Pilates or Yoga?

I have been doing 20 minutes on the treadmill on the am but I also want to add a little more!!! For those of you that have done Yoga and Pilates please let me know what you like best and what you see results with :tongue: Thank you very much!!! Also I bought a pair of Shape up shoes!! How do you like them?


  • craigh04
    craigh04 Posts: 31 Member
    I have a really good video that has a mixture between the two. It's called Yogalates. I really enjoy it. I also do a straight Yoga as well.
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    I'd like to try yoga or pilates, also? Which one is better to help with flexibility?
  • armywifeinpink
    I prefer pilates to yoga, mainly because its a little bit more upbeat and you move around alot more...it just mainly depends on if you are looking for something to do stretching and relaxing only or if you are looking for a little bit more than that. :)
  • armywifeinpink
    I'd like to try yoga or pilates, also? Which one is better to help with flexibility?

    Yoga would be better for flexibility....Pilates is for muscle endurance as well as some flexibility, but yoga focuses more on that.
  • Larry7995
    The Pilates class at my gym is a killer ab workout among other things, I would hate to ever give that particular class up.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i dig pilates. in the classes i go to, you are in motion the entire time, but it's very fluid and relaxing motion - not like boot camp or aerobics. it has helped my flexibility, my core muscles, and i find it very relaxing. i've been to a couple of yoga classes, but it seems to be a lot of sitting around if you aren't already crazy-flexible, which i'm not! and, i thought it was pretty boring. but there are a *ton* of yoga fans too, so i would just try out both and see what does it for you more.
  • ropedancer
    I prefer pilates, because it's great ab workout. I struggle a bit with yoga because I have problems with my wrists and arms and find a few of the moves to be a little uncomfortable.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Try a couple of classes of both and see which one you like better.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    My vote is for yoga! But I have anxiety problems and yoga helps me tremendously with that..

    Don't be fooled, though. If you do the right routine, yoga will increase muscle strength as well as pilates. :-)
  • hellokittyhorror
    hellokittyhorror Posts: 70 Member
    Hi there,
    I saw that someone put that they thought yoga was boring. I actually think pilates is more boring. But perhaps I haven't had the right instructor. Yoga just seems a lot more interesting with respect to different types. And then even within one style, such as vinyasa, you have a lot of variety of postures.
  • hellokittyhorror
    hellokittyhorror Posts: 70 Member
    Hi there,
    I saw that someone put that they thought yoga was boring. I actually think pilates is more boring. But perhaps I haven't had the right instructor. Yoga just seems a lot more interesting with respect to different types. And then even within one style, such as vinyasa, you have a lot of variety of postures.
  • itsmerobin
    I've done both, and I like yoga better. It also depends on what type of yoga you practice. For instance, hatha yoga is really slow and holds each asana longer. Some types have different variations of the vinyasa flow, so there's more movement involved in those.