15 kg !!!


Im looking to talk to someone, who needs to lose similar weight as me (~15 kg). Also I would love to talk to people, who are really highly motivated and dont struggle too much. I think we should just start now and do it till the end, without making it a one-year-project. Of course, I can also be supportive in hard times.

About me - I care much about my health and I dont want to keep carrying this weight with me, it takes my energy, positivity and happiness away. I drink 2 - 3 litres of water each day + sometimes fresh orange juice. Im planning to concentrate max on fruits and vegetables, as I actually love them so much, I just feel myself too lazy to cook.I am planning to eat around 1200 calories, but its not so strict. I dont eat pizza, burgers, candies.. my weaknesses is alcohol, white bread and sometimes... eating too much.

I love sports, but I feel too ugly and fat to even go out and walk and show myself to people, so I hope to lose some weight first with changing my eating habbits.

Write me if you would like to follow similar plan, I am looking for good and supportive friend :)

sorry for mistakes, Im not a native speaker.
