Anyone else already thinking about next year's bikini body?



  • wissabear
    wissabear Posts: 62 Member
    Of course I am! I started a little too late to do it this summer. But next summer I will be rocking a bikini!
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    Bikini body no, beach body yes. Found out that my HS is having a 25 year reunion next August so its another way to motivated and focused.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Next year? There's lingerie to be worn in the winter, no?

    But, seriously, I got out of that vicious cycle by finding a workout routine I love and do year round so that I stay in shape year round. For those who are aspiring to wear a bikini, start lifting heavy!
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
    yes!! im going to visit family in portugal and have had ppl call me fat, and now that i lost weight i wanna tone up the flabby tummy and show off my new body in a banging bikini! i started weight training so hopefully by next august, ill be :)
  • choosing_fitness
    Hi guys, looking for young women like myself who perhaps don't have too much weight to lose but want to reach their perfect body (as "perfect" as they can be at least) by next summer.

    So at the moment I'd say I'm what they call "skinny fat" (?) but on the bigger side. Haha. As in, with clothes on I look sort of slim-ish with slightly chunkier legs and bigger hips than other girls my height and weight, but underneath it all I have a little bit of tummy, still have small love handles and a wobbly bum and thighs.

    Current weight and size is 125 lbs and UK 8 on top half and UK 10 on bottom half.

    I am getting happier finally, but not fully satisfied and happy yet. My goal is about 110-115 lbs, or whatever weight it takes to get rid of all the extra flab (goal UK size 6-8 on top and UK 8 on bottom). I would also then like to tone, which might involve putting on a few pounds of muscle weight.

    (I think UK sizes are 4 numbers above US, for all the Americans who might not know :) So UK 8 is US 4..?)

    This year I looked pretty ok in a bikini… but there was a lot more wobble and bumps than there should have been. I was heavier actually in July/August though at about 130-132 lbs. I'm also 5"3'.

    Anyway yeah was wondering if there's any girls similar out there?

    We are VERY similar! Friend me? :)
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I equate this post with...

    "what's YOUR New Year's Resolution?"
  • brittyn3
    brittyn3 Posts: 481 Member
    Hopefully by summer next year, I'll be well into maintenance. I applaud your motivation and goal! Though, I never understand people that get "fluffy" (not saying you did OP) over the winter and then spend all summer losing it just to head back to winter. Butttttt - to each their own, as long as everyone is getting healthy!

    Cheers to an active Fall/Winter until Summerrrrrrr
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Next year? Heck, I have a wedding to attend in Puerto Rico in October. I have a scant 4 weeks to get as close as I am going to get!!!

    I hear ya...I leave in 3 weeks for my vacation to Hawaii...I'm doing Insanity to tighten up beforehand and 1 week in, I'm starting to notice a difference already, and I've lost 2 lbs...good luck to you too!