Def don't wanna cut back the weights anymore though, was doing 1000 on the leg press at the beginning of the year and now i'm sticking to 500, but no lower.

    There's nothing wrong with DOMS, it's a build up of lactic acid. Lactic acid is easiest removed by any of the following or combination of but not limited to stretching and it's various forms, certain supplements, proper hydration, steam/sauna, brief low intensity cardio following the workout. The real question is if you like your workout, which do you hate more, stretching or DOMS?
    This is no longer thought to be correct.

    Nice, been a few years since I looked into the specifics and you're right, lactic acid isn't the supposed culprit although the remedy remains the same. Last time I looked into it acid was all the rage :D
  • mathmatt
    mathmatt Posts: 58 Member
    If you hate stretching, I'll assume you'd hate an ice bath even more. What do you do after you work out (sit in the car and drive to home/work, sit at home/work)? You could try swimming, low resistance biking or walking around for a little bit. Avoid not using your legs for long periods of time. Do things to increase the blood flow to your legs to help speed up the repair the damaged tissue.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Replace "leg day" with a full body workout done every 2-3 days. Problem solved.
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    Before and after for about 15 min each time, I make sure to foam roll. :smooched: it hurts so good!
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Correct, from what I've reading in my physiology class is that lactic acid is not the culprit of DOMS. Here's an intro to the discussion from our text.

    If lactate is not the cause of
    delayed-onset muscle soreness, what
    is the cause? Growing evidence indi-
    cates that this type of muscle soreness
    originates from microscopic injury to
    muscle fibers. This kind of injury
    results in a slow cascade of biochemi-
    cal events leading to inflammation
    and edema within the injured mus-
    cles. Because these events are slow to
    develop, the resulting pain generally
    doesn’t appear until 24 to 48 hours
    after exercise. Details of the events
    leading to delayed-onset muscle sore-
    ness are discussed in chapter 21.

    Since we're talking about injury or damage it's important to focus on recovery. What are some things that help recovery?

    - Nutrition: Appropriate caloric consumption for your goals and activity, adequate protein included. Approximately 1.6kg's to 2kg's per kg of bodyweight.

    - Sleep: Get 7 to 8 hours of good sleep. I've personally found the supplement ZMA to really help my sleep and I can tell a difference between when I do and don't take it. I'm not big on supplements either, but this is one I like.

    - Flexibility: Getting some good stretching and self-myofacial-release in makes a big difference in managing your pain. Personally, I can tell when I get lazy in stretching because my lower back gets sore as hell.

    - Training frequency: What is it? Perhaps it needs to be less? Recovery from exercise is essential if you want to exercise long-term. I think on MFP the most common goal is weight-loss and most users seem to think they need to exercise everyday to lose weight and that's just not the case.
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    I'll just leave this here:

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member

    I just throw myself down the stairs to the basement after leg days.
  • ILuvCupcakesNLifting87
    Not to sound like a b*tch (Ok maybe I am) but I think you need to toughen up! Stretch, drink lots of water the day before & leading up to, stretch, consume adequate protein, invest in a foam roller & some epsom salts for soaking & you'll be good. Today is day 2 after leg day for me & I can barely walk without discomfort. Hitting the gym for arms, shoulders & cardio tonight. No pain no gain. Just sayin'
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Do you do any cardio after leg day?

    The only thing that keeps me from getting insane doms is making sure I finish a bottle of water while walking on the treadmill after my leg day.

    I hate stretching, but it helps.
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    Stretching doesn't help DOMS:

    Massage does seem to help (which is what I guess the foam roller does.)

    I think light exercise the next day does help - like someone said above about walking on a treadmill.