looking for some friends :)

*waves* hiya everyone! I signed up to this site a year or so ago but let it fall to the wayside after I once again "fell off the wagon". However, I'm back now and determined to work hard and get the results I want! Looking for some people to connect with and support through our respective journeys.

Me in a nutshell: 25, lives in Scotland, avid ice hockey fan, and NHS worker! I live at home with my mum, dad, sister and brother, my sister is a teeny wee thing like my mum, and my brother is training to join the Royal Marines so I certainly stick out like a sore thumb in the sibling department ;)

My goal is to lose around 2 stone (edit: 28lbs!) at least before May, which is when my sister, my best friend and I are all travelling to the States to stay with a friend. I don't want to be inwardly cringing when all the pictures appear on Facebook!

Hope everyone reading has had a fantastic weekend, and I'm looking forward to meeting you all!

