Ridicule at the gym?



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    There is someone at my local Y that is pretty open about ridiculing others, it's pretty damned depressing when he's there.

    No one says a damn thing because he's a cop (and on anabolics.)
  • vicbre2010
    vicbre2010 Posts: 33 Member
    Good post & I agree with you. A lot of my friends like to go to the gym between midnight & 5am because less people are there and they feel less intimidated by all the fit bodies & staring. I go at that time because I hate crowds and get to choose the machines I want to use and can exercise in peace. No one should feel awkward or uncomfortable at the gym. We are all there for the same reason, to get fit, healthy & maintain a healthy body.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    (I like to zone out and listen to music while I lift, and he kept saying "you need to smile! You're bringing down the energy of the room!")

    GOD that is irritating. Like you need to smile every second of the day. I know what you mean, he was badly flirting but really, get a clue, right?

    OT- I hate this soooo much... I am usually thinking of a million things at one time and smiling is the last thing on my mind.
    Exactly. I have resting b*tch face anyway, and I'm fine with that. If I saw someone just randomly smiling in between sets, I would think they were a lunatic.
    Heh, already quoted your first post to mention the resting b1tch face that I'm "blessed" with, glad there are more of us in the boat!
  • DBBA21
    DBBA21 Posts: 104 Member
    Very interesting posts!

    I have been a member of a number of gyms (2 in 12 years) and over that time have had snide comments made behind my back & to my face. It does happen it's not always 'self imagined'

    " don't worry she won't be here after January her good intentions will have gone"

    " I'll move as you obviously need more space in the class being so big" I actually left the class at that point!

    " you'll never be able to do it at your size'

    " look at the state of that"

    The stares and looks I don't mind most of the time and I do enjoy watching their faces drop when I do the yoga poses so much better than them. But some times when I'm a little down the looks and comments do hurt! I have as much right as anyone to be there. I do not comment on them walking round posing or comment on their choices I get on with my workout and zone them out.

    I have not given up going to the gym I have made lots of good friends there .

    But to answer the question yes in some gyms it happens some days it is difficult to carry on when someone takes a verbal pop at you.
  • hartmamp
    hartmamp Posts: 80 Member
    I had someone mimic me once. I'm sure I looked silly, I was doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution on silent so I could listen to music on my iPod. I was "jumping rope" and a girl nearby started jumping spastically and laughing with her friends. They left immediately after that, and I haven't seen her since.

    I'm not a "large" or obviously overweight person, so it doesn't just happen if you're fat, etc. It happens because people are just rude!
  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member
    Never had that happen at the gym and when people tell stories, they always seem to be made up in their head because THEY FEEL intimidated, not because they are actually being intimidated.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Does it count as intimidating behavior if the person on the treadmill in front of you farts several times? Like to the point where you have to decide if you want to smell it or taste it. If so, then yes, I've been intimidated at the gym.

    LMAO!! I apologize...that may have been me. (Guilty as charged.) My gut sometimes has a mind of it's own. ;-)

    Or wear deodorant. I understand that some people don't wear it at all..but when you're on the treadmill....it's not very pleasant for anyone in the vicinity. I have a severe sensitivity to smell, sometimes to the point of nausea, and I had to decide whether to be rude and abruptly leave the treadmill and appear rude, or stay and deal with it.

    I ended up moving, but I did feel kind of bad. Personal hygiene should be mandatory in life, but even more so at the gym.

    And I've never heard any negativity, everyone, I mean EVERYONE is headphoned out..nobody talks :)
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Does it count as intimidating behavior if the person on the treadmill in front of you farts several times? Like to the point where you have to decide if you want to smell it or taste it. If so, then yes, I've been intimidated at the gym.

    LMAO!! I apologize...that may have been me. (Guilty as charged.) My gut sometimes has a mind of it's own. ;-)

    Or wear deodorant. I understand that some people don't wear it at all..but when you're on the treadmill....it's not very pleasant for anyone in the vicinity. I have a severe sensitivity to smell, sometimes to the point of nausea, and I had to decide whether to be rude and abruptly leave the treadmill and appear rude, or stay and deal with it.

    I ended up moving, but I did feel kind of bad. Personal hygiene should be mandatory in life, but even more so at the gym.

    And I've never heard any negativity, everyone, I mean EVERYONE is headphoned out..nobody talks :)

    Do you normally wear deodorant in your butt?
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    I agree, it's the people with the most to lose who inspire me the most at the gym. I admire them for having the courage to step foot in a gym and start the journey. They deserve our cheers and admiration!:flowerforyou:
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    Im sure it does happen though i wasn't saying it doesn't when i replied earlier. I just don't see it happening when I am there I guess? However, sometimes I do get a cold vibe from a lot of them so I'm just like pfft whatever brah/chick-I got this-and i do- :) (ok ego calm yourself woosah, wooooooosah):bigsmile:
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    (I like to zone out and listen to music while I lift, and he kept saying "you need to smile! You're bringing down the energy of the room!")

    GOD that is irritating. Like you need to smile every second of the day. I know what you mean, he was badly flirting but really, get a clue, right?

    OT- I hate this soooo much... I am usually thinking of a million things at one time and smiling is the last thing on my mind.
    Exactly. I have resting b*tch face anyway, and I'm fine with that. If I saw someone just randomly smiling in between sets, I would think they were a lunatic.
    Heh, already quoted your first post to mention the resting b1tch face that I'm "blessed" with, glad there are more of us in the boat!
    Oh wow would that make me upset-i never smile LOL- something to know about me when I am alone I never smile-ever…it would be weird…like i was looney or something. maybe fake a crooked smile and even then no…HAHA I would literally say Will you go away? and if i wasn't being left alone-go! o away! HAHA LEAVE ME ALOOOONE ARRRG hehe
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Did it ever occur to you that the people who are "intimidated" may be the problem? Look at Planet Fitness commercials. No one is intimidating anyone. It's a fit person's very existence that some people find intimidating. That's a bad mindset to be in.
    TLIVIGNSTON Posts: 81 Member
    just put your head phones in and smash away. that way no one can even initiate a pass.