Who motivates/inspires you?

One of the reasons weight loss is a constant battle for me is because of a lack of family support - in fact constant family criticism! I'm really glad I found this place, it's been so helpful - I joined a few years ago but this is the first time I've really made an effort to log - and the first time I've used the community tools.

I'm also lucky to have a fabulous OH who is not only inspirational, as he's very athletic, but also so supportive. After a very abusive nasty awful relationship where I was constantly put down, told I was fat and my food intake was monitored by him, I feel super lucky.


  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    Me. I haven't expected one iota of help from anyone else, and I've done it all by myself (plus some browsing around MFP and other sites like Harvard Nutrition Source). The only help/support I've had from family is DH who has basically left me to get on with it (so, no negatives!). He asked me once how he could help, and I just asked him please not to to put food on my plate or try to feed me (it's a gentleman thing, he feels he has to offer).

    But, that's me. I'm a very self-motivated/quietly-stubborn kinda person, outside "help" would distract me.
  • Weightlossdude53
    Weightlossdude53 Posts: 70 Member
    My wife and older daughter don't really ask me anything about my weight-loss or how the gym was. There are friends/acquaintances that do. I am inspired by the people that I see at the gym on a regular basis even though I have never formally met them.