Another I'm not losing whine



  • Jennifer10723
    Jennifer10723 Posts: 374 Member
    Have you added new exercises to your workouts recently?

    I have added squats .. lol. I started a squat challenge. I am joining every challenge I can find to try and help! lol
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    You have lost 26 pounds...have you recalculated your calories to take into consideration the weight that you've lost?
  • sbjmorgan
    sbjmorgan Posts: 158 Member
    I'm going through this right now and guess what... I'm bigger than you! But I can feel my body changing and I'm putting my all into workouts until I break through. It's going to happen for me and you! Sorry about the diet bet though, ugh!
  • Jennifer10723
    Jennifer10723 Posts: 374 Member
    You have lost 26 pounds...have you recalculated your calories to take into consideration the weight that you've lost?

    I joined the DietBet on Sept.1 and started doing the 1200 calories with 250 calorie burn. So that with that adjustment I don't think I can go lower.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Have you added new exercises to your workouts recently?

    I have added squats .. lol. I started a squat challenge. I am joining every challenge I can find to try and help! lol

    When people add resistance to their routine, oftentimes they will retain water, initially. I seriously would not be bothered by this...When I started lifting I couldn't get the scale to budge and was pretty frustrated, but it did, finally, and while it wasn't linear by a long shot (I encountered some pretty frustrating stalls along the way), I tweaked and adjusted intake until things started moving along again... :)
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    You have lost 26 pounds...have you recalculated your calories to take into consideration the weight that you've lost?

    I joined the DietBet on Sept.1 and started doing the 1200 calories with 250 calorie burn. So that with that adjustment I don't think I can go lower.

    No, that's for sure...just wanted to check, because sometimes people forget to recalculate.

    ETA...So you're eating 1200 + the 250 burn, or 950 net?
  • Jennifer10723
    Jennifer10723 Posts: 374 Member
    950 Net usually .. sometimes a bit more, but I try not to go over 1050 net
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    950 Net usually .. sometimes a bit more, but I try not to go over 1050 net

    So there is definitely some padding there....Fine tuning the calories is such a pain in the *kitten* to me, LOL...drove/drives me nuts.

    Seriously, though, I would give it a little more time and see what happens...
  • Jennifer10723
    Jennifer10723 Posts: 374 Member
    Thanks so much. I appreciate the help. I don't have anyone to bounce things off .. so this helps.
  • Jennifer10723
    Jennifer10723 Posts: 374 Member
    FINALLY dropped 1.5 pounds! You guys that said I should eat more were RIGHT!! Who knew.

    Just thought I would update and thank those that took the time to reply to me!